Open the language door !

So it is European Day of Languages next week on 26 September.A day set aside to celebrate all languages. In primary languages I think we try to celebrate language learning every lesson and open the door on an exciting "New World" of sounds and written words.

 "Is it a human language? " - probably being one of my favourite questions from a new language learner this year.

"Is it a human language?" is a sensible question for a young learner ,especially if that young learner has only  ever experienced communication in his/her own first language. 

Let's celebrate the fact that we are helping young learners step through a narrow door and encouraging them to look at the wider world.

Think doors! Opening doors and stepping through one, two, maybe more doors! 

  • Ask the children to draw a big front door- a welcoming front door full of different colours.In each colour block or area on the door ask the children to write a favourite sound as a letter string or a favourite word they have learned this week or half term, a favourite praise word, a favourite greeting, a favourite question and a favourite phrase from their own first language. 
  • Stick the front door on to a second piece of paper the same size as the first doorand glue the left hand edge of the original door to the second piece of paper.
  • Ask the children to draw a second door on the second piece of paper ,again adding bright blocks of colour.Can they add a favourite sound as a letter string or a favourite word they have learned in the primary language lessons this half term, a favourite praise word, a favourite greeting, a favourite question and a favourite phrase they  now use in their primary foreign language learning?
  • Discuss with ther children how as a class you have already opened a door on a new "human" language and way of communicating.
  • Children could add a third door for another language they may already speak or read at home or with family and friends.
  • Collect in the doors or keep the doors in record books.
  • Look back at the doors lagter in the year  with the children and ask the children to talk about how much more they now understand about  the world of communication. 
  • You could continue to add doors e.g. add a third or a fourth door later in the school year or the following year and investigate yet another language ......