5 recent updates to the PLN scheme of work

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This week is all about Scheme of Work updates. Will, Janet and Emilie talk through the updates that have been developed and added, since the start of the year

Summary of updates:

1. Language Detectives resources- Phonetic Detectives, Reading Comprehension Detectives and the Counting Detectives Y3 Autumn 1 Teach by Story. 

2. Native speaker children videos- video of native speaker Spanish (French coming soon) children are now embedded in the Click2Teach SOW across the curriculum

3. QR code sheets- opportunities for independent learning at home or at the end of the lesson using our interactive resources and a QR sheet, found at the bottom of each half term’s Click2Teach curriculum

4. Read and Understand- opportunities for LKS2 to do simple reading comprehension tasks on prior learning, found in Summer 1 of Click2Teach stage of learning.

5. Creative links- ideas to start being “cross-curricular” with Click2Teach.Ideal for the non-specialist who is looking to extend their primary language teaching and learning and be that little bit more creative.


Any questions don't hesitate to contact me at will@primarylanguages.network

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