A magical moment in primary language learning!

I walked down the main corridor at Ryelands Primary School yesterday  and was met by the magic of primary language learning .One of newer network member schools is working out for themselves how the school and its staff , all non-specialist teachers of French, can make the learning "real" for their children in KS2. and how they can embed this across the curriculum Take a look at the umbrella photo above! This is where the magical moment began .

The Year 5 teacher is the subject coordinator, a non-specialist ,who loves his art and is passionate about successfully coordinating and rolling out  primary language learning in his school for both the children and all the staff. Within months he has begun to demonstrate how primary teachers can add the magic to the core language learning the PLN SOW offers schools.

You see the umbrellas are part of his class work  and a creative outcome of the language learning from our PLN SOW on the VLE in French Y5 Summer 1, exploring locations and extending knowledge of the weather.  I hadn't thought about linking this to Seurat and Pointillism but the primary language coordinator with his own Y5 class has done this.The work is in the main corridor as an example of the creativity that can be achieved in primary language learning.

The class had explored Paris using our materials , had been virtual tourists abroad in the capital city, had become artists in Paris and had revisited weather,French key phrases, read the weather forecasts  and listened to a song about "les parapluies".The class explored pointillism in Art 

The children were then assigned to umbrella frames and asked to create the panels for their parisien umbrellas.To do this they had to look carefully at pictures of Paris and famous monuments and areas in the city and then create their group umbrellas. Truly fantastic!   

The beauty of our network is that we can now share this with you all and network members I am certain will build on this and develop ideas of their own, using our resources. Now that is the magic of our network and a great point at which to celebrate another year within the network! Thank you Ryelands Primary and Year 5 for the magical moment!