“Bonfire Night” primary languages lesson ideas- Catherine Simms

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This week’s podcast is all about being ready to celebrate Bonfire Night in primary foreign languages. Listen along with Catherine and Will as they talk about how you can celebrate Bonfire Night with your language learners across school, in both KS1 and KS2.

We will run through a few activities you can use from the PLN Seasonal Specials, and we also have some language resources in KS1 “Language Explorers” too,so you can celebrate with your younger learners.

We hope you will enjoy using our Bonfire Night resources.Please remember to share anything you do, and have a blast!

Below are links to all we mention in the podcast

Link to Bonfire Night resources folder in Seasonal Specials

Link to Bonfire Night activity guide with links

Link to KS1 Language Explorers (Bonfire Night resources are in Year 1 Autumn 2 in French and Spanish)


Contact us on coordinator@primarylanguages.network