Presents to make and writing to send in the target language for Mothers Day

Presents to make and writing to send in the target language for Mothers Day .........


t's nearly Mothers Day and I decided that the schools we work in should as always celebrate Mother's Day in the target languages .

We create simple cards and gifts for all the children to take home to their favourite carer !

These ideas from 


 can only but inspire everyone  no matter which language you teach . It was the la fête de grand -mère on 2 March 2014 in France but why could we use the ideas below to celebrate our Mother's Day this year?

If you teach French then all the better because you can use the lesson with the older children in KS2 as a reading and following instructions and pictures activity.

Take a look at what you could make and then read my ideas on how you could develop a  target language writing activity linked to the present :

instructions for the bouquet of flowers in French

Bouquet of flowers 

On each petal of each flower the children  can write one letter of their message to wish their mum or carer "Happy Mother's Day " in the target language and say that they love them!

instructions for the photo frame

Photo Frame

A picture in the frame is pretty obvious but what about the children thinking of all the adjectives that describe their mum/ carer the best and looking these up in a bi-lingual dictionary or using a word frame .The children can  fill the frame with all the kind and caring adjectives and phrases they can find and think of for their mum/ carer . With UKS2 children encourage them to use adjectival agreement carefully for their female carer  . 

instructions for the boite d'amour

Boite d'amour

Ask the children to trace around their boite d'amour template and then make a card template which they should cut out and  draw around  on paper three times so that have  three paper  heart shapes that will fit in the boite d'amour

On each heart shape they should on one side write a simple "I like" sentence about something the child likes to do with their mum or favourite carer e.g. "I like to go for a walk with you  " " I like to listen to music with you"   "I like to cook with you " , "I like to play football with you " 

You should brainstorm these phrases first and make a collection on the flip chart or whiteboard .

On the other side of the heart they should draw a picture to represent what they have attempted to say in the target language on the heart .

Put all the hearts picture side up in the box and give as  a present on Mother's Day . 

And then don't forget to read for the children the most marvellous story in the third person singular about why "Mum " is a super hero according to the story by the wonderful Anthony Browne  

In French..................

In Spanish.................

story clip

In German .................

Creating magic with personalities and adjectival agreement

Creating magic with personalities and adjectival agreement !

We want to help all our young learners in UKS2 understand the use of Grammar to speak and write correctly . We are taking a "magical " approach with adjectival agreement and describing ourselves in  our Year 6 focus on presentations about ourselves .

We are about to look at adjectival agreement with adjectives to describe our personal qualities . We have looked at adjectival agreement before with clothes and animals but somehow this is different and more personal!
So I have been trying to think of ways to make this a physical learning activity and this is what I have created .

You will need:
2 A4 cards ,six small word cards , a large envelope and some blu-tac
The children will need whiteboards and a piece of paper for their draft tweets

One A4 card has a picture of a boy on it and you are going to add the phrase in the target language "I am ....." 

The second A4 has a picture of a girl on it and again you will add the phrase in the target language "I am 

You just need to add some target language. Here's on of the cards I use 

  You then have two sets of adjectives that can describe someone - pick regular adjectives where the ending will change letter when used with the girl for example ……………..

 Put the feminine agreement adjectives in the envelope and on the front of the envelope draw a large magic wand. 

 At the start of the lesson , explain that the class are going to try describing themselves. Can the class be your language detectives?
Show the class the magic envelope , blu-tac this to the wall and say that the class are going to help you to do  some "language magic"

Show the children the key adjectives with no agreement and practise the pronunciation of the key adjectives.
Discuss the meaning and add actions  .
Create with the class the facial expressions for each quality – what might a “strongman” look like facially? How do you look when you are shy etc?
With the class perform an  adjectival expressions face warm up . This involves the children moving their face to express the emotion or quality e.g. clever/ shy/ strong etc as you call them out. Make the activity quicker and quicker by saying the adjectives faster and faster

Second :
Give out a picture card of a girl to a girl and a picture card of a boy to a boy and ask them to stand at the front .
At the bottom of each card is written "I am  ...."  in the target language . Explain that this means "I am ...." . Can the class practise this with you.
It's two sounds-  so ask the children to practise the sounds with you and add two points of a finger at themselves - one for each sound .
Can they sound proud … they are making   announcement   about themselves. Ask them to say it at least 5 times each time more confidently  !

Now add an adjective   e.g. "I am strong"  . (Children should also do the actions - two points of finger for "I am "  and facial expression for adjective). Can they sound like the “strong man”, the shy person , the intelligent person etc .

Ask them to share the way they say the statements with a partner.
Practise asking the question “What are you like?”
Can the children ask and answer the question around their  tables- just using the phrases you have practised as a class?

Play Physical Quiz Quiz Swap .
Each person says and performs as above one of the three phrases – all masculine adjectival agreement for now.
They walk round the room , shake hands with another child- say and act out their statement and they  must  take on the statement and the actions of the other child and move on to a new partner saying this new statement and with these new actions . The Quiz Quiz Swap starts again!

Show the children a  masculine agreement adjective  word card - so  one  of the words you have already practised and shown them . Introduce all three words and ask for three volunteers to stand to the left of the child holding the picture of the boy 

 Can the class help you say and then write three sentences about the boy in first person singular e.g. “ je suis  fort “ ?  You are all going to write these sentences   in the air with imaginary magic wands . All the words they need are on the cards that they can see at the front of the classroom   ? 
Now can the children tell a partner what they wrote in the air.
Take feedback and listen to sentences from volunteers

Now ask them why you have a picture of a girl with the same phrase?

Give them a clue and say it's all to do with the magic in the envelope and point to the envelope you blu-tacked to the wall

Ask them to discuss possibilities with a partner.
Take feedback - don't give any answers away yet though!
Ask them to discuss with a partner  which  words they could they use from the boys sentences about the girl ? 
Do they think they can say a sentence using the girl not the boy . They will say sentences that they wrote in the masculine etc . Agree with them but show them the  envelope with the magic wand on it the correct spelling of the adjective - so from the envelope you will produce the card with the feminine agreement spelling of each of the three adjectives . Ask three volunteers to stand to left of girl . Can the class spot spelling changes i.e. the extra letter? 
Can the class help you make a simple  rule  to help the class ? Ask them to discuss this first  with a partner .

