How might AI have an impact on your subject?

What can teachers/leaders do to embrace the opportunities and guard against potential problems?

When I first heard about the concept of AI in language learning, I must admit I had my reservations. The idea of the teacher in the classroom being replaced and AI producing less-than-accurate translations sounded worrying.

However, as we learn more about the technology of AI, the potential it has to enhance language learning becomes more attractive. Firstly, chatbots can provide the opportunity for students to self-study, AI systems offering feedback and help with pronunciation. Secondly, teachers can make use of AI powered tools to help alleviate some of their workload by generating grammar and vocabulary activities, provide translations and helping with assessment..

It may be that AI supports the more advanced language learner rather than the beginner and I think teachers do need to receive training and professional development to understand how to effectively blend AI with traditional teaching methods. Ultimately, AI should not and will not ever replace human relationships as language learning is all about becoming effective communicators with all its errors and successes, and the development of socio-cultural skills.