How PLN are helping with home learning and key workers

Strange times indeed!


Hope everybody and their loved ones are doing well, this podcast is just to reach out with what we are currently offering to members and non-members in help with this whole 'national crisis'


1. Home learning and key workers projects found on the dashboards 

2. Ideas for home learning posted on our Instagram, follow us at primarylanguagesnetwork

3. Revision videos with Irene and Emilie our French and Spanish speakers, videos will be up on Youtube search Primary Languages Network

4. Any questions or enquiries don't hesitate to ask us


I hope this helps, stay safe, we will be updating you again shortly

Knowledge acquisition & coverage over KS2

Do you have an overview of the language, phonics and grammar coverage?

This is obviously such an important question when schools are considering joining Primary Languages Network or when you are sharing the long term development of your pupils’ language learning with staff, the wider community, and secondary colleagues.

Yes, we do! Knowledge acquisition and the coverage of all the elements above are now shared with all network members in our “Knowledge Nets”.

What are “Knowledge Nets”?
1.Knowledge Nets.png

Knowledge Nets display the progress over time children make in content, personal information questions and answers, transactional language, phonics and grammar and link learning to the primary school calendar. The Knowledge Nets indicate the types of activities and development of language learning skills across KS2.

They exist currently in French and Spanish and are language-specific. There is one document per stage (from stage 1 to stage 4) and are aligned with the PLN Knowledge Organisers and Click2Teach and Be Creative Schemes of Work.

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How could the Knowledge Nets be useful as a coordination tool in our school?
  • Add them to your school coordination documents.

  • Use the nets as a “coverage and progress in learning” reference tool.

  • If you work with an external specialist teacher or you are a teacher member of PLN then the nets are an excellent dialogue tool about expectations and progress in learning between school and external providers.

  • The nets can be a springboard to help you to develop your own additional activities.

  • The nets can be used as shared reference records and dialogue tools in the transition of pupils from KS2 into KS3 language learning.

Where do I find the Knowledge Nets on the PLN VLE?
  1. Click on ‘planning tools’ from your dashboard (see image right)

  2. Then click on ‘Knowledge acqusiiton’ (see image below)

planning tools.png
1c.Stage specific planning documents.png
What picture of a pupil’s language learning coverage and potential progress can we build using the Knowledge Nets?

Over the four years of KS2, the children meet approximately 500 words, explore phrase and sentence structure, start to develop understanding of target language sound spelling and basic grammar and explore the skills of learning a foreign language.

The coverage of language is chunked into small thematic segments and is revisited across KS2 language learning.

The Knowledge Nets help teachers see the bigger picture as learning activities become more sophisticated. From Stage 1/ Year 3……. (below left)

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….. to Stage 4 /Year 6 …….. (above right)

All four core skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing are developed over time.

Children are given the opportunity to develop recall and retrieval skills and therefore become more independent in their use of the language.

The Knowledge Nets allow the school to have a clear picture of language acquisition. From coverage of vocabulary, with content broken down into nouns, adjectives and verb acquisition (below)

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to acquisition of personal information questions and answers and transactional language (below).

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3.Personal info build over time.png
5. Grammar primary style.png

The Knowledge Nets highlight new and revisited key sound spellings (right).

and right from the beginning in Stage 1, primary progress in grammar awareness and exploration is plotted (left).

4.Key sounds first time and repeat.png

Specialist teachers - Getting the most out of the PLN VLE and Schemes of Work.


So you’re a specialist language teacher, and you are a teacher member of Primary Languages Network and the sole user of your VLE account; how do you get the most out of your membership and ensure you are using all the content to your advantage? I am Catherine Simms, PLN Network Manager, and an associate teacher working as a PPA teacher in one of primary network schools. I deliver the French across KS2 and support the school with the rollout of the subject.

I’ve put together this series of questions and answers to help you find the resources you might need in various situations. I hope you will find this useful. Please note, for the links to work, you need to log on to the VLE before clicking them

NB. Some of the content is available only to our Teacher Member Plus members, however, there is the option to upgrade to this membership and access all content if you don’t have Teacher Member Plus.

I have 30 minutes in each of my classes, I need a scheme of work that is easy to use in this short time slot… what should I use?
1.Click2Teach Fre.png

You need to use our Click 2 Teach curriculum in French Spanish or German

This is a really user-friendly curriculum with click-through resources, and easy to fit everything into a short time slot.

