Creating current and creative language learning

We really enjoy creating current and creative ways forward with language learning. Thanks to Joanne Hornby, who works with me and suggested we take a look at the Sainsburys' 2015 Christmas advertisement I feel we have done just that recently! Creating language learning focuses from current topical resources makes a big difference to the way the children perceive their language learnning and yet we can still hit appropriate learning objectives.

We have put the wonderful story "Mog at Christmas" by Judith Kerr into French and Spanish and  we can share this story  with our younger learners.

With our more advanced UKS2 language learners in all languages we can generate a creative fun and also language focused series of activities.Additional materials and resources will be shared in a special Mog at Christmas folder on the VLE for network members too! 

The two posts I am sharing below consider: recognising familiar words,broadening vocabulary, describing people,objects and places in full sentences (speaking and writing), understanding basic grammar ( nouns,verbs and adjectives) .Plus we have been able to re-use familiar techniques which aid the delivery of the activities for both teachers and children.We have also been able to create creative outcomes that our UKS2 children will enjoy.

Take look here! I have added the link to the blog post and explained why this is a useful  lesson packed with activities that explore the structure of language and also have a Christmas theme.

Mog, negatives and positives at Christmas Sainsburys' advert 2015 

  • nouns, adjectives, verbs
  • reading and identifying familiar words
  • broadening vocabulary
  • linking to our Y6 SOW Autumn 2 focus of house and home
  • use of the negative
  • creating negative and positive statements
  • reading, writing, speaking and a touch of performance and drama too! 

Christmas heroes - Mog the cat Rudolph. Father Christmas, Christmas elf, Christmas fairy 

  • The verb "to be" 
  • a paradigm
  • Third person singular (possibly plural with elves)
  • Adjectives
  • Agreement of adjectives with masculine and feminine nouns and subject pronouns
  • Familiar and unfamiliar language/ cognates,semi cognates and false friends
  • Writing a description in the third person singular
  • Creating people pillar poems and a 3D creative activity