It's not rocket science! Implementation of primary language learning

"It's not rocket science!" This seems like such a great phrase to describe effective implementation of primary language learning in an individual school.

This afternoon I have been reviewing progress in one of our network schools during "one to one" consultancy time as part of the JLN membership entitlement.Find out more here.
Janet Lloyd Network Membership

The JLN member school subject coordinator asked me to go in and spend 2 hours reviewing what the school has achieved and where the school is going to next with language learning.

The local school has implemented effective language teaching and is now ready to take on the challenge of assessment and tracking progress.

Here are the ingredients that have been built up,over time and are helping the school to be effective in French language learning so far:

  1. Networking,sharing,learning
  2. SLT and governor support
  3. Appointment of a subject coordinator
  4. Receive training on the DFE POS and use this as sign posts to aid implementation 
  5. Using subject coordinator tools to guide and inform next steps 
  6. Effective language teaching and learning
  7. Progression across KS2
  8. Links with literacy and creativity
  9. Whole school buy in
  10. Subject coordinator and experienced French language teacher working together
  11. Celebrating language learning with display and events
  12. Keeping a record of achievements
  13. Using AfL to inform next steps
  14. Trialling tracking and assessment
  15. Considering how to implement tracking and assessment
The school has 

  • Has a comprehensive SOW in place.This school is loosely following our JLN SOW.Take a look here 

  • Is a member of an active and focussed network. The school belongs to our network in the North West.Take a look here  Janet Lloyd Network
  • Does listen and draw upon others ideas and experiences.
  • Receives virtual support , blog posts and Network News which keep this coordinator up to date. Take a look here.Network News
  • The subject coordinator works alongside the PPA French teacher and also delivers his own French language lessons , helping him to keep up to speed with the progress and the challenges of implementation.
  • Encourages members of staff to be aware of their own class progress in the language, using the tools and resources that accompany the subject coordinator's pack.(The school does not overburden staff)
  • Is building year on year on effective and successful practise and is moving towards more adventurous ways of approaching the language , for example with our "Blogs to go" or "APPS to go" SOW overlays.
  • Has built a  substantial resource bank of stories that allow for creative exploration of the SOW content. Take a look here at these two examples of support: Reading in the target language is great  New Spanish books and reasons why I selected them
  • Has display created by the children in the school to promote their language learning

 Today at school during our "one to one consultancy time" (part of the membership entitlement) we considered 

  • the progress and next steps of the school and the coordination of language learning using the Primary Self Audit Tools.
  • identified the "establishing tracking and assessment" area as the next step area for the coordinator and the PPA teacher 
  • considered how the JLN SOW tracking sheets can enable the whole school/ staff to have an awareness of content , transactional language progress and skill development.

The one to one time with the subject coordinator allowed 

  • the opportunity to dig deeper and understand what progress will look like across stages of learning and how to quantify the skill development
  • the opportunity to look at other network school approaches and find the best fit for this school and its current language learning foot print.
  • the opportunity to decide what will be the French teacher, the subject coordinator's and the class teacher's roles in the roll out of tracking and assessment next year
You see it isn't rocket science ,it's just sensibly paced and supported primary appropriate next steps........