I want to be more creative in my language teaching, how can I do this?
2.BeCreative Spa.png

You need to use our Be Creative curriculum in French Spanish or German.

In here you will find lesson plans, and the Be More Creative videos which will give you ideas to take your language learning in other directions

3.whats in unit  becreative video examples of work.png
I am the sole languages teacher in my school, how can I find out what other schools are doing in their languages lessons?

Have a look at our Examples of School Work in the Be Creative curriculum – in each unit of work there is a slide show for you to look at work our other member schools have produced in each unit, in a variety of languages.

Have a look in these units of work that are coming up:

Stage 1 Spring 2 Carnival games German

Stage 3 Spring 2 Carnival clowns and clothes French

Stage 4 Spring 2 All the fun of the fair Spanish

I have been asked to link language learning to other subjects, how can I do this?

You need to use our Cross Curricular section.

This area has a wealth of resources to help you establish cross-curricular links. You can also use the ‘Hot Topics’ button at the top of the page to access activity guides for our most-used resources.

6.Hot topics Overview Cross curricular.png
It’s World Book Day next month and I’ve been asked to do a special language lesson, how do I do this?

You need to use our Seasonal Specials section.

In this section you will find lesson plans, resources and ideas to help you celebrate different calendar events throughout the year, including World Book Day.

As with Cross Curricular you will again find our ‘Hot Topics’ button at the top of the page with activity guides for the most popular events, including World Book Day.

8.World Book Day Activity Guide French.png
I need to share with my school what is happening in language lessons, how can I do this?

You need to use our Planning Tools page.

10.Planning Tools.png

Planning Tools French

Planning Tools Spanish

In here you will find:

-          Long Term Overviews which summarise the topics, language content, skills, phonics and grammar for the whole academic year, and includes the 12 DfE Attainment Targets

-          Tracking sheets to track the language covered, grammar elements, key phonics, assessments covered and DfE Attainment Targets

-          Medium Term Plans organised into half terms showing the language covered and skills used in each unit of work

-          Core skills progress to demonstrate the progress the children will make across four stages of language learning in each of the four core skills. Plus Knowledge Organisers for pupils and the wider school community and Language Nets with content, phonics, transactional language, grammar coverage per unit and year group too.

This year I have two mixed age classes. What can I do?

We have the answer. Use our Mixed Age Planning Schedule. It’s on the home page of the SOW on the top bar, in the drop down list “Coordination”.We have a devised a two year rolling programme to help.

11.Mixed Age Classes.png
I’ve been asked to represent my school in an Ofsted interview, how do I prepare for this?

You will need to have a look at our Ofsted Ready chart which is available only from the Teacher Member Plus Dashboard.

This chart shows possible questions you might be asked, and how you can answer them using documentation from the Primary Languages VLE. Have a good read through, download and print off the key documents, and have a read of the blog post hyperlinked above the chart.

I’ve been asked to deliver a special languages day in my school and I don’t know where to start…

Have a look at our Learn a New Language page.

12.Learn a new language chart.png
13.Italian units.png

In here you will find basic language learning lessons in nine different languages including Arabic and Mandarin Chinese! The topics are in Click 2 Teach format, simply click through each resource, do the activity then move on to the next one. There is audio with each unit so you can join in with the children if this is a new language for you too! Why not try a different language in each year group? With Learn a New Language, you can!

I’ve been asked to do some work in KS1, how can I do this?

You need our KS1 Language Explorers page available in French and Spanish.

In here you will find a variety of topics to use with Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 with activities suited to these younger language ‘explorers’. The children will love the songs, games and videos which will give them a good base knowledge to build upon in KS2.

KS1 picture.png

Hope that this blog post has helped you to better understand the ways that you as a PPA or specialist teacher can maximise the use of the VLE and the amazing amount of resources and support tools available .Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions: and make sure that you book in your 1:1 FREE webinar with me if you are a “Teacher Member Plus”when we can walk through the VLE and find solutions to your own specific requirements.

Look forward to working with you.


Exercise books- key info & takeaway points for use

The aim of this blog is to clear the slate in regards to what is expected of exercise books in KS2 primary foreign Language learning. I have visited many primary schools and have been exposed to many different ideas, concepts, myths and fables about what is to be expected. Throughout the blog, there are excerpts from one of the PLN team, who is a course deliverer, languages teacher and a current Y6 Primary school teacher, explaining what she expects in her own exercise books. (This is the orange writing).