Blu-tac the two pictures to flip chart with the three correctly agreed adjectives (masculine or feminine) to the left of the correct picture

 Make it a class challenge. Ask the children to write a statement as if they were the boy on their whiteboards - I might start with air writing again as this is non-threatening and inclusive.
Repeat the activity with the girl 
Ask the children to share with the class what they have written . write two correct examples on the whiteboard .
Look at the rule and highlight the added letter.
Ask the class if they had to write the spell on the magic wand what would it be - effectively you want the class to help you to write the rule they have been practising. I would write this up on a magic wand template and place this on our languages working wall - to remind them.

To you class Magic wand add a  tag that says "Our class magic rule for the spelling of adjectives when describing a person is ……………………”

Can they write one sentence about themselves?
Firstly let them write sentences with the words on the board .
Secondly remove the words as they become more competent and encourage independence .
Thirdly  introduce two new regular agreement adjectives and let  them practise using these  adjectives and direct the class as to whether they are describing a male or a female by placing the adjective next to either A4 boy or girl picture card 
Fourthly can they write two more sentences about themselves? .
Extend the activity….., can they write a truthful sentence about themselves and use a bi-lingual dictionary to find the word to describe themselves  and add an adjectival ending if  necessary.

And finally….
Set up a draft tweet activity ...our children love the draft tweets .
Can they write a draft tweet dialogue between two characters- one tweet per person in the dialogue . Ask the children to select a favourite character from a book -one male character and one female character or a famous character from a history project  or two imaginary characters from an Art  project . Can they think of a personality trait . Can they remember how to ask the question “What are you like? Can they write the name phrase to introduce the character “I am called ……”. 
Each child should attempt to write one tweet from the boy and one tweet from the girl in first person singular . Keep to regular agreement adjectives . Give the children a list to select from Remind them they only have 140 characters!

And as a follow up ...
Why not create a two sided concertina character .I was inspired by this cartoon on this site educationcenter. com 

I would put a male and female head on this character . One side would be male and one side would be female . I would ask the children using the same set of regular ending adjectives to complete the concertina character as above but in the target language for the female concertina character on one side and on the other side for the male concertina character

Spanish KS1 ,Going Bear Hunting Rhyme and Game

Spanish KS1  ,Going Bear Hunting Rhyme and Game

Suish suash, glo glo glorogló
Plochi plochi plop
Túpiti túpiti tap , suu, uuuu
Tipi tip tipi tip
İAhhhhhhhh!  İEs un oso!

        The children are going normally going to listen to the story vamos a cazar un oso when we play this Going on a bear hunt rhyme and game .
But they love it so much that we often play it just for fun!


      Our children practise their numbers first .
3.       We set up a path of numbers across the classroom and the children step carefully across the path of numbers in a line. The numbers are repeated so we have three paths of numbers of  1-10 .the children sing / chant the numbers as they walk until the teacher calls stop!  The teacher calls out a number and if a child is stood on that number then they are out of the game and caught by the imaginary bear ! The teacher can call put more than one number.
4.       How many bear hunters will we have left after we have played the game three times
5.       Once we feel the children know their numbers well enough, we ask them to put on their bear hunter kit ( imaginary hat , binoculars , wellington boots) and we pretend to go out to see what the terrain is like .
6.        For each of the terrains – as in the book – we have a sound to represent  the terrain

Suish suash glo glo glorogló = river
Plochi plochi plop= mud
Túpiti túpiti tap= forest and owls
Suu, uuuu= snow storm
Tipi tip tipi tip = inside a cave

7.       We need to become good explorers , so we practise the sounds and add actions
8.       We ask the children to close their eyes and come with us on an imaginary journey through the different terrains .The teacher  tells the  story in English of their journey and the children join in  with sounds that “colour” in the terrain that is described . they are the sound effects.
9.       Now they are finally ready to become” Bear explorers “! They need to practise the rhyme , remember their actions and their numbers  too …..but when they get to the end of the rhyme they need to listen out for you to shout out / whisper / say very quickly etc the final line İAhhhhhhhh!  İEs un oso!

10.   When they hear you say the final line, they must freeze frame and stay very still until you have counted backwards very slowly from 10-1. If they move then the bear will catch them!

Châteaux et chevaliers

Châteaux et chevaliers!

This sequence of activity based around French castles and creating our own class chevaliers was inspired by a tweet by Emilie


 who works with 

Janet Lloyd Network

in a 

primary school teaching French, where language learning  is a part of the whole school creative curriculum model . Her challenge this half term is to link language learning to the year group focus : “Castles” .

I have created a sequence  of language learning suitable for UKS2 French with listening , speaking , reading and writing  performance and DT .

Activities below can take your class on a journey to France , to the Loire , along the Loire and the castles , inside a creepy castle and to meet knights and give these French chevalier personalities , equipment and physical descriptions . You can mix and match activities to suit your class focus and they all lead to the creation of your own class chevaliers! 

Stage One : Les châteaux de la Loire

Pretty obvious place to start. Here is an evocative clip from You Tube introducing les châteaux  de la Loire

We love using child friendly maps of France to bring the country nearer to the children, with symbols and 

information they want to know. Often in UKS2 we will use these maps alongside Atlas work looking at the geographical features of the country .

