World Cup Warm Ups

World Cup Warm Ups

To get the children up, moving and participating!

The 3 World Cup power point stories in French, Spanish and German can be accessed here.

The World Cup Warm up lesson or lessons are easy to deliver and link language learning with physical activity and even measuring pulse rates.There is even the opportunity to create a musical performance of the World Cup Warm Up song.

  • Revisit numbers
  • Practise simple commands 
  • Play simon says with the commands 
  • Share the ppt story with the class .
  • Give out the picture with out the captions
  • Can the class match the written caption to the correct picture 
  • Can the class perform the warm up .Check your pulse rates before and after the activity! 
  • Set up challenges where one group challenges another table to do an activity ten times
  • Now the children are ready in groups of four or six to create their own world cup warm ups- reordering the activities and changing the amount of times each activity should be done .
  • They could record themselves performing the routines and train a second group to carry out their routine.
  • Create a World Cup Warm Up class song to familiar sporting themes tune such as Match of the Day as your PE warm up for the Summer last half term using this language!

World Cup Lessons Ready to go !

We are getting ready for the World Cup in the Network
Celebrate the diversity of languages
Link language learning to sport and performance
Take a journey to meet children around the World
Find out more about target language countries, emblems and the footballers!

As part of our  support work in  the network we will be offering teachers the opportunity to celebrate the World Cup . Resources and ideas are located here World Cup in French , Spanish and German . Most of the lesson plans and our own JLN resources and ideas can be adapted to other languages too!

We have sourced online resources that can help you to create a bespoke sequence of lessons and have added links to World Cup resources such as 
on Lightbulb resources World Cup , where you will find lots of downloadable activities and resources that could enhance the lesson focuses below. 

How are we could we put these ideas and resources together in to a sequence of lessons with language learning at the hear of them?
Well as they say in football term "' 'ere we go, 'ere we go' ere we go!".....

Catch a greeting

Let's start by catching a greeting 

Take a look at the lesson plan here 

Create a football chant of our own
Take a look at the lesson plan
It's called A football chant of our own

Let's meet children from around the footballing world
Let's create target language conversations and get to know them
Take a look at the lesson plan
It's called Meeting children from the target language countries

Hold a flag bearers parade
Based on a primary languages and drama lesson
Take a look at the lesson plan
It's called Countries and flags of the World

Meet the footballers!
Find out about the teams on the Fifa website
Listen to and find out about the languages they speak
Create the personalities and characteristics of the footballers
Take look at the lesson Who is the person inside the player?

Participate in the world Cup Warm Ups!
Take a look at our simple 
World Cup Warm Up Lessons and PPTs 
Create routines with numbers and actions
Create a class warm up song for the Summer term PE lessons

Put your PE lessons into French, Spanish and German!
Warm ups, pass and shoot, dribbling, invasion sports activities !
Here are the World Cup Football Games 
Just find the correct file- French, German or Spanish
Hold a "Football Finale" or a World Cup performance
Why not teach the children ......

A Spanish Dragon Football poem
The Rock the Capitals  South American Countries  Rap
A Tunisian rhyme and song in French or Spanish

J'ai laissé mon ballon 
Mi pelota   

And now you have your sequence of World Cup lessons in the net!

Laying the foundations for future language learning

Laying the foundations for future language learning…… 

Our Show Tell and Share

Yesterday we held our “Show tell and share” network meeting (24 April 2014) in Mandy’s language room at Stockton Heath Primary School, Warrington.

40 primary school colleagues attended the event .Eight colleagues had been invited to share  ideas, or a simple practical sequence of lessons in short 5-10- minute presentations.

It’s important to understand that the colleagues who were brave enough to show, tell and share are primary language practitioners who deliver languages in their own schools every week of the year- one Head teacher, three primary classroom teachers, three teaching assistants and a visiting teacher. 
They represent a cross section of  90 schools in the network and different stages of primary language progress (starting off, moving on and established practice). Most importantly the ideas were practical and replicable and teachers and teaching assistants in the audience  could take ideas for primary language learning back to their  own schools and try them out. 

Illness and monsters

Cathy, from Appleton Thorn CP shared all her creative ways of developing a unit on illness and parts of the body. She stressed the importance of sounds and recognition of the spoken word before showing children the written word. She explained how she feels that this is necessary  to enable all children to make the link smoothly between spoken and written language. Her focus on sounds and patterns and investigating the words helps her children to confidently use the words and find new language they want to say in dictionaries etc. Cathy encouraged us to ask children to look for cognates and near cognates and to link games and practical work with more creative art and design opportunities. 

In this sequence of activities Cathy was using work around fantastical creatures – Frankenstein type monsters to engage the children in learning parts of the body so that they could then develop role plays on familiar everyday matters – going to the doctors and explaining simple illnesses.

E Twinning Project with Spain

Ian from Cronton CE, one of our Knowsley schools, shared how the school had developed an ETwinning project with their new link school in Spain .The school already has an established link with a German school. 

The project was for Year 3 in their first year of Spanish and was based around learning simple weather phrases. Ian’s input was the language element and the coordination with the Spanish school. 