  1. Use exercise books to celebrate writing

Books should be there to ‘celebrate’ writing and other work done in lessons
One quality writing piece with a learning objective above it

One quality writing piece with a learning objective above it

This is a fantastic way of putting it!

It’s a maximum of 2 quality pieces of writing with a learning objective every half term, however 1 piece is more than enough (yes, you did just read 1 piece per half term!). Any other pieces of work can be stuck in the books as well. One exercise book should last 4 years of learning, and will demonstrate the terrific progress journey from year 3-6, stage 1-4. Unfortunately there is no short way of doing this, however once you have established a couple of years of quality writing across the years, then you will start seeing the fruits of your labour! Have patience padiwan…

2. Write on other things instead….

It may be that the writing outcome of a lesson is actually done on a whiteboard, in the air or on a partner’s back with their ‘magic pen’

Generally children hate making mistakes, and especially crossing out mistakes, so use mini-whiteboards, finger/ air writing or scrap pieces of paper to practise writing. If you want to evidence this writing, then take a picture of it! A great game can be played between two students writing on each others back, and guessing what they have written. It is great for both the writer and the ‘writee’.

Keeping your MFL books tidy is crucial. Any opportunity to practise writing elsewhere must be taken advantage of. You want to create an environment that you are only writing in books, when the pieces of writing have been throroughly revised. It should be a special event. This whole process is extremely valuable for not only book tidiness, but also consolidating language learning after having your classes create several drafts prior to the final piece!

Top Tip- Keep a big scrap book of pieces of writing done outside of the special writing books

3. There is more to language learning than just writing and marking

The PLN marking code allows a short foreign language comment without making unnecessary workload for teachers

Writing is but one of four key skills to learning a language- Listening, speaking and reading are equally as important. You should be spending as much time on each of these skills as you are on writing.

A book with PLN marking code on the left

A book with PLN marking code on the left

From what I have observed, the main reasons why writing in books is such a “focused upon” activity, is firstly because it is the easiest to use as evidence, as the writing itself is the evidence, and secondly because of a lack of understanding about what is actually expected in KS2 PFL, and therefore assumptions and comparisons can be made between literacy and PFL.

What you have to remember is the children are in their first years of learning a new language, and to expect the volume and quality of writing produced to be similar to English, is pretty absurd. As MFL coordinators and leads you have to be the beacon of knowledge, and squash pressure from SLT in regards to quantity and quality of writing from students. With a membership of PLN we support and train you through this to become the primary languages’ experts in school. It’s not about endless hours of marking, instead adopt a marking code akin to the one in the picture above, allowing for clear and concise sentences in the target language. Below is a quote which sums up half a years worth of work in books

Looking back through my Year 5’s workbooks so far this year, there are about 10 written pieces but some of these are worksheet based, concept cards, Puzzle It Out assessment sheets or Assessment clouds

Concluding thoughts….

Most cases of confusion I have experienced with schools is purely down to a lack of understanding about what is to be expected in exercise books. But equally, there isn’t an awful lot out there in terms of what to expect, so don’t be too hard on yourself. This blog report hopefully has cleared up some of those issues

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to get in touch at

We have plenty of training courses you can attend.If you are a member of the network, you are entitled to in-school upskilling both for yourself and your staff (upskilling, up-training, coordinator 1-1, action plan meeting)

Finally, If you want to read the full passage from one of our PLN team on writing then click here

We now have Knowledge Organisers ! Podcast with Catherine,Network Manager.

If you like what you are hearing, then please subscribe and give us some support!

Simply search Primary Languages Network Podcast on your phone or tablet on either the podbean app or podcasts app (if using Iphone)

Click on subscribe when you find us....

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In today’s episode, we talk about “Knowledge Organisers”.

We have recently created them in line with the core content in the “Click2Teach” and “BeCreative” KS2 French and Spanish schemes of work. We know they can be used in a multitude of different ways as Catherine, our PLN Network Manager explains in the podcast.

We are busy finishing off all “Knowledge Organisers” with accompanying support native speaker sound files, but the initial ones can be found via the PLN VLE dashboard. Click on MFL coordinator tools and you can access them both in a folder called “Knowledge Organisers”.

We have also created an index with all links to the KO's so you can put the document onto your webpage too.

New Year's language learner resolutions.


Robert , one of my colleagues, shared with me yesterday the chatterboxes he made with the children after a busy morning of Christmas activities. Not only is this a great idea pre-Xmas activity but it got me thinking about what a useful device this is to use the first lesson back after Xmas and to set some learning challenges for your primary language learners. See it as a sort of language learning New Year’s resolutions’ lesson.

