World explorers.

Languages are a "Window on the World" just as art can be a "Window on the World" too.

At the end of the school year let's explore the language learning that has taken place with our young learners ,linking Art and language. Let's become "world explorers"

Paul Klee's art and the clip below is the perfect vehicle for us to do this and to encouaage the children to be imaginative and also practise the language learning skills of recall, memory , reading recognition .In the clip take a look and you will see monsters , people, houses, villages, towns,objects, shapes, colours, animals, nature .......... 

Ways to be "World Explorers"

Focus on language and structures that you have been practising with the children throughout the year -so for example with our Year 6 we may focus on everyday objects, house and home, sports , people, foods and nouns, adjectives and common verbs such as to be and to have.With our Year 4 we may focus on physcial descriptions, jungle animals,town and buildings  in towns etcetra,

  1. Give children a batch of cards with nouns written on them in the target languages.Nouns that identify objects in the paintings they will see in the Paul Klee clip.Play a short part of the video clip.Can the children find the noun card that matches an items they see in the paintings as the video scrolls through?
  2. Ask the children to read a series of three simple sentences- noun verb (to be or to have) and an item as a noun with an adjective. Each sentence should describe something the children will see in the video clip  in three of the paintings.Ask the children to order the sentences on their desks from top to bottom, in theorder they have seen the descriptions.Pause a short part of the clip and can the children tell you where they think they have the seen the items described in the sentences? Go back to the specifc painting and take a look.
  3. Pause the video on a brand new painting and ask the children to write a sentence - noun, adjective and verb to describe something they think they can see in a picture.Listen to some of their creative ideas.
  4. Give each child a blank piece of paper and ask them to draw a window on a imaginary world.This means in the style of Paul Klee they should draw a picture and  add an item or object in the picture for which they then add a target language sentence.