For this focus we need to locate the Loire on a map Below are two of favourite child friendly maps of France 

Languages Sticker company map of France


la jolie ronde map of France

We sometimes take a virtual visit via google maps and their v

isites virtuelles 360 France

Once you have watched the video clip with the children , located the Loire on one of the child friendly maps and taken a virtual tour of the Loire and the castles via google maps , then it’s time to ask the children to annotate with Art work a simple map of the Loire valley and the châteaux. You could use a map like this one and allow the children to decide how they want to annotate five castles along the Loire

map of the castles of the Loire

This stage can also include the joining in and practise of an authentic French comptine: “Ah mon beau château


Build a cardboard castle

And what about following French instructions to work in pairs and create castles of our own for a class display from teteamodeler !

fabriquer un chateau

Stage Two : Stepping inside the castle

Take the children on a story journey into a creepy castle, and listen to the wonderful Dark Dark Tale in French. You find a clip of the story on You Tube , search for "


ne histoire sombre , très sombre"

This French school’s website below has a wonderful PDF of  step by step activities linked to literacy which may like to try:

une historie sombre PDF

You could come back to this castle and the creepy story once you have learned about the knights who might have lived there …..Children love changing what is in the box at the end of the story and this time it could be something linked to the knights’ equipment or characteristics etc that  the children are about to  learn about .

Stage Three : les chevaliers

Who are the chevaliers ?

Introduce the class to these wonderful 

cartes de chevaliers

Play Quiz Quiz Swap and investigate names and personalities

Each child can be one of the Knights from a selection you decide of 6 cards from this pack .The children can practise introducing themselves as the different knights . I would select five or six so that we can  practise the names as a class and look at their portraits and decide how they would bow or introduce themselves flamboyantly . 

Now give each child one of the 6 cards you selected . You will need enough for each child The children can walk around the room with a card and play Quiz Quiz Swap (just ask a question – name – give a response – name of knight – swap cards and move on). 

Play this a second time and build  dialogues ( ask and answer questions about names , (pick a castle from Loire) where someone lives , how are they feeling and make sure to add a greeting and a farewell )

Hold "listen ins " where the class need to stop and listen to a dialogue between two of the children who deliver their dialogue  performing as the knights would do and then the class restarts the conversations and the Quiz  Quiz Swap  game. 


tage Four : Jousting

Knights and jousting go together  ! So we could go back and revisit familiar language and families of words during this unit by introducing an ongoing “jousting match” between tables of children that takes place for five minutes during the period of time in the term that we are working on our theme of chevaliers . Each table is given one of the knight's names from the cartes de chevaliers as their table's knight .

Jousting is between tables or as an "in front of the class" competition. A class “jousting league table “ is required , to record points that the  “chevaliers” win . If one table wins a joust it gains 3 points , if it’s a draw then both tables of chevaliers gain one point.  Set up table jousting matches where the tables have to select a knight to go into battle with a knight from the other table. These are games where each player speaks  alternately  e.g. I speak , then you speak , then I speak etc.

Hesitation means the other knight wins!

The jousts could be   based on the following …


Saying the months in chronological order.


Saying the months in alphabetical order


Say the months from December backwards


Counting in twos from 0-30


Counting backwards from 30


Saying the days of the week in alphabetical order


Stage Five : Knights and parts of the body calligrams

Revisit the parts of the body that the children already know and introduce new nouns you may need for the following parts :heart, brain, body

What type of body does a knight need to be the best? 

Here are a few suggestions…

A brave heart

Powerful  body

Fast legs

Strong arms

Clever brain

This is an opportunity to work with the children on the physical attributes of a knight and to look at the position and agreement of adjectives after nouns.

Working in pairs ask the children to investigate with bi-lingual dictionaries the key adjectives and to find the gender of the key parts of the body that are needed to describe their knights .

Build your own class chevalier

Draw round a child and then stick the outline to the wall . This will be your class knight and will work as a memory prompt , a working wall and a focus for other stages as we build our class chevalier

  1. Give out key body parts and ask children to place them in correct positions on the outline
  2. Give out the key adjectives  as cards to other volunteers Where do they think the adjectives fit best? 
  3. Now ask a final group of   children to add any adjectival agreement they think is necessary to the adjectives and/ or to move the adjectives around if they think they fit better next to a different part of the body.

Last knight standing

Ask the class to help you decide upon an action for each physical description and then play our favourite type of bingo “Last knight standing” .

Ask the children to freeze frame in an action linked to the physical description. Call out a physical description and any children freeze framed in this action is out and must sit down Knights remaining must change their freeze frame action and play the game again. Who will be the last knight standing


Knight calligrams

Give out the outlines of the knights . Here’s a simple knight template

knight template for calligram

Ask the children to create a calligram of the physical description of the knight you have built .

Stage Six : Personality of knight

Set the scene with this wonderful song. Thanks to 


for this suggestion by the way! Chevalier de table ronde 

Today we are creating personalities for the knights. 

Children need bi-lingual dictionaries to look up the French meaning of   key adjectives to describe their ultimate knight e.g. brave, kind, trustworthy etc that you have written on the flipchart. 

Collate the list after the activity on your flipchart or whiteboard.  

Play Chinese whispers with the attributes

Create a memory game with the attributes  with children working in groups of six where they have to say what was said before and something for themselves and include the phrase

Now the children need to create in their best medieval handwriting on a scroll template an advertisement for  a new knight.

They have the language  to physically describe a knight , say what personality attributes he must have and they have the key phrase “Je cherche un chevalier qui est ……” .You will need to help the children to say also “Je cherche un chevalier qui a ….+ physical description

Stage Seven : The armoury of  knight

Look at the possible equipment a knight might need :



equipement du chevalier

Select from this equipment key language to create a game of 


First equip your class chevalier

Using the large outline you drew of a knight and physical description ask the children to help you using pictures , cognate recognition and bi-lingual dictionaries to decide where you should now add the equipment for the knight that you have selected  .

Introduce each item to be placed on your knight by saying “le chevalier porte……”

The volunteer who comes to place the equipment on the knight must say the complete phrase too.

Now play lotto – who will be the winning knight?

Finally have a game

of table armour beetle drive

with six pieces of armour that the children need to win for their own knight’s template (use the templates from the knights’ calligrams) . The children must take it in turns to throw a dice, name the item they throw which is linked to that number – picture and number clearly displayed at the front of the classroom - and then draw the item in  the correct place on their template. If they throw a number that they have already thrown they mustn’t draw anything and wait until their next turn  . First person to complete the armour wins the game . They must tell their table what their knight is wearing

“Le chevalier porte ……………!”