Every day of each week that the project was happening(Autumn 2013), the class TA worked with a different group of 4 children to record in Spanish the temperature, the weather and dressed in clothes appropriate to the weather to create a photo record . 

At the end of each week the group created the class weather report in Spanish plus photos via Pic Collage  and sent this by email to their Spanish school. 

The mail exchange of the Pic Collage reports raised all sorts of interesting points for example what were the Spanish  children doing roasting chestnuts in the playground for a chestnut festival instead of an ordinary school day! Ian’s project show how we are opening the door on new cultures and laying foundations and  interest in  purposeful practical future language learning 

The verb être

Sam from St Philips CE got us thinking about how easily we can integrate work around verbs into our everyday language learning in the primary classroom. She has just run a focus on the verb être  as part of the Y6 children’s work on “Who am I? We loved the video clip she sourced and used  and the simplified rap song she created with the children from the French language in this clip

The children created spider grams of the verbs for example using a sunshine and the beams off a sunshine to show the infinitive of the verb to be and its present tense parts

Sam organised the children in groups of 6 so that they could record themselves introduce one another using the verb être and all its present tense parts.She appeared in all the clips so that the children  could  understand why and how to use “vous êtes” accurately .We were impressed how all the children participated and could use the different parts of the verb! Simple effective use of technology which lays the foundations for future grammatical language learning in KS3. 

(Sam will share more from this project soon on network news )

Mr Potato Head transferable games

Karen from Cinnamon Brow CE talked with us about her work using Mr Potato Head to reinforce familiar language on parts of the body. The activities were obviously transferable and at this point teachers who work alongside visiting teachers were animatedly jotting down ideas they could use to follow up or reinforce language learning. 
For example everyone loved the Mr Potato Head photo shoot that Karen had created (and one teacher said to me “I will get my children to do this”). 

They liked the use  of the same pictures for simple hide and reveal – not high tech but practical and hands on , using A4 envelopes to slowly reveal Mr Potato Head. Karen suggested that the children can play this again afterwards on  their own. Taking the familiar primary “hide and reveal” technique again , Karen shared how she would ask the children to anticipate what missing facial parts there may be on Mr Potato Head in each new game .Simple, effective and activities we could transfer from one  core focus to another and that encourage the participation of all children and understanding ways to make learning fun.

Everyone shares!

Then it was time for us all to share- something that they use in their everyday work as primary practitioners of foreign languages!

I love this photo of Ian and Emma deep in conversation. Emma is a French coordinator
and she was keen to learn as much as possible about E Twinning and next steps for her school!

Human sentences and position of adjectives

Christine from Westbrook Old Hall had taken the time to consider a sequence of five lessons on monsters she delivered in the Autumn term 2013 with Y6

The children in Year 6  revisited their prior knowledge of  body parts, number, colours from previous years in KS2 and discussed and demonstrated their understanding from Y5 of the position of adjectives after the noun .Her focus in Year 6 was to look at the position of adjectives such as grand and petit before the noun  and to encourage the children to speak and write accurately using their knowledge of adjectival agreement.  She used Singing French and the monster song to reinforce prior knowledge and to encourage performance. The children looked at the adjectives grand/petit and the position they appear in French sentences and worked out what was different here to adjectives of colour. 
Christine read Grand Monstre Vert with the children and they investigated  the position of the adjectives in the sentences .

They  played human sentence games ordering 
the words in  French human sentences.The slide  shows how she used a ppt slide to first ask the children to create verbally sentences in French from an English stimulus and then revealed the sentence written correctly on the monster slide.

At this point Emilie,our native speaker visiting teacher- formerly a secondary teacher tweeted ……….

Really nice to hear primary MFL teachers / assistants mentioning grammar & dictionary skills as part of their teaching #showtell

 Town investigations with young learners

Lis from St Ann’s CE and Mandy from Stockton Heath CP talked about the town and how they created their two sequences of lessons based on shops in the town and directions.
What was fascinating was how both of them identified key points to consider – very practical primary points. They considered the experience, maturity and age of their primary learners carefully as they planned the activities.

Firstly that the children need to be guided to think of names of shops as they automatically when talking about a town would say H+M, Tescos  etc and not butchers, cake shop , bakery. 
Lis spent time talking about the town her children know best – Warrington-and then guiding them to talk about the names of the types of shops they had mentioned. Mandy shared with them various maps of French towns and pictures of buildings you would find there so she could  then hold a discussion with the children about which shops they might need to ask for in French. 

Both Lis and Mandy reinforced the cultural differences – how in France you still go to the bakers, butchers etc. Simple discussion maybe... but really important in laying the foundations for future cultural understanding that bridges the gap between what the children have experienced and what we might want them to learn about. Both Lis and Mandy worked with the children on directions and developed physical activities – Lis had a human street and used follow me cards to create role plays. 

Mandy had the children moving to visuals around the room and then she generated with the children a class map and display of a French town. Each child was given a cut out character and had to write a sentence  to give directions to a partner on where to place the cut out character on the  display.

