PLN Podcasts : Delving into the World of Primary Languages and beyond...


PLN Podcasts: # 1-#6

Bringing together experts in the field of primary languages, whether the experts are in the classroom , members of SLT , language consultants or advisers, we want to share with you a wide range of experience and knowledge that can only help broaden your own horizons of the wonderful opportunities in teaching

We started these recordings in late November 2018 and now there are 6 podcasts from which to select .An opportunity to sit back with a coffee and listen to one or more of these podcasts between our roving teacher reporter Will (looking through an honest lens and as a non-specialist in primary languages) and experts in the field of Primary Languages.

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Primary Languages Podcast #1

A child only gets one chance at being an 8 year old -”learning a language in primary school and the role of all teachers, specialist linguists or non-specialist linguists ”: the big picture. ( Interview with Janet Lloyd)

Primary Languages Podcast #2

Meet the team .Honest observations on the role of the PPA French primary teacher and the also role of the native speaker in the classroom. (Interview with Emilie Woodroffe)

Primary Languages Podcast #3

Wisdom, reflections on years of experience, and the whys and the wherefores for primary languages” from a true expert in the field: ( Interview with Therese Comfort)

Primary Languages Podcast #4

Revitalising languages, making purposeful links between KS2 and KS3 MFL and taking a look at the role of senior leadership (Interview with Suzanne O’Farrell- MFL Lead ASCL)

Primary Languages Podcast #5

Time out in coffee shop to consider the role and power of global links in the primary and secondary classroom. (Interview with John Rolfe MBE - British Council Adviser and Wendy de Corte- Global Links Consultant)

Primary Languages Podcast #6

How to showcase primary languages and to encourage all staff to engage with the learning and promotion of primary languages in your own schools and settings. (Interview with Paul Philips DHT, Our Lady of the Star and the Sea Catholic Primary School)