Making progress 3


The evidence shared by Primary Languages Network teachers shows examples of the four core skills and language learning skills.The examples have been captured in the classroom on the day that the learning took place from KS1 to UKS2. We hope that these examples help primary schools have confidence in their own primary languages teaching and learning plus we hope that the evidence in the Making Progress” blogposts so far support secondary colleagues in their developing understanding of the language learning in primary schools. (Links or our Making Progress 1 - Sept to Oct 2018 and Making Progress 2 Oct- Dec 2018)

The evidence in this post has been gathered from a sample of our 330 plus Primary Languages Network schools in French,Spanish and German (KS1 to UKS2) between end of Christmas term 2018 and Feburary half term 2019 .

The title photo is taken from our Canon Burrows CE Case Study video (December 2018).

It looks like lots of our schools have been taking children on virtual trips to target language countries or receiving and writing letters and cards to children in partner schools abroad. You can also see here examples of classroom learning games, speaking and listening activities, independent writing,sound spelling and appropriate grammar actvities.

So let’s start with children at St Gerard’s in Year 2 meeting their Spanish friends via Skype - a regular occurence at St Gerard’s with our associate Primary Languages Network teacher, Ana,

From school to Spain and back again in one day.Whole school virtual visit to Spain by primary school children and staff..

Including visits to other Spanish speaking countries too and also comic book stories.

Establishing good language learning habits for the future.Taking challenges home and practising language with the rest of the family.

French Year 3 beginners and a game of Quiz Quiz Swap to practise months of the year.

Firts year of language learning and starting to explore grammar.Practising plurals with Year 3 and work on animal nouns in Spanish.

Emphasis on sound spelling links.Revisiting letters and sounds in Year 4 and gathering evidence of understanding by encouraging children’s own notes about how to pronounce tricky Spanish letters.

Simple accurate sentence writing with a touch of creativity. Creating our own alien family on the moon. Year 4 Spanish.

Busy in French in Year 4 too, creating our own alien characters too and practising accurate simple personal information sentences.Thanks to Queen’s Park for this photo.


Year 4 ,creating Spanish spoken texts and preparing to create their Viva Video movie books , to introduce their own descriptions of members of our “Alien Family” .

Snowy day Spanish and a great opportunity to work with bilingual dictionaires and explore words to describe snomwen in Spanish.

From nouns to adjectives and now to verbs. Conjugating the verb “to be” in French and linking this to our panto character lesson plan in Year 5 French .

French and celebrations. Practising writing simple descriptive sentences to design Epiphany crowns in Year 4 and 5 classes around the Primary Languages Network schools at the start of 2019 .


Freeze frame drama and performance in Spanish with Year 5

German in primary .Year 5 and 6 learning German and making links with penfriends in Germany.

Receiving Christmas letters from penfriends in Spain -UKS2 Spanish language learners.

Taking a cultural and language learning virtual visit to Paris and Montmartre,practising spoken French role plays on the virtual visit around the city.

Continuing to develop and extend writing skills:Year 6 French and extended sentence writing,sharing sporting opinions.

PLN Podcast #3-- Therese Comfort-- 'Why we are doing this….'


PLN Podcast #3

with Therese Comfort

Today’s podcast is with Therese Comfort, a primary school teacher and former national lead for primary languages at CiLT.

Therese brings a wealth of experience, knowledge and practical approaches to in-class teaching of primary languages for both the specialist and the non-specialist teacher.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast on Itunes

PLN News podcast- Feb 19 // Click2Teach // PLN Conference 1019 // CPD and associate updates

In this month’s discussion points, we introduce the new 'Click2Teach' curriculum, which runs alongside the Ready Made KS2 SOW in French,Soanish and German and is designed to get your schools non-specialists teaching languages, with its easier to use, game-based, less in-depth curriculum.

Also, we will update you on the PLN conference date and theme and upcoming LNM meetings dates. We also look into what Susanne has been doing with the ITT training, get an update from Emilie in regards to our languages associates and its prospective expansion, and finally receive admin updates from Catherine, in regards to new associates and the PLDA award

Click on the links below if you are interested in any of the topics


For a demonstration of our resources contact

For info about our languages associates contact

for info about our CPD courses contact

any other enquiries contact 

Bring in the New Year!