The ideas were simple, effective and   addressed familiar matters  and useful questions and answers laying  the foundations upon which to build more detailed role play and transactional conversations.

Activities which reinforce good practice and language skills

 Last but not least was Jayne @Dewsnip_Jayne, a visiting teacher for JLN. Jayne explained that she was a secondary languages teacher. However over the last three years working as part of the network in 5 primary schools she had found the freedom of the primary classroom a revelation! She has learned so much from her primary colleagues and the children about how children learn a primary foreign language. 

She shared with us her bilingual dictionary work based on Arcimboldo with UKS"2 children.

They investigated what the mystery letters after the words in the dictionary mean (m/f/pl/nm etc) so that they could create their own written and art posters of the Arcimboldo face(link to Jaynes arcimboldo pics) Jayne could see that this would help the children in KS3   language learning. 

Jayne shared her simple game “guess the combination” where from a table of 9 key words e.g. fruits the children guess the combination of three she has secretly written down . Jayne identified that she focused on accurate pronunciation and perhaps without realising this Jayne is once again encouraging good habits before KS3 .

Her puzzle game- simple cut up pictures is easy to replicate and use across all language areas. You need a minimum of two pictures from a core focus or a mixed focus , with a number and colour on the reverse .Children must ask politely for a number and a colour so that  a part  the puzzle can be revealed .Can the children guess and name the item correctly with the definite article or indefinite article?  

The final activity she shared was her work on adjectival agreement when describing a   male or a female and how easily she was able to reinforce this with her mother’s day flowers.  

Working in primary and developing creative primary approaches ,Jayne is reinforcing and encouraging good language skills and knowledge so that KS3 can build upon quality foundations laid in primary foreign language learning.

The overwhelming impression from this event is   that we are making  good  “practical primary progress”. It’s not rocket science and it’s not always all singing and dancing. My colleagues are developing a curriculum in their own schools that is fit for purpose.

In the range of presentations we heard about the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing and combinations of these skills to move the children on in their learning in every lesson and consolidate prior knowledge! We were asked to consider culture and links abroad and ways to link language learning to other subject areas in the primary curriculum and colleagues shared how they were encouraging the children to consider the structure and grammar of the language.

World Cup 2 Who is the person on the inside?

Take a look at the image! It's a football player .....but who is the person on the inside ?

These are World Cup activities for our Year 4 ,5 and 6 learners in the target language.

Yesterday thanks to @vallesco I received a link to the Daily Telegraph and the football strips for the World Cup teams.

Here's the link 

World Cup football strips

Here is the England team and their football strip ...........

......................................................................but what makes them who they are on the inside?  

Select some football strips of the World Cup teams! Give each table or group of six children a football strip and a country. 

Can the children investigate the countries and the famous buildings, foods,traditions and customs of the country and create a new football shirt of cultural graffiti for France .......

For Germany .......

For Spain...............

Here's my Spanish cultural graffiti shirt .I am certain our children will make them look far more authentic and creative!

The children can use this information to create an informative English presentation about the country and specific cultural aspects to share with the class with pictures etcetra.The t-shirt can act as their prompt as they hare their information with the class.

Now can they  create what's on the inside . Ask child in the group to select a team player from the World Cup team for the specific country and on the reverse side of the cultural graffiti shirt

Can they record on the reverse side of their shirt a target language greeting , a name phrase, maybe the town/city the player comes from and characteristics that describe the player (e.g. strong, quick,powerful,fast,brave etcetra)?

Here's my simple example:

Now the challenge is to create a football team of real people not just players . Each member of the team needs to introduce themselves and say their characteristics using the t-shirt as a prompt if necessary.

The class is almost ready for football team presentations . Each group must now decide upon a chant for their country name.

The final presentation will have three parts:

the country and the culture in English / the players and their characteristics in the target language / a final team line up and of course a team chant of the name of the country!

Thanks to @vallesco for the French power point she has posted on light bulb languages to support teachers if they are investigating some of the participating teams in French and want to create their cultural graffiti t-shirts! 

French Who is inside the tshirt? ppt

World Cup Catch a Greeting Game KS1 and LKS2

This is my first blog post on the World Cup, which I hope will begin to support network teachers to develop activities to celebrate the World cup and to consider all the languages that will be heard at the global event.

The resources I refer to are all on JLN website.
You can take a look at the world cup resources we have created or sourced.

First let's celebrate the way the players and the fans will greet each other in all the various languages they speak.
Show your children this clip of 30 different ways to say hello from around the World

Now you can play "Catch a greeting!"

1.    Ask the children to recall as many different ways  of greeting each other both in their own home language , school language and in other languages they have seen on the video clip
2.  Practise the greetings they suggest.Practise the sound of the greeting. Ask the  children to think of the shape of the greeting both as a  sound they hear (is it wavy/sharp/spiky etc) and as written word.Ask the children to draw the greetings as sound shapes and then as the written shape in the air.

