Purposeful progress in Spanish

I have recently been keeping a record of the progress our children in the network have been making in their knowledge of the target language .I have also documented the visit all the Year 6  children from  Latchford CE made to Malaga in April this year . You can read about this here Building purposeful links with a school abroad. You read in this blog the positive impact that the Year 6 class teacher feels the visit and the preparations during the year have had upon all her class.

José is the school's Spanish Language Assistant and he has worked with the children for the last two years and has accompanied the last two Year 6 classes to Malaga- his home city.I asked him to  pop down in an email for me the progress he saw in all the children whilst they were in Malaga and now they have returned to Warrington.This is what José has noticed :

I have seen that Year 6 have improved a lot in their pronunciation.They want to say things correctly .They feel more confident now when they speaking and can say phrases that are really sueful to them and that they just remember from when they were in Spain. 
They also made  huge progress with simple things like when they have to order food, not just only in a restaurant, but even in the "kiosk" or shops and when they didn't know all the words they needed. They can all ask for the price, the numbers of items they want to etc. 
They were capable of giving their opinions when they liked, didn't like something for example a game , a book , a pop group when they were with their Spanish friends.
Now they are very keen to build  proper Spanish sentences and they really want to learn more Spanish.
And now they are ready to meet their Spanish friends back here in Warrington and to spend another week with them speaking Spanish and English.