These are my suggestions:

  • First practise several greetings and New Year’s wishes.These will be the final reveal sentences in your chatterboxes. Practise air writing these greetings.

  • Ask the children just like you can see in the pictures to create chatterboxes,remembering,using and recalling the spelling of some very simple familiar language (numbers ,colours, days of week etcetera). Final reveal sentences are your greetings and New Year’s wishes.

  • Ask the children to reflect on how easy they found the words to remember from prior learning and to check spelling with a list of accurately spelled target language on the board. Do they want to set themselves a spelling target for their primary language learning? Do they want to set themselves a retrieval skills target to focus on improving their memory and recall skills?

  • Illustrations on the chatterboxes should be done at the end of the next game. More importantly we want to get the children engaged in the pair game and reading aloud.

  • In pairs play the chatterbox games. Both children should take it in turns to be the revealer and speaker.The speaker needs to read aloud the words they can see on the chatterboxes and read aloud the final greetings phrases or sentence. The revealer’s role is to be the listener and observer and to feed back at the end two stars and a wish .Two things that were good about the speaker’s reading aloud in the target language and one thing that the speaker could set as a personal language learning focus or resolution for the half term.

  • Swap roles and play the game again.

  • Ask the children to share with each other their own personal language learning resolutions they have identified both reading aloud, improving accuracy in both pronunciation, spelling and retrieval of language.

  • Now it’s time to illustrate the chatterboxes and write the personal targets in their books .

  • Happy New Year !

Why choose premium membership?

With school budgets and cost of resources being a central issue for many schools, we understand the importance of ‘value for money’ when purchasing subscription services such as ours. Without looking deeper into what you get, paying £275 per year for a premium subscription to a languages curriculum could be considered extravagant. This blog post will try and enlighten why you should consider seriously premium membership for your school, and why it is such great value for money.

First things first…..

Signing up to an annual subscription with PLN (be it school or premium member) gives your whole school access to the range of curriculums and resources. We have made bespoke curriculums for non-specialist teachers, mixed-aged classes, confident teachers, learning by story, season or across the curriculum. These are all carefully woven together in that they meet all of the needs of the DfE targets and expectations in school.

We work endlessly as a company to make sure these resources fit the needs of the teachers.We understand the lack of time given to languages in school, and therefore are always discovering ways of streamlining and simplifying the primary languages teaching and learning process. We have our ear to the ground.The Primary Languages Network team is made up of qualified teachers, either native or fluent target language speakers, working in primary schools themselves.Meet some of the team here. One of the major perks of subscribing to PLN is that it is always changing with the times of education, ensuring that it will always be relevant and remain ‘live’ to the current educational climate. Additionally, with any membership you are entitled to a tour of resources with our network coordinator.

Now, with the necessary preamble out of the way, let’s get down to why choosing premium membership is the best option for maximising language learning at your school

Ticket to PLN Conference

Firstly, this gives you a ticket to the languages conference hosted in Warrington annually, usually, over 120+ attending and nationally known speakers, this really is great event, packed with loads of enthusiasm and a good opportunity to connect with other languages teachers in similar situations to yourself. The ticket for this event for non-members is usually priced at over £100

Staff CPD

With your premium membership, you are now entitled to either a free of charge (or greatly reduced charge,depending on the distance away from us) in-school whole staff training on our resources. This is planned around the non-specialist and will give your teachers the confidence that they can teach languages using our friendly curriculum. These have been proven to be very successful and are a great way for us to help you best with your school. The training can be organized immediately after purchasing premium membership. These are also great opportunities for us to help troubleshoot some areas of concern for you, e.g. are we OFSTED ready, setting up an effective action plan, ideas for school languages days etc.

Well-being pack

In the premium pack you have access to all 40 mindfulness videos in French, Spanish and English, and 10 in German. These are brilliant for practicing breathing and learning the chosen language and have worked in many schools. They comprise of 2-minute clips of breathing, with relaxing stories as well, all come with transcripts. You also get access to our yoga curriculum on animals, and a cultural project shaped around the ‘daily mile’ walking project

Website Help for OFSTED

We have now created a document on the premium dashboard which supports your school in creating an online presence on your web page related to languages. We have learned that it is crucial to show what exactly is being done in your school, and have created a step-by-step document that will guide you through how to do this correctly. In the document we have also provided links to key documents that you may want to show and share. Additonally, we are happy to talk through this document with you and/or your IT support so that they can make the adjustments required. We really are here to help with these things!