3.   Show the children some new greetings they haven't mentioned from the video clip.Look at the greeting word and the language it comes from and then practise the sound of the greeting on the sound slides that accompany each greeting.
5.   Give out small card versions of greetings from the video clip - one per child. Locate and listen to the greetings if necessary on the video clip
6. Ask the children to practise their specific greeting. Does it help them to draw the sound of the greeting or the shape of the word in the air?

7.  Ask the children to move around the room greeting each other and each time they greet someone they should swap greeting cards and therefore also the greeting word they have to say. Children should have the chance to say all the greetings.

Bring the children back together and each child a blank A4 piece of plain paper. Ask the children to investigate the flag of each of the country of the greeting card they are holding and to create a “Greetings “card to put on a class display.They should make sure that they spell their greeting accurately and make it an integral part of their flag.   

Why not share this song "Hello to all the children around the world " with your class as they create their flags for the display? 

city running commentary

This half term with Year 5 in French, Spanish and German we will be working on language we may need if we visit the target language country .We will make virtual tours of a famous city and explore the sights and buildings of the cities.

We go to Paris , Sevilla and Berlin.

I have used this idea of a running commentary with KS2, KS3,KS4 and also with adult intermediate learners at primary French Upskilling that we offer as part of our network support.

It can be organised and delivered on a variety of grammatical levels. 

  • To recap familiar nouns
  • To practise adjectives
  • To create a present tense description of a city using the phrase in the target language for  “there is / there are…”
  • To give directions and add prepositions of place to descriptions
  • To talk about a virtual visit you have made etc
Take a look at this famous you tube clip of a tour of Paris: 

Here’s how we will be using this activity with our Year 5 and our intermediate French upskilling group this half term…….

 Stage One
Let your pupils or students watch the clip and enjoy the sights and the sounds.

Stage Two

Now all you need to do is create cards that have the key nouns for the buildings you can see in the clip. 

Here are three French examples

Le pont
Les magasins

With beginners I would use maximum of 10 cards and we would have talked about the cards and what they could mean first. With Year 5 and intermediate adult learners we would look up unfamiliar nouns   in a bilingual dictionary and discuss gender and whether the nouns we can see on the cards are singular or plural.
If you colour code the words they can see the patterns more clearly e.g. green for masculine singular / blue for feminine singular nouns/red for plural nouns/
Ask your learners to familiarise themselves with all the key nouns which they have spread out in front of them on the desk.

Stage Three
Now play the clip again! Can the pupils sort the noun cards into the order they see them or notice them in the video clip?
Here is the Spanish clip we will use:

Stage Four
Ask the pupils to work in pairs and share their order with a second person, comparing their orders. They will need to use the phrase for there is / there are (il y a …../hay……/es gibt …….)
It’s not a case of being right or wrong as they may have missed an item the first time it appears on the screen.

Stage Five

Can the pupils now change the nouns in the descriptions they have created from definite article nouns to indefinite article nouns. 
Share examples they will need – masculine singular/ feminine singular and plural indefinite articles.

Stage Six
Now play it again Sam! 
Here is our German video selection for a tour of Berlin: 

Invite volunteers to create the running commentary for the video clip. 

Turn down the sound and the volunteer just like a tour guide should describe what they can see, using their descriptions and saying the key phrases as they see the items on the screen.

Further Development?

This activity could be an activity that bridges the gap between UKS2 and KS3 because in KS2 we could add adjectives, directions or add prepositions to develop and enhance our descriptions.

And in KS3 there’s the opportunity to use a familiar resource, familiar nouns and a familiar activity to , change tenses  , create dialogues, add adjectives  and intensifiers, create more complex sentences using relative clauses and make comparisons .

Thanks go to Julie Prince too @PrinceLanguages who alerted me to these wonderful city tours to the tune of Happy 
Take a tour round  Paris and Sevilla!

Poster Power Poems Tour de France

We can create a class performance poem that shares the flavour and the events of the Tour de France.

(As my Spanish and German teaching  colleagues point out there is no reason why this should not be an international focus as some many cyclists  participate from across French , Spanish, German and English speaking countries).

First select your poster . For the Tour de France I love the posters from the Crayonfire website of the 

Tour de France

I have selected this evocative poster of the Tour de France from this website capturing the moment when the tour passes through Paris 

You need to look carefully at the poster you select and decide which themes you can identify in the poster that you have already practised with your pupils. The children must be able to create full sentences - noun, verb, adjective or adverb -to describe what they see and feel in the poster.

In the poster above our Year 5 and Year 6 children will be able to create sentences about the city , the weather, the cyclists' personalities and characteristics , the parts of the body and the cyclists as they race through the city.

Divide the poster into focus areas . Below you can see that I have been able to divide this poster in to four focus areas : weather / city and the famous buildings / cyclists / cyclists,parts of the body and the race.

