St Philips CE: Dice and Hand Writing to revisit personal information

With Years 4 and 5 Sam has been busy  recapping questions and answers and included some writing about themselves. the class played a dice game in pairs where numbers rolled corresponded to questions to ask a partner who would then respond e.g. quel âge as-tu?, quelle est votre couleur préférée?.They then wrote sentences about ourselves on 'hands' and illustrated them.

Art competition with Tate and French Ministry

BP Art Exchange and the French Ministry of Education invite you to particpate in an exciting initiative exploring art and language. Dis Moi Dix Mots aims to encourage primary and secondary school students to create a collective literary and artisitic pice of work responidng to one or more words from a selection of term.

To particpate register at and join the Dix Mots group. 

You need to upload your work by 26 February 2016 .

Link to site here BP Art Exchange