Stage Eight : The identity of our class chevalier!

You are now ready to create an identity for your class knight .

Ask the children in pairs or on tables to create an identity for the unnamed class knight

He needs a name , a castle where he lives , a physical description , a description of his armour and a description of his personality .

You will have to decide whether the class is ready to write in the third person singular or if you want to ask the children to write in the first person singular as if they are the knight.

The children need to present their descriptions to the class and the class needs to vote on the best knights description , marking it on the following : pronunciation, 

fluency , 

interesting description 

( each area can be awarded a maximum of 5 points ) . 

Which descriptions win? 

From these descriptions which one will the class decide to keep when they hear them one more time?

And finally

Following the instructions here your class chevalier needs to have a selection of shields in his armoury! The shields  are to be made by every child and then used as display around the chevalier , displaying their handwritten descriptions of the class chevalier that they created with a partner

un bouclier

Performance as a vehicle to support Transition between Stages of language learning

Performance as a vehicle to support Transition between Stages of language learning
Language learning seems to me to be a stage by stage process. 
As a learner we like the familiar to build upon when we are first learning a language and we enjoy exploring how versatile a small amount of language knowledge can be.Throughout the JLN KS2 SOW there are opportunities to take part in performance, to use performance to demonstrate understanding of a written text and to add character to a sketch or text by adding character, attitude and voice .Sometimes it’s just about adding English stage directions with early learners who don’t have sufficient language knowledge to do this in the target language .This activity in itself links well with Literacy at KS2 and developing dialogues and play scripts.

Performance therefore seems a bridge in my opinion between KS2 and KS3 that the children can take forward into their secondary school language learning and see this as natural progresson .
Working with a secondary school and its cluster primary schools I asked the Secondary HOD to commit to revisiting and using plays and sketches with Y7 in Autumn term that all the children in the cluster schools had practised with their own Y6 class teachers during the Summer term .Most of the children in the cluster schools worked in French and some of the children worked in Spanish.  The children we decided would not necessarily all want to stand up and perform comedy sketches based on simple core language in front of their new perhaps unfamiliar peers. They would however be happy to revisit and perform in groups the sketches – giving the secondary teachers an opportunity for some valuable AfL : pronunciation, recall and with a few additional phrases how well children could understand and cope with unfamiliar language .
It’s worked so well , that the Y6 teachers want to spend time working on the sketches .The children are delighted that their work has been valued and taken seriously and the HOD reports that his staff found it an invaluable learning opportunity . By this he means what his staff learned about the new Y7 language learners .The best bit of it all is probably the value the secondary language  department put on the learning as they invited the children to volunteer to take part in performances of their sketches plus additional language etc at the Y6 Open Evening in early October!

And this year?
Well that’s why I am writing this blog page….because we are at the point in the Y6 learning year where we will begin to prepare them for future language learning in our schools. We review and revisit their knowledge , create presentation and after Easter the Y6 teachers will weave the sketches through their language learning .The teachers may also celebrate the end of a stage in language learning by selecting some groups' sketches for the End of Year Y6 Farewell Assembly .They facilitate this learning knowing that it is valued by the local High School . The HOD wants to showcase the sketches again this year and to develop further the AfL opportunities .
Having their work valued means that the primary school teachers themselves are very happy to sit down with myself and the MFL department this March and share more of their children's learning. A mutual respect is developing between colleagues who will use a learning activity as vehicle by which to move the children from one stage to the next in their learning.

I started the blog by saying that language learning is a "stage by stage process"and in my opinion here is an ideal vehicle by which to prepare children in KS3 , 4 and 5 to explore authentic texts,films and plays in the target language and it all starts so simply …… in KS2!


Conveying emotions with UKS2 through Art and mirror mime drama

Conveying feelings through Art 

I love pinterest  and whilst looking on some boards today I found this idea based on the picture of the Mona Lisa , which someone has used to portray feelings and emotions.It inspired me to explore emotions through Art , Drama and creative outcomes!

Mona Lisa and feelings

With Year 6 in French, Spanish and German this half term we will be exploring personalities. I think the idea of  assuming the character of people in famous pieces of Art and then exploring how they might look if they were angry , sad, happy , bored, friendly etc adds an exciting and creative dimension!

Here's what we will do .....

1. Find art that contains portraits of people

Again whichever language you are using this French pinterest board will help ! (Thanks to @icpjones  on Twitter who tweeted the link!)

Abecedaire de peintres

3. Practise the emotions - up to 8 emotions- that you want the children to explore with the characters in their portrait. The paintings do not need to express these emotions - it's about the children exploring how to convey these emotions and then perform them in the persona of the character they have observed in the painting. 

5. Share the emotions as facial expressions and word cards with the children. Can they identify the emotion - is it an emotion that is easy to recognise through the written word or do they need to use visual clues? Take feedback

6. Practise the emotions in full sentences with the children in the target language e.g "I am friendly"

7. Put the children in  pairs in a space where they can stand and face each other . Develop a mirror mime activity . One partner is A and the other partner is B . You ,as the artist, tell all the partner A children with which facial expression they should start  the activity. Simply say in the first or third person singular (example her is first person singular) one of the emotions you have introduced e.g "I am  happy !" and the children who are partner A should create that facial expression . Partner B must mirror exactly partner A and their facial expression. 

8.You, as the teacher, must now select another emotion and say "but now I am angry!" . This is where the mirror mime takes place . Partner B must observe Partner A and as partner A works out how to slowly change their expression from happy to angry , partner B must copy Partner A exactly  

9. Swap roles - so that Partner B now leads .Complete the activity above a second time.

10. Now ask the children to reverse roles again. Announce a  new emotion "I am  ....." .Partner A creates this facial expression and Partner B must copy . Now, as the teacher ,say a new emotion and  this time, partner A must say the statement they hear you say and use a voice that is appropriate to the emotion plus continue to move from one facial expression to the next . Partner B must copy the voice, the facial expression development and then as you say your next statement Partner B takes over the lead role and it flows from one partner to the next  .

