Reading detectives' ideas

Read, look and be the first to find ......

  • Be first to spot the longest word
  • Be first to spot the shortest word
  • Be first to spot all the words that start with a vowel
  • Be first to spot the words with two syllables 
  • Be first to spot all the  masculine words / all the feminine words/ all the plural words
  • Be first to spot all the phrases which a part of the same verb

More than just words .....Facts we know about the words we are using .....

  • Reveal a new word or phrase in the target language and ask the children to share in English any fascinating facts they may know about the item - e.g weather (hurricanes/ storms/droughts etc) or animals ( speed of animals/ largest and smallest /habitats etc).Add some fascinating facts of your own- to break up the repetitiveness of practising new words and to add a new dimension to the learning

Exploring nouns, adjectives, conjunctions and prepositions in jumbled languages sensible stories.....

  • Create an English story interspersed appropriately with the new phrases  and words in the target language so that the children create their own jumbled langiuages sensible story and ask children to share their stories with each other. What differences can they spot between each story e.g order of nouns used in the story, where adjectrives have been used, use of conjunctions or prepostions. .