Gathering the language for our Poster Power Poems Performances

  1. Look carefully at the complete poster with your class and brainstorm the key target language they can think of to describe what they can see.
  2. Record this for the class on a flip chart piece of paper which is laid out as four empty areas as in the poster above.Record the language the children think of in the correct area of the poster.
  3. Working as differentiated ability groups allocate one focus area to each  group  in  the class. 
  4. Ask each group to work as team to create a sequence of sentences - one per child in the group- to describe what they can see.Give the group a formula to work with:


Creating our Poster Poem Performance Sentences

  1. Working in the groups, ask the children to check that they have used the three components in their sentences (noun, verb, adjective or adverb)
  2. Can they now order the sentences they have created so that they create a powerful description of their part of the picture.
  3. Each child should select a sentence to which they need to add actions and voice (e.g. calm, fast , powerful, cheering, loud, mechanical,tired). You may at this point want to bring the class back together to explore this idea with a sample sentence from each group or a sentence that you have created.
  4. Each group must now order their sentences in to a verse of the class  poem  

Poster Power Performances

  1. Make sure all the children can see the original poster . Ask them in the syle of the poster to add rhythm and beat to their poem verses that they have created.Each child is responsible for adding this agreed rhythm and beat to his/her sentence.
  2. Now your class can perform their poem together as one whole poem about the Tour de France.  

Bring our "Poster Power Poem" to life for a grand finale! 

  1. Record each group's poem and performance.
  2. Play the performances to the class in a sequence agreed and organised by the class.

A journey worth the taking: as a little girl I remember my Grandma sharing with me Miss Hilton's suitcase. This was no ordinary suitcase as this was the suitcase of a distant relative who had travelled and had been on "European Tours" at the start of the 20th Century.

I was fascinated by the labels on this suitcase which told me a story of places she had visited.

Yesterday on Twitter I received this tweet below.....  

Next half term with our Year 5 children we will take them as tourists on a journeys around target language (French , German , Spanish) cities and places. 
Using the picture above as a model and referring the children to globes,class atlases  and going on Google Map journeys we will be able to link geography, culture and language learning together to create our own artistic versions of the journeys and the cities and the experiences the class share on their learning journey.

Let's use country maps, zoom in with city maps , take print offs of google map,track where we can visit on Google Maps and add imaginary postcards . We can add items to touch and feel and smell associated with the city e.g.Sevilla - orange blossom.

4 KS2 lesson ideas inspired by Matisse at the Tate

Expressing art through the medium of language and performance. Matisse is a great opportunity to revisit and explore colours, emotions and movements in the target language and create our own spoken and written performance galleries in the style of the Matisse cut outs.

Reading in the target language is great

Target language books are great !

Reading story books with target language learners was a revelation to myself back in about 1997! At the time my children were young readers themselves and it seemed crazy that I hadn’t made the link myself between the types of colourful , engaging and repetitive stories that they enjoyed and re-read and the type of books that my young target language learners would enjoy and ask to read again and again.

The delight back then on  the Year 6 child’s face when we read la chenille qui fait des trous and the delight again  when the Year 8 child realised I was reading  Max et les maxi-monstres ! This was perhaps a mystery to me at first (although I have always loved children’s books and am also an avid reader of all literature )but then I realised it was because they felt they could understand and follow the whole story . They were revisiting books they had enjoyed in primary schools too! They even felt like competent translators of texts !

Now we work with a comprehensive SOW  from Year 3 to Year 6 and try to integrate target language story books as often as we can .  A tweet this morning from my colleague @EWoodruffe just made me smile. She’s been to  


back home in France and bought some more books that we will be adding to our collection of stories next term. (Somewhat jealous really as love book hunting!)

The network news article from Sam the languages coordinator at St Philips in Warrington caused me to think about how reading crosses boundaries as an effective learning tool and how all children can appreciate books !  Sam  read and used my blog on Vive les livres for  Day 

World Book Day

 and created activities where children looked at and appreciated English language books but the children                                                     

categorised them with French language

Sometimes we use stories that we can sit, watch and  listen to  and appreciate with the children for example   die kleine Raupe Nimmersatt (

die kleine Raupe Nimmersat

 on You tube ) 

 by Eric Carle (actually read in German by the author

Les trois souris peintre s( 

les trois souris peintres on  You Tube ) 

 : The story of three mice who want to be artists read in Fren


The German song retelling the story of Hansel and Gretel (

Hansel und Gretel Lied

 on You Tube)

Behind each story is a learning purpose – so the hungry 

caterpillar is a great

way to revisit days of the week and reinforce foods before making your own diary of a week’s food or your own books of the simplified stories 

The story about the mice allows us to listen for pleasure to watch the moving pictures and to reinforce our practise of colours with the children

And the Hansel and Gretel clip is an excellent tool to look 

for nouns ,

identify verbs and develop the children’s ability to follow 

and comprehend a story . 

Plus there’s the added bonus that they can practise the song 

and join in and perform this at a later date !

Here’s a link to the story books we will select from each half term to support the children’s language learning in French. We have similar plans for Spanish and some German too .