School signage

You also get access to school signage that can be printed off, laminated and placed around your school. It’s a time saver, announces that languages are being learnt in school and the pictures are designed by our company artist so they look great too!

Further support

No matter what the challenge is, we are here to provide you with our best support and guidance. We spend a lot of time with schools, shaping their action plans so that they dovetail with the whole school vision and understand what is required to take the next steps forward. With premium membership, you are entitled to our support throughout the year.

Hopefully, this post has answered some questions as to why you should opt for premium membership,as it allows us as a company and an education service to offer maximum support and have the greatest positive impact on your school’s language learning journey.

Any further questions don’t hesitate to contact us at

Ideas for Xmas- with Kate and Emilie

If you like what you are hearing, then please subscribe and give us some support!

Simply search Primary Languages Network Podcast on your phone or tablet on either the podbean app or podcasts app (if using Iphone)

Click on subscribe when you find us....

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All the ideas discussed today are found on the VLE, follow this pathway


Dashboard --> Seasonal specials --> Hot topics --> Christmas --> select language

Talking Xmas Cards

French leaf cards.png

Freebie time! Simple language learning linked to the festive time of the year.We have created for both Primary Languages Network and non- network members this resource and series of lesson activities.

1.Spa Seasonal Greetings Sound Garlands (2) - PowerPoint.png

Based upon the simplest of Xmas greetings, it’s a memory, recall, rhythm, pulse, sound spelling and phrase writing activity that links beautifully with learning how to create sound files, make QRs and use QRs to share target language speaking. We hope you enjoy using this resource and would recommend that you take a lesson or two to use the resource and potentially plan for a class “Talking Xmas Card Tree” in French or Spanish. In fact, it’s a great way to promote the fact that your classes have been learning French and Spanish with Mums Dads, grandparents carers, visitors, governors, SLT can access the recorded greetings from your class with phones and IPads. .and at the end of this busy term, the class will have the target language “speaking” Xmas cards to take home too.

The activities comprise of:

  1. listening to a native speaker

  2. identifying the patterns of intonation

  3. exploring sounds and spelling of sounds in the target language

  4. reading and speaking aloud confidently

  5. hunting sounds and spellings to reconstruct the deconstructed seasonal greetings’ phrase

  6. adding actions, volumes, voices and dynamics to a group spoken activity/performance

  7. recording group or class spoken greetings

  8. creating holly garland Xmas cards with QR codes

As a class you will explore:

  • how to listen carefully to a native speaker.

  • the rhythm and pulse of target language greetings as a great way to embed in the memory the beat and intonation of the phrase.

  • how to read aloud the written word

  • how to remember the spoken word and recall and re-use the target language

  • how to make links between sound and spellings

  • how to listen carefully for sounds

  • how to work as a group and create a dynamic performance

  • how to record sound files of spoken language

  • how to create and use a QR code

Network members go to Seasonal Specials, Hot Topics, Christmas , French or Spanish Activity Guides and select activity 4. You can clipboard this into other classes user folders too on the VLE and perhaps create a key stage or year group “Talking Xmas Cards Tree”.

Link to the downloadable freebies for non-network members are below:

French Seasonal Sounds Resource

Spanish Seasonal Sounds Resource

FAQs .Starting off together...... but what do we teach Year 5 and 6?

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This year we are creating a series of blog posts to explore FAQs from our Primary Languages Network schools. In this post, we begin to address the frequently asked question above. How can schools that are just starting off, address the needs of the UKS2 pupils and how can teachers ensure that beginner language learning is right for both the age and stage of the learner?

Well, primary foreign languages are like Maths. You can’t just dip in or select a topic. You really need to put the building blocks of learning in place first of all. This means that the content and the skill levels that UKS2 children will be exploring could potentially be for the most part the same as those explored by LKS2 children. Hence the fact that in our Primary Languages Network Schemes of Work you will see reference to Year 3 - Stage 1 or Year 6 - Stage 4 (of learning).

The bigger challenge is to make the learning relevant and engaging for the children higher up in the year groups of KS2.

Below are 9 approaches we know work and the examples of work have been shared by our network schools. We hope that these approaches help you to find ways to address the challenges of Year 5 and 6 classes, who are at stage 1 or 2 or language learning.