11. Ask the children  to explore independently working in their pairs at least 6 of the emotions that you have introduced and practised. Hold freeze frames and view ins - where you stop the class and all the class observes work of a pair then the pairs return to their independent work until you freeze frame again.

12. Bring the class back to their tables.Give each table or group in the class a different portrait to work with and possibly a different artist. The table (no more than 6 children ) should decide which 6 emotions they want to explore with the character in the portrait . Each child must create an emotion statement e.g "I am sad" - each child must think of the voice and the action for the character and share this with their group .  

13. The group or table must put together their work as a piece of Art . This is a six sided piece of Art (if there are 6 children in the group)  - so the children need to decide how they want to stand , sit , perform so that the audience understands that each emotion is a different emotion of the same character.I might suggest to a group for example that they stand facing outwards in a hexagon if there are 6 of them and that the hexagon moves round to the right each time a new child performs their emotion etc - a bit like a carousel . Or some children might like to see their character as something that grows out from the sides of the original piece of Art . Each child and its face appearing out from either side of the child who starts the performance .so many creative possibilities that the children can find!

14. And finally give each child a piece of A4 card and some coloured pens . Ask them to create a sequence of "sides" to a person's  character . they must show the "sides of this character's personality"- either the character in the portrait or someone they invent .This might be a good chance to link this to the phrase "different sides to his / her personality" in our language

Each side is an expression that conveys an emotion that this person feels and the children can decide which emotions they convey . They must also write the full statement for each emotion and select the colour to write in they feel conveys this emotion! . Show them the Mona Lisa picture link at the top of this blog to explain how this could look. It could be a sequence of six pictures. It could be a 3D object with six sides . It could be a dice etc  

Looking forward to seeing the results of this ! Thanks Pinterest for the inspiration!

World Book Day Long Live Books


orld Book Day, Long Live Books!

The following lesson plan is based upon the story book "Vive les livres!" . I bought this last year in France  and have been waiting and waiting for World Book Day to use the book in all its glory .

Vive les livres!

It's a very simple book with one phrase per page but very powerful images which make readers think about what makes a good book ! It uses phrases such as "livre gros" ( and the image is an elephant on a page) and "livre petit" ( and the image is a mouse on a page ) and "livre chapeau" ( well that's a book as a hat!)

In French language learning classes we will read the story book to the classes both at KS1 and KS2 .

With KS2, I have used the book as a stimulus to encourage children to think about all the types of books they might read and what their favourite books are.

It involves mime, performance , memory , a rhyme and then with Years 4 , 5 and 6 some written creative work ideal for a World Book Day display! 

The children will have to consider types of books and think of their own favourite book.

The types of books we will introduce are based on the types of books that children will have exposure to in school e.g:

 big book, small book, sad book , funny book , scary book , rainy day book ,sunny book, happy book , sports book , geography book , history book , a book to share etc 

The story book "Vive les livres" ends by suggesting that there is a book for everybody at all times!  The graphics are wonderful and the hardback copy of the book is large enough for the whole class to see .Want to know more then you can get a flavour of the book here ...

Take a look inside

Here are the activities in the order we will deliver them in French, Spanish and German

NB: Activities in italics are for Y4, 5 and 6 and you may decide that some of these activities are appropriate for Y5 and Y6 only

  • First activity will work best if you have real books that show the different types of books that we are describing and practising with actions linked to the book types. However you could use a mixture of real books and also pictures of the type book you want the children to guess, say and add an action for each type of book 
  • Put the books / mixture of books and pictures or pictures on display at the front of the classroom

Getting to know the types of book

  • Look at each book and say the book label phrase that matches the type of book you are showing the class and ask the class to decide what they think the label must mean
  • Add a voice to the labels e.g .a scary voice , a big voice, a long and tall voice , a happy in the garden voice etc. Ask the children to say the phrases with you / without you / to a partner.
  • Can they now think of an appropriate action for the label of the book .Each action must have a movement to explain the type of book and an open palm action to depict “a book”   (e.g. sunshine book could be: right hand high up in the air wide open and opening and shutting (to represent the sun) and then both hands at waist height as open palms to depict a book.
  • Can the children work with a partner to create their own actions to represent the book labels ? 
  • Now the children should create their own “visual performance book shelf” , saying each type of book with the voice and the action the class has associated with the type of book.


With Year 4 , 5 and 6

share the written labels(as large labels ) for all the books – stick these to the flip chart or whiteboard or bring them up on the interactive whiteboard


Year 4, 5,and 6 activity – working in pairs - can the children in Y4 ,Y5 and Y6 see if they can recognise any of the labels and decide with which book they think the label belongs and with which voice and action the book label belongs.

Playing games with the types of books

  • Play one or two simple games to recall the key language that all the children have spoken and practised : You could … a simple game of charades / a game of Simon says / a game of say it if the action I am doing matches what I say / Chinese whispers
  • With Year 3 play this as a class game (where the teacher reads the labels and challenges members of the class)  and with Year 4,Y 5 and Y 6 play this as games on their tables or in groups of 4-6 children .Each table or group will need a set of book labels. Place the book labels face down . Children take it in turns to turn over the labels, say the type of book and then challenge another person to try to name a book they have read or can think of that matches the label . Encourage the children to think out of the box so for example a hat book – may be a book where the character wears a hat e.g. Room on the Broom has a witch in   a hat or Paddington wears a hat  and a garden book may be a book that they have looked at about flowers or a book where the children play in a garden  etc.

Year 4,5 and 6

:Can the children think of other types of books that they can describe  by being creative and inventive with language they know e.g. “animal book / sport book/ geography book /food book/ art book etc

My favourite book is ……

  • Can the children tell their partners or their tables their favourite book title and the type of book it is . They must select from the books we have labels for !
  • Now generate a rhyme with the story labels   and the final two phrases ”books are for always and books are everywhere “ in French , in Spanish or in German. The phrases should be said in the order they are on the chart first time through and with the actions the class or pairs have created

Two Extension Activities  .

