Assessment steps in October

As you approach the end of the first half term of primary language learning, some of you will be about to assess the progress your young language learners are making , using our network assessment tools.Each school and each set of circumstances are different and we can see that one size does not fit all .Here are the points to consider if you are using some or all of our network assessment and AfL / tracking resources and to take on board if they are appropriate to your school's requirements: 

  1. Assessment tools can be found in the Subject Coordinators folder of the KS2 SoW Plus in the Teaching Resources area of the VLE or in the MFL Coordinators' Tool Kit in the Subject Planning Area of the VLE
  2. All resources can be clipboarded (select the three dots below the resource and select clipboard) in to your own school's user files and then into the year group folders as appropriate.
  3. The Puzzle It Out sheets contain one activity per core skill at the right level for learners from  beginners through to advanced learners (after four years of KS2 learning). Some Year 6 groups will be using Y3 , Y4 or Y5 Puzzle It Out sheets.There are no Puzzle It Out activities for KS1.
  4. Teachers can decide if they are going to do the activities on the Puzzle It Out sheets for all four core sklls or just listening, just listening and speaking etc. 
  5. Listening files with transcripts are in the Puzzle It Out Year group folders contained within the in the Assessment area of the Subject Coordinators folder in the KS2 SoW Plus.They can be clipboarded in to your user files as appropriate for class teachers etc.
  6. With limited time it is advisable to set up peer marking and also peer assessment in speaking with the teacher working with a sample group of 6 children on the speaking element.You can change the sample group next half term etc. 
  7. Puzzle It Out activities can be stuck in to children's record books and sound files can be made of sample children's speaking and loaded straight from your desk top in to the school user files.
  8. You can change content but not the expected skill level for each core skill assessment to suit the content you have been using ,The Puzzle It Out sheets are word documents for this reason.
  9. The assessment spreadsheet (in Assessment folder in either subject coordinators folder or MFL coordinators' Toolkit) should be downloaded and one of three categories of progress selected from the drop down box for each child. You can track the progress of the cohort and the individual child over the year and share progress graphs with SLT in the 4 core language learning skills.This half term, as it is the first half term, you will need to load up children's names too, and save the data .Store the partially completed  spread sheet in your user files and then download next time to add new data. We need to see children achieve the "meeting" level three times in each core skill across the year to say that they are making the progress we expect for the stage of learner they are.
  10. If you are using the AfL clouds these can be found in both the Subject coordinators folders (KS2 SoW Plus) and in the MFL coordinators toolkit (Subject Planning) .We think that most schools will want to make each term's clouds A4 documents for easy reading by the children.  Children can tick, colour or star the AfL statements to denote how they feel they have achieved the AfL statements linked to their half term's learning .These should be kept by the children in their record books.
  11. Finally, the associates find the Tracking Sheets Y3 to Y6 really useful .There are new updated tracking sheets this year that we think give more detail.The tracking sheets allow you as class teacher to keep a record of the progress in learning and see where there are gaps in areas of learning.Plus they enable you to record specific times when you can evidence the fact that the children have focused on one of the 12 DfE KS2 MFL PoS ATs and at what skill level this was. The tracking sheets are to be kept one per class per class teacher( and PPA or associate teacher) and shared with the language coordinator as evidence.
  12. Finally of you have any more questions - don't forget we are at the end of the email or the phone.Contact us here