Let the language genie out of the bottle_French

1.Genie in bottle.png
1.Genie in bottle.png

Let the language genie out of the bottle_French


Let the language genies out of the bottle!

Simple creative activities to encourage language learners to retrieve prior learning and apply to a creative task- releasing the genie from the bottle. Teachers may like to talk about how the children are like the "genies in the bottles" with prior language learning that they need to recall and re-use.

Three activity sheets from beginners to more advanced primary language learning. Each activity sheet has answer sheets for teachers or home learners.

Stage 1/2 - the simple recall of some sequences of numbers, days of week, and greeting plus giving a name.

Stage 2/3- composing written and spoken sentences to create a simple personality for the genie in the bottle (name/ habitat/ age/ pets/ feelings).

Stage 4- composing a creature phrase potion to keep the language genie out of the bottle. Spoken and written activity to describe the colour of creatures. May require children accessing bilingual dictionaries and online tools to investigate unfamiliar language.

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