Books used from Y3 to Y6 in French language learning

And here are my   thoughts upon   why these books are appropriate   for the stage of the language learner and his/her development in the target language. These books are the gateway for the children in Year 3 ,4, 5 and 6 to familiar language in unfamiliar contexts , to creative opportunities to re-use language , to memorable stories with humorous twists , to familiar stories that the children haven’t before realised  exist in another languages as well as  English, to other cultures and to non-fiction with facts they really want to know or investigate!  Our learners reactions enable us to see what they find interesting and engaging and encourage us to use text in ever more 

                            creative ways .

We would certainly pinch the phrase from the DfE new POS and call them “great”. 

“great” to support learning , 

“great” to read with the children , 

“great” for independent reading 

“great “ as a platform to develop young language learners knowledge of a new language and its structure . 

The icing on the cake are the “great” traditional target language  stories such as roule galette when we celebrate epiphany in Year 4 les rats des villes et les rats des champs from Fontaine – a great favourite in “our town- your town” focus in year 5 or Astérix BDs we share with the children when we look at funfairs in Spring Year 6.

We start them early with target language books – we follow Uki from KS1 and puppets we make right through to a more grown up and argumentative Uki in Year 6  and we introduce the children to non-fiction too ……

With KS1 we enjoy traditional rhymes ,  tales and familiar stories . Here are my blogs on how we develop creative education of the ear learning opportunities in KS1 with 

shadow puppets and Goldilocks


We are going on a bear hunt in KS1


We love "Mes p’tits docs " 

Our learners enjoy fiction and non- fiction and in the target language,using books created for the target language young audience we can read  and share facts about the target language countries .

From Year 4 onwards we will dip into and share mes p’tits docs – great non-fiction books to support our learning about the bakers and french bread, circus – what a French summer event , la station de ski ( a huge hit with our Y6 children!)

Books open our children’s minds to creativity . 

Take a look at my blog about one of my all time favourite books : Chapeau

chapeau and carnival time

Books allow us to  investigate core language through the engagement of the imagination – a choral performance of une histoire sombre

We can develop a class and group rewriting of key sentences in  il y a un alligator sous mon lit makes learning about rooms in the house so much more exciting! 

We make  creative DT displays based on Aaargh une araignée 

We can work with traditional tales combined with a  more mature investigation of fairy tale characters and fears through ” Même pas peur”  . 

Finally this year we have stepped out into trying to combine music and literature -indeed great music Au carnaval des animaux from Mozart with a great story about these animals going to a fancy dress party – funnily enough called au carnaval des animaux!

And guess what the target language results were great !

Please don’t read anything sarcastic into this above statement . 

We must select the books carefully  , encourage young learners to walk with us through stories , select books for their structure or their creative learning opportunities and then provide children with the supported learning environment to step away from us and explore simple target language audience stories on their own.  

As for me I will still be spending hours of pleasure in target language book shops finding the next great book to use in our language teaching and learning  . 

Must check my diary for when I am next abroad  !

Progress and Creativity in Primary Language Learning and the Implications for KS3 

I am very excited about the opportunity to join language learning together between KS2 and KS3 . On Friday I spoke at ALL about the progress and creativity that  is happening in primary language learning and I suggested that in my opinion the implications for KS3 are positive.
Here is the link to my presentation progress and creativity in KS2 and KS3 implications

There will be a period of change and development in my opinion and Year 7 teachers will need to consider the use of AfL and revisiting and exploring prior learning and resources in the first term of Year 7.This will help not just to investigate and assess prior learning but also to celebrate and welcome new pupils into the World of secondary language learning .In my opinion just like children want to meet mathematicians, geographers , historians , artists , scientists , PE experts when they get to secondary schools so they want to meet linguists!

The new POS states that KS2 should “lay the foundations for further foreign language learning at Key Stage 3” and that in early KS3 language teachers  “should build on the foundations of language learning laid at Key Stage 2, whether pupils continue with the same language or take up a new one “.

What is the potential if we see the Summer break between Year 6 and Year 7 as a six week gap rather than a large obstacle? 

On either side of the gap language learning is taking place. Using AfL and  dialogue with other colleagues both in KS2 and KS3 we could explore where the Year 7 children are in their learning when they enter Year 7? Shouldn't it  be more about  about monitoring and observing for a period of time to gain a clear picture of the individual child's ability to operate with and manipulate language and structure than testing and setting?

In all my teaching roles, as a HOD, Key Stage 3, a Key Stage 5 Co-ordinator  and most recently a PL AST and consultant I know that I have always needed to mind the gap with all new classes at whichever stage they are in learning. At the start of a new year diagnostic informal formative assessment of where new learners are at in their learning is so important, isn't it?
By this I don't mean testing , but establishing routines and activities that allow the class teacher to listen , watch, explore and challenge the new language learners. Groupings within the class can be informed over time by this information. 

Dialogue with and between KS2 and KS3 colleagues
 will be key .
The gap is six weeks.
The fix is not necessarily quick but can be at every stage in
the process informative and effective for the specific Year 7 cohort of the academic year.
The picture (right) shows a recent meeting between primary and secondary language teachers.These teachers have been involved in dialogue via email  and indirect coordinator dialogue for three years. Now they are beginning to work together and meet together to  decide next steps forward.They are finding out about and trusting each others approaches and judgements. It takes time but each year the next new cohort of Year 7 have benefited from the transfer of knowledge between theses teachers and the slowly dripping tap implementation of shared approaches to learning and resources. It's definitely not a quick fix but there is now established trust and a developing dialogue between colleagues in both key stages.   .

