Writing and reviewing a half term's progress: les feuilles s'envolent

I have just seen this marvellous sketch and decide this is exactly what we need in UKS2 at the end of this half term for our KS2 children to use to write a message using the target language they have been practising.It will link well in to our Autumn focus at the end of the half term and will also allow us to review what we have produced at the start of the new half term.
It obviously doesn't need to be in French - could be German or Spanish or Mandarin etc....

It's a simple writing activity.
  • Each child creates their own Autumn leaf or receives a leaf template. 
  • They consider what they want to write about themselves from the language they have practised during the half term.

For example in our network schools the messages could be :
  • beginners: a greeting,name and feelings and a farewell
  • moving on: personal information about themselves and questions for a new friend 
  • advanced: personal information and emotions describing themselves as they feel on the day they write (and some information their class)

As these are Autumn leaves they need to be gathered up to stop the leaves blowing away and the class forgetting what they have learnt too! The teacher keeps the pile and at the start of the next half term shares the leaves and their written messages randomly with the class so that the children can read each others' messages and remember the language they practised  the previous half term!