  • Either

All year groups 

…….Can the children pick out their favourite types of books from the label list and create their own rhymes always ending the rhyme with “books are everywhere and Books are for everybody “

  • Or

With ………Y4,Y5,Y 6 a possible creative written activity


Year 4  -

 write a statement about their favourite book – my favourite book is (name of book . It’s a (type of ).book written with a design on paper or cardr to look like the outside cover of their favourite book.

Year 5

  - write a short message in a bottle about two favourite books and the type of books they are…. With a desert island disc theme – which two books would you want to take with you and then send to other people from your desert island in a bottle as a special message?.

Year 6- 

 write a draft tweet about a favourite book, the  type of books it is and why they like just 140 characters ! Our classes love this idea!

You may want to let the children be inventive and use bi-lingual dictionaries for types of books. Children can include a picture with their draft tweet , either as a drawn picture of a character or the book cover or as an IT follow up activity where they write a draft tweet and add a  digital link to their favourite book etc

And the good news is that this book exists in German and Italian!Thanks to @lisibo for tracking them down!

Here's the Italian version too .....

Spring is on the way ! Growing number sunflowers

Spring is on the way ! Growing number sunflowers
Last year we introduced a very simple “sunflower song to our work with Y2 , which even when they got into Year 3 they still select as their class favourite when asked what do they want to sing and perform

The sunflower song
It’s really simple. In Year 1 and 2 we start to sing the sunflower song.All you need to do is put a sequence of numbers  to the familiar refrain of frère Jacques and explain to the class that the song is all about growing from a seed to a beautiful sunflower. 

I based it on sunflowers   because of the fields and fields of sunflowers I see when I visit Europe. 
We look at pictures of sunflowers and challenge the children once they know their numbers 0-10 to count as many as they can before they run out of target language numbers ….we often end up saying numbers beyond 10, but the number 10 is our class target!
Here are two of the pictures I use that I took on holiday .

One of my colleagues practised the Mandarin version  with her Year 3 children as an extension to their learning in French . They learned the song in French and then used the actions , the skills of listening for key sounds and the performance they already knew to create a performance song in Mandarin!

The Sunflower song and performance

The performance is simple .Children crouch down tight like seeds in the ground and grow slowly upwards until they reach 10 , when they should be stretched up tall with their hands and fingers spread out so that their hands are like sunflowers . One hand represents each sunflower on the number 10. In any language the song simply goes.....


Sunflower maths

In Year 3 this Spring half term we are busy revisiting language with our classes and will use this simple sunflower maths activity with all our year groups to keep on revisiting those all important numbers .

I introduced and used this activity last year with classes and then shared it at the start of the academic year with PGCE Primary MFL ITTs at Manchester University  . I know that quite a few of them have gone on to use this activity and have found it very effective, whether they were specialist or non-specialist primary linguists .

In Year 3  we revisit numbers  from KS1 or introduce  for the first time numbers 0-12 in the first couple of weeks in Autumn term .Now we can revisit them and use this activity to consolidate knowledge and extend knowledge . 

We can link it to our Science projects of growing seeds and read a story about the cycle of the sunflower and engage children in very simple number bond activities.

I like to use these two stories in French and in Spanish ,Diez semillas /
dix petites graines to reinforce the cycle of the sunflower and its seeds

The sunflower maths activity is simple and effective....

Stage one

Show twelve individual petals on a flip chart . Ask children to discuss with their partners  the number that they think the numbers and the simple mathematical sentence on the petal represents

Stage Two :

Show them the sunflower pictures of the flowers in the fields. Ask them to join in with the sunflower song from KS1 (see above)
Now ask them to help you to grow your class maths sunflower .

Stage Three

Show the empty sunflower with no petals on your flip chart .

Ask the children to find for you the petals and place them in the correct position on the sunflower . 
Find “one” first  and then find “six “ next as this allows he children to see the order like the clock face. 

Even if you are using higher numbers or odds/ evens etc  finding the first petal and then  the petal with the number which goes at the bottom of the sunflower seems to help the children to position the other petals .You should expect the children to place the petals on the flipchart without support – which means they have to think about the order of the numbers and number bonds etc.

You should end up with an almost complete sunflower- with just one petal missing! 

Now ask the children to write on their whiteboards the possible number sentences for the missing petal (in this case the number “ten”) . 
Once the children know the words for plus/ minus / equals they can share their idea with a partner . (With older children expect more complex number sentences and teach the words or phrases for multiply and divide )

Pair and group activities :

Children can then create their own games and with some core language “find” / “where is ..?” they can play the game with a partner or a table of classmates

Moving on with higher numbers and more advanced learners

With Year 4 and 5 we can use the Pocoyo video clips for longer more engaged listening although the younger children like these clips too!

"Pocoyo la graine "

Or in Spanish "Pocoyo la semilla "

 or I love the French story book about growing seeds: toujours rien?
Here is a You Tube clip of the story 

We can link the sunflower activity to higher numbers and more challenging use of the four functions in Maths in mathematical sentences! 

Children can write the mathematical sentences as words rather than figures to add challenge both for the child writing and for the child reading the message on the petal

Colour mimes and word association

Colour mimes and word association. 
Revisiting and extending knowledge of spoken and written colours 

Half way through our learning year, it's good to revisit familiar language and extend the language we know.
We have introduced or revisited with the children in year 3  six colours and the question "what colour is it? "
Now we want to extend this knowledge further. 