One: In Charge of Whole School Informative Displays

Give UKS2 the responsibility to design informative displays about the target language countries and the target language learning in your school.

1.Be in charge of building the school display.png

Two: Interesting age-appropriate twists to simple language activities

Give simple language learning an age-appropriate interesting twist. Design a school mascot for the subject, perhaps to even use this as a sticker on the front of learning journals or as the logo for language learning ambassador badges or reward certificates. In the process practise speaking and writing simple personal information and look at numbers and cultural facts too.

2. Adding age appropriate puprose e.g design the school mascot competition.png

Three: Data gathering, class surveys and challenges

Build in lots of opportunities for class surveys, games and challenges. Create activities too where children are finding out and retrieving information and recording the data they find

3. Games and challenges with simple language.png

Four: Refreshing school and classroom signage

Make it the responsibility of UKS2 to research and generate signage for the school and the classrooms and to keep this fresh and up to date. UKS2 could create their own simple target language posters for the LKS2 learners for example of numbers , colours, days of week etcetera..

4.Responsibility 0 refresh school signs.png

Five: Challenging Maths activities using simple number knowledge

Link the simplest of learning to other areas of the for example here the numbers at single digits but the activity is using addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.

5.Link to other subject areaqs and add challenge.png

Six: Language Detectives and skills of understanding unfamiliar language- from an early stage.

Right from the start, encourage your UKS2 language learners to develop independence and become language detectives. Bilingual dictionaries are a great place to start and linked with the sound-spelling work you will be doing as stage one learners the UKS2 children can explore unfamiliar vocabulary and reading and speaking aloud this language from a very early stage in learning.

6.biling dics accelerate learning.png

Seven- Current, relevant and age-appropriate hooks.

Make the “hooks” for learning dynamic and purposeful . We always try to recognise not only the “stage” of the learners but the “age “ of the learners and to make the activities have a twist that addresses the maturity of the learners.

7.Add interesting hooks.png

Eight: Creativity, performance and links with literacy

Encourage creativity and look for links with literacy. Poems, using the simplest of language are a great starting point and linking the creativity to the wider curriculum or school calendar adds point and purpose too.

8.Encourage creativity.png

Nine: Add extra reasons to learn - use APPs, record performances, perform for other classes….

Plus look for opportunities where you can record UKS2, encourage them to use APPs and IT to record their own work or perform for younger children and enjoy the fact that the children lower down in the school can understand the target language in the recordings and performances.

Illuminating nouns


Toward the end of this first half term, many of you will have introduced some nouns to your classes or will have revisited familiar nouns and used these in new contexts. Certainly if you are using one of our Primary Languages Network Schemes of Work then Years 4, 5 and 6 will have been using nouns in the target language this half term.

We love this activity as it makes purposeful and effective display and can be a display that works with beginners and more advanced learners and potentially allows you to create a whole school target language grammar display too.

The idea is inspired by one of the great celebrations here in the North West of England, the Blackpool illuminations. You will see strings of bright lights and light displays all around Blackpool, lighting up the night sky at this time of year. Below are the steps we suggest you take to create your illuminating nouns display.

  1. Play a game with the nouns you have practised , a spoken memory chain game or a game of listening, respond, mime and show the meaning of noun (for example Simon says).

  2. Talk with the children about how we can group the nouns. With beginners, this might be just to highlight the use of “le” and “la” in French for example before the nouns they know. With more advanced learners this may be to the group into singular and plural nouns in categories of masculine and feminine nouns. You may be able to think of a focus that you want to dig deeper with the class.

  3. Ask the children to create their own paper light bulb shapes and to add drawings of nouns and accurate target-language spelling of the nouns.

  4. Give the children short pieces of string and ask them to create their own illumination strings following your grammar focus. This may mean that all the masculine nouns should be put on a string and all the feminine nouns should be put on a string or you may want the children to divide the nouns into singular and plural nouns etcetera.

  5. Collect in the strings of nouns and display. In fact, you could have strings of nouns from beginners and more advanced displayed together.

All about our language teachers- Janet and Emilie (PLN Language Teacher Manager)

If you like what you are hearing, then please subscribe and give us some support!

Simply search Primary Languages Network Podcast on your phone or tablet on either the podbean app or podcasts app (if using Iphone)

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This week’s podcast is a conversation between Janet Lloyd and Emilie Woodroffe (Language Teacher Manager)

Any enquiries, don't hesitate to contact Emilie -