Summertime specials

Final half term of the year is just around the corner. Here are some useful "Summertime " themed blog postsI have written over the last few years which could be used by teachers across a range of target languages and looking at different aspects of language learning knowledge and skills. Our network members will be able to access our focused language learning on picnics, weather, ice creams, going to the seaside, Tour de France, class assemblies, farewell and memories. using our Ready Made SOWs on our VLE too.. I just wanted though to look back at the possible ways you can all bring "Summer" in to your language learning classrooms regardless of whether you are network members or not.

Sandcastle sentence building: constructing visual sentences with nouns, adjectives and verbs

Sandcastle building poems and group performances : practising the use of the structure "there is/are" and nouns to describe a building. Writing , remembering and performing own short poems about their imaginary sandcastles 

Seashell sounds and sand treasure hunts: simple phonics activities and memory / recall skill practise  

Daisy chain clauses and conjunctions: focus on likes/dislikes/nouns/adjectives and conjunctions

Envelope explorers of the near future: taking picture postcards and unpacking the possible simple near future (I am going to ....)sentences we can write

Sunshine sparklers : gathering "Summertime " nouns and creating word art, to practise writing and memory skills.

Seaside sequencing story - practising listening ,speaking ,reading and writing.Investigating comprehension and adaptation of language skills with animated stories about an alien family at the seaside.

Outdoor PE games in French and Spanish: with description of activity and support language chart tables in target languuages for non-specialists.

Packing our sentence and suitcase calligrans for the holidays: focus on nouns, adjectives, verbs and giving a reason for items using conjunction and clause to explain the item.

French poem painting of a Summer's day: reading , analysing a short poem and painting a picture of the actual and emotional picture we have explored.

Under the sea fish puppet triarama performances : focus on sentence structure and extending knowledge of feelings.Creating written and visual display .Addingperformance through recorded sound files.