Select the colours you want to practise with the children and the new colours you want to introduce  .
Think of key objects you associate with the colours e.g  yellow= sun / blue= sea/ green= long grass/ red = fire /black = dark and eyes shut / white = cold snow ball /pink = a flower / lilac = butterfly

1.Create a mime to represent each colour ,share these with the children and say the colour in the target language at the same time 
2. Ask the children with a partner to recall as many of the colours as they can in the target language and to decide what each mime represents . Ask one pair to share their ideas with another pair . Take class feedback
3.Call a colour , can the children respond with the correct mime 
4. Ask a child to call a colour , can the class respond with the correct mime
5. Ask the children to create mimes of their own for three colours and then to challenge a partner.
6.Revisit or introduce the class to the colour words in the target language . Can they help you place pictures of the objects you mimed next to the correct written colour.
7.Mime a colour, can the children write down on a whiteboard the colour they think you associate with the mime 
8. Conceal the written word and perform the mime , can the children recall independently the written word for the colour?
9. Can the children solve your colour symbol slide messages? they must look at the message . Decide which colours are being depicted . Write down the colours as many times as they see the symbol and create their own colour  and action spoken message 

e.g.Here is an example colour message slide and the simple written response expected in the target language would be "blue,blue, yellow"

Now challenge them with symbol slides - no colours just symbols to create their written and spoken responses !

Linking parts of the body and movements with mime performance, Art and dance

Linking parts of the body and movements with mime performance , Art and dance

I love mime artists and the way they can control their bodies and isolate parts of their bodies to exaggerate movements
This next half term we teach parts of the body to our Year 4 children . 
We have great fun learning rhymes , playing response games , designing  fantastical creatures etc. The other day I was inspired by a poster of a famous work of art from the Tate Henri Matisse Cut Outs  series. It was “Icarus “ by Henri Matisse and this  led me to think about how we could develop some movement activities around parts of the body nouns in target language learning.I think it makes a great creative primary cross curricular learning  experience for the children .Hope some of you may give this a go!
Henri Matisse Icarus.

Stage One 
First teach the parts of the body nouns and explore the nouns in both singular and plural forms. We all love "Heads, shoulders , knees and toes " in target language teaching because it gets the children up , moving listening, responding and joining in.

Below is a link the wonderful Mama Lisa songs and the page that offers you the chance to explore this song in lots of languages!

Once the children are up and moving why not let them listen to , join in and sing along with one of the two following clips in French or Spanish ...

Here in French is "Jean petit qui danse ..."

And in Spanish here is "Juan Pequeño baila"

Using these clips help you to create active  learning parts of the body and some great class performances for assemblies!

Stage Two 

Inspired by Icarus I decided to put together the simple sequence of learning above with  some activities which will  develop understanding of instructional language to generate a physical response 

You may read this and think well I can achieve part one of this or  I can combine part one and part two or part one and part three ....That’s fine , it’s about pushing boundaries and exploring the link between language learning and communicating a whole creative outcome .

1.  Parts of the body and physical movements
1.       Practise and teach the parts of the body – usual games and activities –listening and responding. Make sure that the children have practised both the singular and plural of the key parts of the body you will need for the activities below.Engage the children in the singing of one of the songs mentioned at the top of the blog or a song that is your favourite for teaching parts of the body  Make sure it is a physical response song.
2.       Introduce and practise the key instructional language for “run”, ”jump”, ”touch”, “clap”, “hop”, “move”, ”walk”, ”crawl” ,”slide”, “kick”,”push”,in the target languag .Link the language with an action , create mime performances of the language and the actions. Ask the children to do their actions slowly , quickly , softly etc
4.       Now call a part of the body and the class should respond with an action representing the command they think best fits with that part of the body e.g.  “hands” – children might respond by clapping or “legs” children might respond by walking or running ....but if you shout  “leg” then maybe they will respond with “hopping”- as it’s on one leg!

5.       Play the game a second time but this time the children should say the command and do the actions.

6.       Can the children work in groups of four to create a flowing movement from one side of the hall to the other which involves them saying a part of the body  , then an action, then a part of the body , then another action using the instructional language you have practised with the class? They should  use at least five movements and five body parts to get from one side of the room to the other!

7.       You can change the focus slightly  and add challenge by asking the children to call a number of the body parts e.g. three legs   – so the children will have to demonstrate three people hopping or two children – one running and one hopping .

8.       If you have IPads then the children can take photos or a video of their sequences and then back in class can add their own written statements or  record themselves saying the sequence of movements and body parts in time with the video clip or photo show .

2. Bring Art to Life .
Creative consolidation of language

Using the picture of Icarus explain that mythical character Icarus wanted to fly but he flew too near to the sun!
Can the children make the painting of Icarus move ?

Ask the children to observe the picture of Icarus and make their own painting of Icarus but they need to paint the body as words , using the key body parts to create the background of the painting.
For example each body part will be made up of the noun printed or written in the target language over and over again.

Over the top of the part of the body the children need to add a piece of instructional language representing a movement.The background of the body will be covered with grafiti style vibrant  instructional commands that are in  explosive word shapes  bringing the specific limb to life  e.g over the hand they could paint "push" and over a leg they could paint " run" etc in the target language. 

Mime artists.
Challenging and creative performance of new language

Give the class a picture of a sportsman or woman in action
In pairs ask the children to create a sequence of three movements that the sports star makes when they move in their specific sport . Can they create a repetitive mime routine and add to it a repetitive target languagespoken sequence made up of parts of the body and actions that fit the sequence of movements ? 
Ask the pairs to demonstrate to the class  through repetitive spoken mime how the sports person moves in their chosen sequence of actions
This will be a repetitive  , rhythmical spoken performance e delivered  to demonstrate the physical  process taking place .

Playground games with our year 3 classes to celebrate what we have already learned !

Playground Games

Between now and Easter with our Year 3 classes we like to look back at what we have already learned on our language learning journey – particularly with the children who started to learn the target language about 6 months ago in September .
We revisit and practise familiar language – it’s all about inclusivity and bringing every child along on the new language learning journey . 
We revisit greetings , numbers  , colours, days of the week and months of the year and personal information questions and answers we have started to develop.
We find “Playground and PE games” an ideal way to add a creative and performance based element to this.

A simple game to practise our names in French
Why not try in French “j’ai un nom , un prénom...” and show the children this clip of young French children performing the game with their class teacher.

