Read carefully and show understanding of words,phrases and simple writing

Over the last couple of week I have been busy delivering network meetings and we have been looking at the theme of Carnival and World Book Day and linking this to learning objectives from the KS2 POS.

Teachers at all these meetings have asked if we can look at ways to explore  and practise the written word in line with the new KS2 POS learning objectives......

Today whilst preparing for a language teacher CPD twilight and a CPD event tomorrow,I put together this simple sequence of activities  based on this POS LO: 

Read carefully and show understanding of words,phrases and simple writing

Below is an aide memoire for myself (and hopefully for colleagues today and tomorrow).

We have these picture cards(pirate/King/princess/clown and cowboy).

(We will be playing guessing games and Quiz Quiz Swap spoken activities around the fancy dress possibilities of these characters.We could potentially be creating written descriptions and recording these using PicCollage of just simple making our own posters etc).

We already have sound files from Emilie and Ana in French or Spanish describing the fancy dress statement in the first person singular)and I have just made some simple sentence strips of these phrases (one per child from 5 potential phrases) and also some key noun strips(one strip per pair- all identical) linked to these sound files and pictures.

Step One - cognates anybody?
Spot the cognates and semi cognates on our key noun strips  with a partner.which words can we very easily understand and why , when we read them?

Step Two- alphabetical familiaristaion
Write them out in alphabetical order in the air.(It will just get the children to focus on the words and the spelling)

Step Three- match making 
Match the picture and the word.

Step Four- a peer check!
Check all the words are with the correct pictures- peer check with another pair.

Step Five- Finger fast fire listening game!
Listen to the fancy dress statements' sound files.Pause after each sentence.Look at the key noun strips.Who is fastest to put their index finger on the correct fancy dress noun (I have always called this game "Finger fast fire!)

Step Six:Listen,read and wave!
Give each child a fancy dress sentence strip.Ask them to read it to themselves. Have a thumbs up signal to show that everyone is happy with what they read and can understand the words .Now they must listen to the sound files and wave their strip when they hear the sentences they can read on their fancy dress sentence strip. Swap strips and play the game again.Play the game several times.

Step Seven: Silent Quiz Quiz Swap
This is a silent game! all the children need to be holding a fancy dress sentence strip.They must not show their sentence strips to each other! The children must read their own sentence strips.Have a thumbs up signal to show that everyone is happy with what they read and can understand the words.The children must now walk around the room and find a partner.
The first child mimes the character that is on the sentence strip he/she is holding.
the second child watches the mime
The second child whispers very quietly to the first child the fancy dress character he/she thinks the mime  he/she has watched depicts.Can this child create a full sentence spoken whispered response (to match the words on the sentence strip card?) 
The first child gives a thumbs up or a thumbs down.If it is a thumbs down then the  second child is given another chance.If it is a thumbs up ,the children swap roles and the first child guesses this time.
They then swap cards and move on to the next partner in the room.

Step Eight.... add new characters and create table games!
Ask the children to think of  new characters  and then to find these in the bi-lingual dictionary.
Can they make their own written sentence strip cards and create their own "Silent Quiz Quiz Swap Game for the table?