Verbs and Primary Languages Grammar. How are we getting on?

We have been considering ways to support all our colleagues to deliver appropriate primary target languages grammar as part of the language learning in school.This third  round up blog focuses on commonly used verbs in the present tense.

We want our teachers to be confident enough to share with children clearly and successfully how to use some verbs in the target language.Remember we stage the learning of verbs across four years of KS2 the activities below represent work with different stages of learner and year groups. 

Teacher's guide to the ways  to a step by step developmental understanding of nouns,verbs and adjectives from the perspective of a young child in primary school.

Using a familiar technique of Maths' functions machines to enable children to keep a re-usable record of the processes they need to apply to access and use grammatical structures

We like to encourage the children to look at texts carefully and become independent language detectives!The magical magnifying glass allows us to ask children to find key language ... so here we could be searching for 
verbs in a text for example. 

Bring Art to life !Practise verbal phrases with beginner learners.I use these  activities mid way/ toward the end of the first year of target language learning .The children are confidently recalling and  saying verbal phrases and personal information sentences about themselves which all contain verbs in the present tense

I like to revisit the same picture with the children as they progress in their language learning and confidence . They can see how much more they are capable of achieving and also we are building a soap opera based on the characters we are getting to know in the picture 

Hot Seating! questions and answers leading to a third person singular description of the character of some of the people the children have explored in the famous  painting.

The activities take the children from being able to ask and say who a character is in the first , second , third person singular and plural to developing personalities behind the masks for the characters and adding performance and drama !

Exploring the present tense of the verb "to have" and creating our own potion.Easily transferable activity to another character e.g. "the Christmas fairy on the tree " etc.

How to create different questions to ask someone else a question using the second person singular of the present tense verb 

Physical and expressive ways to explore and internalise the meanings and use of the personal pronouns we require when working with verbs.

Scroll to the bottom of this blog and see how we can create a ssequence of activities where the children programme each other as robots , using the imperative of the present tense verb( commands)

Creating your own Easter movie based in a simple famous rhyme and practising the use of regular "er" verbs in the third person plural.Great with children who are just moving on to become more independent and able to use bi-lingual dictionaries to find the target language infinitives of verbs 

Investigating verbs, exploring meaning and reconstructing text .