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Bring in the New Year of language learning! Simple start of year lesson sequence below.

Quick and simple New Year’s language learning activity here with a touch of music and peformance too!

This video above is just a simple snap shot clip of a band marching in an “Epiphany” parade. It was filmed this weekend in Spain but can be used whatever the target language you teach, to celebrate the start of a new academic term at the start of 2019..

Here’s how we suggest you use the clip:

  • Set the scene and talk about celebrations in January and how people celebrate and bring in the new calendar year.

  • Revisit simple or core language taught or practised regularly last term. Think - greetings , numbers , colours, months. days of the week, feelings.

  • Play the clip of the band. Can the children recognise the tune being played?

  • Divide the class in to differentiated ability groups of 6 - 8 children .Give each “group” now working as a “marching and musical band” a core language focus - so one group focuses on numbers , one group focuses on months or colours etcetra.

  • Challenge the groups to put the core language to a familiar tune. We suggest this needs to a lively tune that they can then march to, like a band.

  • Ask the children to add performance and become a marching band, pretending to play imstruments and perform their core language marching songs and tunes.

  • Ask each group to present their performances to the class.

  • Join all the performances together and order the groups in a way that the class feels is the best fit both musically and in terms of types of core language.

  • Create a class performance and why not video it too!

PLN News Podcast #1- Jan 2019 // Mindfulness // ITT Training // Resources //Premium

Primary Languages News- January 2019

Firstly, Happy New Year to all! We hope you are having and are set to have your best year yet!

This is the brand new PLN news podcast in which we will update you with all things PLN on a monthly basis

In this news update, Will discusses the following topics:

  1. The effectiveness of using mindfulness in the classroom

  2. The benefits of the premium membership

  3. The success and details of our ITT training

  4. Last Year Primary Languages Development Award receivers

  5. Updates about the growth of PLN and our associates

  6. Resources to use in the new year

if you are interested in any of what is said here are links to:

Multilingual Happy New Year


Our classrooms within our growing Primary Languages Network schools have children with great skills - other language plus great curiosity about the World outside their own communities.Last year we created a New Year’s lesson to celebrate the “multi-lingual “ nature of our communities. Here is a very simple first lesson back to celebrate the New Year and to be able to explore with your children in your classes that all around the World people have started their own “new years” and wished each other all the best for ther new year too! .

Network members will find the complete lesson plan and resources plus this multi-lingual Happy New Year triarama in the Ready Made French,Spanish and German SOW in Year 5 Spring 1 .

Non-network members can download this triarama from the French ,Spanish and German Active Lingo shop on the Primary Languages Network website.

Here is a the direct link to access and download this for FREE.

International Happy New Year triarama in Active Lingo Shop to download.

Primary Languages podcast #2 --- Meet the team - Emilie Woodroffe


Episode #2

Meet the team - Emilie Woodroffe

Welcome to episode 2 of the primary languages podcast, where I sit down and have a conversation with Emilie Woodroffe. Emilie is now the associate coordinator at PLN, and has worked for nearly 10 years with Janet Lloyd. Tune in to this conversation about how she moved to England from France, and how she has ended up in a role tailor made for her abilities and interests. Relive her journey from British council languages assistant to associate teacher coordinator

New Year! New Start! Revist the familiar.


Such a brilliant way to start the new year of language learning , whatever the level of the learners and whatever content you want to use.We love this activity every year! Inspired by Epiphany European celebration cakes – galette de rois and roscón de reyes, a simple to make and play letters and sounds wheel/game to revisit and practise core basic language and/or identify key letter strings and sounds in target languages.

I first created it back in December 2014 and wrote a blog called “Pass the roscon de reyes or the galette des rois”. It allowed the schools within Primary Languages Network at the time to look at ways to practise sound spelling links in numbers and colours.You can find the sequence of activities for this in the blog post.

Since then colleagues have decided upon their own content for the game.Here is an example from a network schoo.Irt erevisits simple language and the children need to recall the target language for the words.

We have produced a letters and sounds game, an individual wheel for ach child, as a variation on the game, linked to the orignal purpose- sound spelling. It’s part of our Ready Made French, Spanish and German SOW. You can also download it here at the end of this blog post, if you are not a network member from our Active Lingo Shop.Here is a picture of it in action last January in a network classroom.


