Associate Teacher Thank You

It is time to say thank you on behalf of the whole Primary Languages Network to all our associate teachers and tutors. This year 14 associates have helped network schools both within the Associate Teacher Programme and also other PLN network schools to access and  deliver effective , creative and enjoyable primary language learning across three languages - French,Spanish and German, with a touch of Mandarin Chinese too!

One of my colleagues sent me the photo of flowers she was presented with yesterday to share the school's thank you with me too and I felt that we really needed to think about all the "added extra" the associates have contributed to the network and schools this year!

So on behalf of all network member schools and other colleagues who follow us on Twitter and Facebook here we go .....thank you for ....


  • Your weekly presence ,passion and commitment to primary language learning in the schools and classrooms where you have worked all academic year
  • Your enthusiasm and creative approaches to language learning teaching and learning
  • Your support for subject coordinators and the implementation of effective language learning in all the schools where you work
  • Your willingness to share ideas with the whole network and beyond
  • Your commitment to regular CPD as part of the Associate Langauge Teacher/Tutor Programme 
  • Your fantatsic welcome and willingness to train and support new associates 
  • Your flexibility and willingness to take part in whole school cross curricular focuses or special calendar days and assemblies
  • All the additional hours you spend preparing lessons and creating resources  for us all or in email contact with each other,with schools and with me
  • Your courage with new challenges this year- maybe teaching a new language, adding new appproaches, setting up tracking and assessment, training ITTs, delivering staff CPD, delivering workshops ,feeding back to governors etcetra 
  • Your support and friendship 

Have a lovely Summer break and see you all again, raring to go in September 2016!