What is the Ready Made KS2 SoW?

1.The Ready Made French and Spanish SoW are accessible via our Primary Languages Network VLE. It has been created for both non-specialist and specialist teachers of languages. So what is the VLE ? The VLE is a virtual learning environment that allows everyone using our materials and services to keep in touch and to share and network plus we can update our materials and resources immediately and continue to build upon the good practice a nd resources we share.The video below will explain more about the VLE and it also explains the tools of the Ready Made SOW iwhich is hosted on the VLEand how this works.

Interested? Well we offer three types of membership: teacher membership , online membership  for schools which includes webinar CPD and premium school membership.which includes local contact and face to face meetings.

2. In Ready Made SOW there are lesson plans from Year 3 Autumn 1 through to Year 6 Summer 2.All lesson plans have been tried and tested and checked, revised and added to with the help of our associate PLN language teachers , who teach over 10,000 children per week in KS1 and KS2.Specialists and non-specialists can use these are the back bone of their language teaching and learning or as a platform upon whihc to build their own creative approaches.

3.Every lesson plan has maximum 3 activities. Each activity has the main DfE Attainment Target addressed by the activity and the appropriate age and stage skill level learning objective (linked to KS2 Framework).All lesson plans have direct links to the basic resources required so that teachers can deliver the core three activities on every lesson plan, no matter what level they are in the target language.


4.The VLE allows you  to clipboard, download and print from any document including lesson plans and resources from the Ready Made SOW, so you can organise planning as required by school.Your Userfiles on the VLe act as a great storage space for clipbiarded materials and this means that you can share these with all your school if you are an online or premium member.

4.In each  half term section from Y3 Aut 1 to Y6 Sum 2 there will be maxmum seven lessons (approximatley 40-45 minutes per lesson if recommended) with a core theme and a maximum of three sub-sections or themes that fit easily with the age,stage and whole school primary curriculum. 

5. Each sub section has a pick and mix variety of options to enhance the basic lesson planning. In the Activities and Resources section you will find activities folder with age and stage appropriate resources and materials addressing the DfE 12 ATs and progression in skills. grammar focus folder, assessment folder with the half termly Puzzle It Out sheets for the 4 core skillslistening and reading transcripts and the assessment benchmarks (based on the Common European Framework descriptors

7. The Listening and Responding folder contains listening tools to support the development of listening skills for example: “Sounds Like” native speaker key phonics power points and the listening podcasts with user guides and transcripts to encourage the exploration of more challenging listening skills.

8. The native speaker folder is where you will find the C’est Emilie or Es Irene clips. Great for non-specialist and specialist teachers to bring a new native speaker in to the classroom and to observe the children responding to and practising the language.

9. Both the podcasts and the native speaker clips have “How to use “ PDFs with ways to use the materials to practise the core language or to be more creative and develop your own radio re cordings or video performances.

10. The phonics folder suggests a simple tracking activity per half term to check children’s developing understanding of sound spelling links

11. The writing folders contain the writing sheets to allow all children to practise the written form of the language they have spent time practising in a creative way. Plus the Talk and Write folders (3 per year) contain the stage by stage structure to creative and independent writing where children move away from the core language and explore how to manipulate text to tell their own stories. 

12. Our language support for non-specialists is comprehensive and the key phrases and sound files are accessible in this area.There are key phrases and sound files plus we have created power points with sound files , one slide per sound file to allow your teachers to practise specific core language too.These powerpoints can be used with classes fpr listening games and activities too.

13. The enhanced learning section offers you ideas and ways to create outstanding approaches to learning from the blogposts of the themes that Janet has written, to the snapshots of lessons by the associate PLN teachers that we have recorded, to the examples (photos) of work done by the network schools, to possible APPs you can use to develop the language learning and visual display you can download and use in the classroom.

14.We have a grammar focus folder in each section where appropriate and we offer an assessment folder with the half termly Puzzle It Out sheets for the 4 core skills plus listening and reading transcripts and the assessment benchmarks (based on the Common European Framework descriptors) should your school wish to formally assess.

15. Should you want to step away from the core curriculum then our creative alternatives sections allow you the chance to link learning across the curriculum: art, dance, music, history, geography etcetra. So you can for example swap animals to dinosaurs, daily routine to the daily routine of prehistoric man , take a step down memory lane with schools and subjects, explore castles rather than everyday house and home.

16. Each year group has a planning section, specific to the year group. This contains the tools the teacher requires to successfully plan for a year’s learning at the appropriate age and stage.Here you will find the class tracker sheets, the spreadsheets for assessment data, medium term planning , grammar and transitional language overviews , long term planning, teacher guidance and support on grammar and structure, reporting to parent tools etcetra.....

17.The Ready Made SOW continues to grow and we will be adding to the above areas as we explore and find more ways that teachers require support or that can engage children in creative purposeful learning in primary languages.