Festive FREEBIE Six

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Our festive FREEBIE number 6 is a Xmas PE lesson, linked to simple beginners French,German and Spanish too .Ideal to use with KS1 and Year 3 learners. All you need is a PE lesson,space, hoops and colours plus the lesson plan devised by our specialist PE teacher which includes words and sound files mto support non-specialists.

Help Santa and the elves sort the presents and get them to their correct destinations on time!

It’s a great lesson .Don’t take our word for it , take the recommendation hot of the press from Year 3 at St Bernhards Primary.

The lesson plans , sound files and pictures are in the Year 3 Ready Made SOW and we have also made them available as festiv FREEBIE to non Primary Languages Network/ members here in our Active Lingo Shop

French Xmas PE lesson to download

Spanish Xmas PE lesson to download

German Xmas PE lesson to download

Festive Freebie Five

Letter to Santa photo.png

Festive FREEBIE number five is in French and Spanish. It’s an example letter to use as writing frame or reading comprehension plus downloadable Xmas style writing paper for your own class letters to Santa. Letters they can then post in the school letter box or take home and put under their Xmas trees.

Letter_Paper.docx - Word.png

You can donwload the example letter and the writing paper here:

French: A letter to Santa

Spanish: A letter to Santa

Suggested activities:

  1. Explain to the class that you have received this letter in the post.Show the letter briefly on the screen. Ask the class to help you investigate the text and decide what type of letter it is and help you see what information is mentioned in the letter.

    On a board write the phrases: “Dear Father Christmas” and also “Thank you very much” (.You can find these on the target language letter examples).Ask the children in pairs to talk about what they think these phrases might mean. Give them a clue by showing them the blank letter template on the whiteboard. Take feedback .

  2. Show the example target language letter on the large class screen and look for the two phrases the children have discussed. Highlight these on the screen .Reinforce the fact that theses two phrases are used to write lots of letters and that you just replace the name of Father Christmas with another name if you are writing to someone else.

  3. Ask the children to decide who they think has written the letter. Encourage trhem to use the picture clues on the screen .(It’s a letter from one of our alien family characters- sister alien.You can see a picture of her on the right hand side of the letter .The alien family stories run right through out our Primary Languages Network Ready Made French and Spanish KS2 SOW so your classes may already be familiar with them or you may already have met them if you have used our “Guess Who?Xmas Jumper” resource from our Primary Languages Network Active Lingo Shop) .

  4. Has the class realised that this is Santa’s wish list letter? What nouns might they expect in a wish list of presents? Brainstorm in English and in the target language.

  5. Take a look through the list of items (nouns) in the letter.Can the children indentify some of these nouns because they look simlar to English? Use bilingual dictionaries to find unfamilar language.

  6. Play a memory game with the items- who can remember four items/ five items/ items in alphabetical order etcetra?

  7. Now solve the problem - what type of letter is this? It’s a wish list letter to Santa. Ask the children in the air with invisible pens to write in the target language what they think is the best gift from the list of items and send it by magic through the air to Santa.

  8. Ask the class to write on white boards their favourite item from the list.Ask children to add extra items using familiar nouns they already know.Encourage some children to extend this by adding u nfamiliar nouns after looking them up in bilingual dictionaries.

  9. Discuss what they think the first paragraph in the letter might mean in the letter.Get the children to think about what they might want to say in Engllish in a letter to Santa.Explain that the author of the letter is telling Santa that he/she has been very good this year.

  10. And now it’s time to have fun and write your own letters and keep our Primary Languages Network letter to Father Christmasr as a writing support on the big class screen.

Festive Freebie 4

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Just added a Festive FREEBIE in French and Spanish that some of the more musical Primary Languages Network associate teachers have always loved.I am not musical but I can comfortably deliver this lesson too!We have been using this activity in different forms just before Xmas over the last years and it’s always a hit!

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It's a lesson where the class practises and learns a very simple Xmas song in the target language to the tune of London's Burning .The power point includes the class activity step by step instructions and the bells with the target language words, that need to be cut out and given to individual pupils in the class.

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Sp Xmas bells photo.jpg