Here is a sound clip demonstrating the song 

Practising phonics using familar language

We like this simple game   for the playground of the hall, to engage children in listening accurately to the sounds in words . Here’s an example of how to lay the game

Cats and Dogs-

·       Split group into 2 lines, facing away from each other in the middle of the hall. Tell the children to stand in two lines facing away from each other.
·      One line are cats, one line are dogs. We have chosen these two animals in French because they both begin with "ch" but children need to listen  carefully to spot if its the cats or the dogs that need to move ·    
       Teacher will either shout ‘cats’ or ‘dogs’, the line that is called must make it to the wall they are facing without being tagged by the opposite line
·       If tagged, students switch onto the other line
·      The line with the most students, or a full line of student wins (time depending)
·      Change language for call outs e.g. ‘Chien et Chat’
·      Progress this by holding on to the first part of the word e.g. Chhhhhat
·      Play again and change the words
·      On Spanish we are going to play it first time through with pato and gato ...listeing for that initial sound!

 Games to practise core language

We have used the game “Les poissons et les pêcheurs for several years in our KS1 classrooms and we  think  it works  well in Year 3 too! 

The original game is described  below in French but we  play it in all the target  languages  we teach !
We just adapt the rhyme .....Here is the rhyme in French.
We say with the children  “petits poissons , venez, passez.....”

·       Select two children to join hands and make an archway for the other children to walk through in  single file.We often play it to practise numbers 
·       The class needs to chant “petits poissons , venez, passez.... and then the two children in the archway need to count from zero as the fish (the other children)  walk under their archway .
·      The fishermen (  the two children making the arch) have secretly agreed on a number. When the agreed number is met , the archway drops and the fishermen catch their first one or two fish .
·      The children who have been caught  join the fishermen and agree a new number , the game starts again and this time four children lift their arms to make four archways and that also form the net in which they will catch their fish
·      Change the content and agree that it’s colours or days of the week or months of the year and play the game again.The fishermen must decide which colour etc is the signal to drop their net and catch fish!

Communication Skills and PE Games
We want to make sure the children develop their communication skills so here are a couple of games we are using this half term with Y3 to do just that:

Role Tag Game
·        2 players labelled as ‘the person’
·        The ‘the person “’ players have a list of skills cards
·        If a pupil gets tagged by the ‘it’ person they are provided with a  task
·        Tasks could be ask a question , tell me your name , count to 10 ,  greet me ,
·        Pupil move to the side and complete the task
·        Progress= Introduce the rule of the ‘examiner’, who stands at the  side of the hall and approves/ disapproves whether the people  completing the task have completed the task (great for AfL)
·        You are going to need - Task Cards- as prompts for ideas of tasks  etc.

Simple Easter Celebration Rhyme 

Just before Easter have a go at this clapping rhyme in Spanish , based on the word for chocolate in Spanish ...funnily enough it’s “Chocolate “
Watch the two girls in this favourite You Tube clip show the class how it’s done.

These are the hand clapping rules for the game .....!
Choco = palm-to-palm clap with partner,
La = back-of-hand to back-of-hand- clap
Te = end-of-clenched-fist to end-of-clenched-fist clap

This is also a really good game to play with the whole class in a circle, doing the hand actions out to the side as opposed to straight in front of you, so that everyone joins in.

Can you play the game in French...? Well we took the famous drink “café au lait” and applied the same hand clapping rules and rhythm etc and it worked a treat!
Why not ask the children if they can think of some new words they know in the target  language to create their own clapping game !


Carnival,harlequin and describing hats with extended sentences

Carnival and languages just go together so well !
Last year I was inspired  by Art and all the incredible paintings through the ages of Harlequin , a key component of carnival and any fancy dress party to celebrate carnival . Have a look here at just two pictures ......

The children and myself in Year 5 had been working during the previous half term on clothes and descriptions of clothing ,placing adjectives in the correct position with nouns in extended sentences and trying to think carefully about how we needed to spell the adjectives to match the nouns and agree with them.

This lesson was a final celebration and we designed hats for harlequin to wear for carnival in all his finery!
We found out facts about Harlequin
I found out information to share with the children from here on wikipedia 

We used the picture by Pablo Picasso Seated Harlequin (I selected this one,as he doesn't have a hat!) to design our own hats and add them to the picture . Before we could add our hats though , we had to design them , describe them and  play a game with a song where we missed out parts of the song as we sang it through several times with actions!A fun lesson in the spirit of Carnival with language , memory skills and grammar all included!

  Here is what we did ......

1..Look at pictures of hats  and ask what colour the hats are – show pictures 
2.Now develop extra questions about the hat - colour / size/ pattern . 
3.Turn pictures of individual hats over and blu-tac to the flip chart.Ask children to guess the colour or the size or the pattern of the hat –you will need numbers on the back of the hats so they can say  for example “ number 2 is blue ”.If the child is correct they come to the front and select the hat. If children are in teams , that team wins a point
4. Can the children link the hat to faces -Who does the hat belong to?Can they give the faces personalities , names , ages , where they live , what they like- in either the first person singular or the third person singular .
5. Introduce and practise the rhyme "My hat it has four corners " in the target language . Here is a link to the rhyme in French mon chapeau a quatre bosses and in German , here is a You tube clip of Mein hut der hat drei Ecken

Practise the rhyme with the class  – can they link it to a rhyme they might know in English (My hat it has three corners , three corners has my hat)

5. Add actions for the  children to do every time the word “hat” is said  , for each number and an action to represent a corner.
6 . Practise the rhyme. Add the actions .
7. Now repeat the rhyme and miss a key action word  out .The children should only do the action and not say the word .

8.Repeat until all key action words have been replaced by just an action.
9. Can they say the whole rhyme with actions for a partner?
10. Allow the children time to design the hat that they think is missing fro the "Seated Harlequin's " head . Remind them it's carnival so the hat will be bright , fun and creative! They need to write an extended sentence to describe the hat .
10. Now add the hats around the picture of Harlequin and create a "hat gallery" with written descriptions of the hats - or as we did draw our own faces of Harlequin and add our own hat designs with simple descriptions in full sentences! 
Great fun and a couple of very lively and creative lessons, linking language learning and Art!