Artists' Studios

To celebrate our Y6 theme of "My house, your house" with Year 6 why not create your own "artists' studios" display?

Twitter offers me the chance to take a look at language learning from different angles and I am often inspired by the pictures and tweets that appear in my Twitter feed.

Above you can see Mondrian's room from the Tate Gallery exhibition I visited a few years ago in Liverpool and below you can see the tweet that got ,me thinking last week ...

Share with the children picures of famous target language artists' studios - hence the picture of Mondrian's studio.Jo's work in the tweet above with her year 7 was inspired by this wonderful youtube clip of the artists' rooms produced  by Year 7 art students at Norton College. share this clip with your classes for added inspiration! (Thanks to @LouiseClazey)


You could ask the children to look at at  specific artists e.g Banksy ,Salvador Dali,Monet, Matisse, Picasso,Juan Miro,Klee and to draw sketch of the artist's  studio .

Now ask the children to generate the following keeping in the style of the artist: :

  • an inventory of items in the artist of choice's room (using indefinite articles, nouns, adjecrives, agreeement of adjectives and placement of adjectives). The inventories need to be created in the style of the artist and the focus is on the understanding of basic grammar based on the core language of house and home.
  • a short description of these items and how the room feels - its atmosphere, written either as a text or perhaps a non-rhyming poem
  • a 3D model of the artist's room  with taget language information - labels and descriptive sentences  

Add a touch of music and reate your own target language artists' studio youtube tour of the rooms your class has created.