What does dialogue , sharing and minding the gap mean in practise? 

In KS2 the new POS offers schools a series of aims to guide the curriculum.The following “Aims” help to drive progress in the skills of listening , speaking , reading and writing . 

In KS2 we stage the learning progress  over four years between Year 3 and Year 6 . 
There are opportunities in Year 7 to revisit the learning process in all these skill and language developmental stages and to share and use familiar tools and resources with KS2 to help all the pupils in Year 7 make the transition to young secondary linguists. 

Listening : Understand and respond to the spoken language (KS2)

Listening in KS2 that develops from  listening attentively , to listening for key words to listening for key information in more complex sentences and texts 

A example of a possible shared resource and activity! We are using Listening Sticks  as a tool to listen for single items  , a variety of items , more complex details , through to identifying core language in a more complex text .

Implications for KS3 Y7 Autumn term ?

Why not revisit the skills, staging activities from the simplest to more complex listening challenges using an agreed shared tool and type of activity (e.g .listening sticks game). Why? Well the children will know what is required of them , will listen attentively to new language and will be able to demonstrate through the more complex sentence activities what they can already understand .

Speaking : Speaking with increasing confidence (KS2)

In KS2 the children learn to say single words and phrases and they move on to simple questions and answers. They build personal information dialogues and then they are able to use these dialogues as a platform to develop conversations .

A example of a possible shared resource and activity!Take a look at the totem poles  blog post to see how one resource can  facilitate activities which allow for this development of speaking with increasing confidence not                                 only across KS2 but in to KS3  .

Implications for KS3 Y7 Autumn Term? 
Why not  revisit questions and answers the children know? Allow children to share their own knowledge of questions and answers and to teach each other key phrases.Pair children together who have had different learning experiences , maybe in different languages . Encourage them to apply the skills they have built at KS2 using a familiar prompt resource e.g. the totem pole prompts to set themselves their own learning goals to produce effective interesting conversations 

Reading  Understand and respond to written language from authentic sources (KS2)

In my opinion this is where it gets really interesting! KS2 children are already being taught to be able to apply their phonic knowledge to say ,read and write familiar and unfamiliar words . What a gift for KS3 ! Phoneme – grapheme transfer -what transferable skills across all target language learning .  

KS2 children are also being taught how to use bi-lingual dictionaries to access meaning and to find new words they hear or want to say, read and write .They appreciate the value of the bi-lingual dictionary just like they do the calculator in maths . Again what a gift at KS3 and what transferable skills across all target language learning.

Implications for KS3 Y7 Autumn Term: 

Why not build upon and strengthen  the skills described mentioned above . Make sure all children can access and use bi-lingual dictionaries . Allow them to see how the skills they used in one target language with the bi-lingual dictionary and their understanding and use of  phoneme grapheme transfer are transferable to their new language learning situation . 

Possible shared resources and activities ?Why not revisit familiar texts at appropriate times in Autumn term Y7 and introduce new texts that challenge and interest the young pupils e.g. non-fiction texts , newspaper and magazine articles , sub titles to geographical and historical clips etc? 

Writing .Can write at varying length for different purposes and audiences (KS2 ) .

Examples of  possible shared resources and activities!Take a look at the KS2 writing examples on the power point presentation . We use air writing , smoke signals , creative descriptions such as jungle animal sentences to create shape sentences , messages in a bottle (ppt picture) , draft tweets (ppt picture) to encourage all our young learners to progress confidently from single words and phrases to more complex texts often written from memory .

Implications for KS3 Y7 Autumn Term

Why not embrace the new year 7 pupils ability to use a bi-lingual dictionary as described above?  Pair up the more  experienced dictionary user with a less experienced user . Offer the learners new writing challenges using familiar approaches e.g. the shape sentences , the messages in bottles or the draft tweets and set them new challenges to try to write accurately from memory using familiar language from KS2 . 

Maybe something like the work we are developing based on Who are you? with KS2 Y6 children and the same children when they enter KS3 Y7 this Autumn 2014 could be useful for your own KS2 KS3 transition programme.

And last but definitely not least the challenge of grammar

Our young KS2 learners start asking about nouns and the different words we put before the actual noun from about Spring  Year 3 . We have tried to express the way the young learner sees grammar through our Grammar Stepping Stones on nouns, adjectives an verbs 

Yes this is a work in progress but we are progressing  . 
In the blog post "the verb "to have" and a wizard's potion you can hear and find out how a non-specialist Y6 teacher has been allowing the children to re-explore nouns and  develop their initial understanding of the conjugation of the verb to have in the present tense. We supported the teacher with materials so hat she could develop her own teaching and learning based upon a wizard's potion  

Implications for Y7 Autumn Term 1
Why not use working walls to allow the children to share their drafts and ideas as they  progress through their written activities?
Buddy up children with prior knowledge of verbs with children who need support to understand more about how to apply simple grammatical rules.

