Everyone smiles in the same language.

Smiley spoons.jpg

Everyone smiles in the same language! The idea to develop this as a one off stand alone lesson and to link this to an exploration of feelings and emotions came to me when I was at the Bilbao Guggenheim this Spring. Esther Ferrer’s interactive installation “las risas del mundo” ( see below in this Tweet from “descubrir el arte”) engages you with faces that appear on interactive screens and smile back at you as you look at the face.Each screen is placed above an area/ country of the World and each face on the screen is a person from that area or place.

What a brilliant way to celebrate diversity and range of languages spoken in your schools.

As a team of primary teachers we will use this to celebrate EDOL.We produce a set of simple resources and a focus for Primary Langauges Network every year in September to celebrate European Day of Languages.It’s a day established languages of the World.This has inspired our theme this year “Everyone smiles in the same language”.

Here are a few ways that we are adapting the theme for the classroom:

With a song launched at our annual Primary Languages Network conference:

Writing our own extended sentences to describe our feelings and emotions,using them for speaking ,reading aloud and listening activities and creating a photographic display linked to “las risas del mundo”.

Discussing and understanding how to empathise with each other and feelings and looking out for non verbal communication and listening to spoken communication about feelings and emotions.

And finally! A Class World map of smiles. Create your own Art installation of smiles. Ask children to research verbs for “to smile” and“ to laugh”  in languages from around the World or to share home language vocabulary they already know and use. Ask the children to record these words and create emojis to represent these verbs. On a map of the World create an emoji record of the written word and the drawn emojis, sticking the emojis near or on the countries where the language is spoken.