Our shared communication wall

I have been trying to think of a way that all the children in KS2 can share their written progression in the skill of writing in the target language.

You could decide to create this board at any time of year or maybe three times a year - once per term or once at the start and once at the finish of the year.

After the first half term of language learning this academic year using our VLE SoW for example, it is likely that:  

  • Y3 children are just beginning to experiment with the writing of simple words
  • Y4 children can write independently (if not always accurately) key statements about themselves.
  • Y5 and Y6 children are revisiting and practising the use of adjectives to create interesting descriptive sentences or can write extended sentences about themselves and, their likes and dislikes with opinions (again not always completely accurately but independently communicating their intended message).

The idea I have come up with, will allow teachers and their classes to participate in the creation of a communication wall display which can share the written target language progress and success described above in the bullet points.

If you look at the picture at the top of the blog post, then this should help you to visualise how I see the communication wall taking shape .A colourful , shape filled communication board with Y3 writing at the bottom of the board,leading up to Y6 writing at the top of the board.

Every child contributing a word or a sentence or an extended sentence.

  1. Each Y3 child could write a greeting in a jigsaw shape, which creates a complete bottom line of jigsaw pieces for the shared communication wall.
  2. Each child in Y4  could write an important sentence about him/herself (name, age or a like or dislike). Each sentence will start with a capital letter and end with a full stop of course so you could form one continuous wiggly line(s) of joined up sentences- one per child.
  3. Each child in Y5 could write extended sentences- a like or dislike  about a subject with an opinion clause using the conjunction "because".
  4. Each child in Y6  could write an extended sentence ( subjects, favourite stars, music, books) and an opinion after a choice of conjunctions.

Take a photo of the completed board and share on your school interactive notice board and keep a copy of the photo in your user file on the VLE as evidence of progression over time in writing across the  four KS2 year groups.