Maybe a good place to start in Y7 by setting a personal information writing task and revisiting and practising the verb to be , to have , to be called , to like and  then using working walls to allow all the children to access each other’s rough drafts so that everyone can attempt a piece of present tense writing

So I am excited by the challenges of the new POS.

I think that we can achieve a continuum of effective  language learning. The progress we are now making in KS2 means that there needs to be effective dialogue between Year 6 and Year 7 language teachers. A culture of sharing of types of learning and tools and resources and a two way conduit between language coordinators in KS2 and KS3 needs to be carefully established. The conversations between colleagues can help to  find ways forward to revisit prior learning , challenge and celebrate the new learners in Year 7. Remember these new learners will be very excited to be working with secondary “linguists” .

Totem Pole Prompt Sticks

Totem Pole Prompt Sticks

  • Why totem pole? The pictures carved into totem poles tell the reader information and I see the link between this and a "pow wow" - having a conversation.
  • To develop and promote conversation :  asking and answering questions leading to preparing and practising a simple conversation using familiar vocabulary and structures in new contexts
  • Each box on the totem pole prompt stick is a visual prompt for the children to develop their simple spoken conversation.
  • The totem pole prompts start off as horizontal strips - questions prompted by pictures to prompt responses . It reads from left to right just like following a story for young language learners 

These are  card strips made from one A4 template of seven or eight identical strips or they could be computer generated and drag and drop pictures that the children can reorder  and create their own "pow wow" totem poles for more advanced activities - see below. 

Set the scene with this simple You Tube clip , which practises colours and numbers but extend this by asking the children when you pause the clip to decide what incidental greetings or questions might these two characters the cow boy and the squaw ask each other. Brainstorm possible answers. The responses expected from the children will depend on the stage they are at in their target language learning.

Simple conversation asking and answering questions- Y4 LKS2  activity
  1. 1.       Revisit and practise with the children how people from different countries physically greet each other or say farewell   ?
  2. Introduce each prompt picture on the totem pole and discuss with the children possible greetings / farewells and questions that the very simple picture clues suggest ( in this order the prompts require a greeting / a name question and response /a where do you live question with a true or imaginary response / an open question –what do you like ? or a closed question – do you like + animals etc/ a farewell .
  3. Children should spend a few minutes practising with a partner how to ask the individual  questions – remind the children to listen out for good pronunciation and the use of intonation when asking a question.
  4.  Children should then spend a few minutes practising their true responses as themselves
  5. Children should then work with a partner to create  simple questions and responses using the pictures on their totem pole sticks as their prompts and the order they should work in.
  6. Can the children re-run their questions and answers and add physical responses etc
  7. Pairs to practise their dialogues – taking it in turns to be the questioner or the responder(themselves)
  8.  Invite pairs to perform their dialogues for the class .
Extend  this activity by revisiting and creating new characters with the questions and answers

Using APPS such as the String APP where children can generate a picture of a cartoon character sitting in their own classrooms  , you could ask the children to use the same totem pole prompt stick to create an imaginary conversation between themselves and the strange visitor from the “String APP” . Check out Mr Parkinson’s blog here  to find out more about the String APP. Here is an example used in Literacy with Mr Parkinson's class at Davyhulme CP School Augmented reality clip

Extending conversations and creating an interesting performance using familiar language in a new context- possibly an activity to develop as a revisit activity in Year 5 and Year 6 UKS2

Here we want to encourage the children to move from a simple question- answer dialogue to a more engaging conversation that flows .

Give out the vertical totem poles this time 

A.      Revisit the simple dialogues the children made using their prompt   sticks in Year 4
B    If the children created their own character videos etc then share     some of these with the class as a memory jogger 
C.      How much more can they say now? Explore this with the class.   Now ask the children to take the basic building block prompts from their totem pole prompts and cut these up and rearrange them as the scaffold upon which to develop a new dialogue 

D.     Can they add  new picture prompts or create a new totem pole       prompt stick of their own so that they can share the new        questions and answers they have practised ?
E.      Introduce  simple phrases  such as   “and you ?” or “pardon” or “can you repeat that? or “me too “ etc – see highlighted text below which gives you a simple example of this .Encourage the children to generate a conversation based upon a simple question and answer dialogue that will to flow  e.g.

Hello ! How are you ?
I am fine and you?
Me too! I am called ...... What are you called?
I am called ..............Where do you live ?
I live in ........ And you? Where do you live ?
I live in ..............I like ..........What do you like ?
I like ............. Do you like ..........?
No I prefer ............
Nice to meet you !
Bye for now 
 See you soon!

F.   Allow the children time now to create a conversation with the   new language with a partner .
G.    Challenge some of the children to participate in a three  or four way conversation once they have completed task E successfully .
H.  Either perform or film the conversations on IPads or Chrome Books  and share on class IWB as an “Our Class Conversations  “ film clips .