Primary Languages success at Beamont Primary

A spotlight on the Primary Languages Development Award: 5 key strengths at Beamont

Lucy and school children celebrating the PLDA achievement

As the mentor for the Primary Languages Development Award (PLDA) I have the privilege of being able to look closely at the languages provision of different schools and see the development of PFL through the evidencing and target-setting process.

In November 2022, Lucy Smillie from Beamont Primary completed her PLDA and this was a great example of a PLN member school making good use of the tools available on the VLE. Here’s what Lucy says about the PLDA:

“Completing the PLDA was a fantastic opportunity for myself as languages lead to further understand our languages provision in school. We assessed where we stood using the baseline assessment and set targets to work towards. The PLDA was beneficial to showcase the strengths in our languages provision and celebrate what we do at Beamont.

The support I received from PLN was beneficial to help us through this process.” As you can see the process is positive, as you start by identifying what you are already doing well, then set targets to move towards, and improve your existing provision. At the end of the process, there are so many more positives plus the celebration once your certificate arrives!

Below are five strengths I identified after Lucy completed her award (although I could have mentioned more!) Perhaps these are things you have in place at your school? Have a think about the questions at the end of each of the five strengths, then click the button at the end of the blog to look at the PLDA information page and see if now is the time to achieve accreditation for your languages provision!

1) Engaged in CPD

What a strength! Lucy was engaged in the CPD journey and encouraging her staff to do the same. Furthermore, teachers were accessing the upskilling app and gaining certificates for attendance and achievement, then submitting them to Lucy – this shows how well the subject and support for staff is being monitored. Well done!

Are you and your staff accessing the CPD available to you?

2) Confident coordinator

As well as getting involved in CPD, and monitoring how staff are getting on too, Lucy leads her subject confidently and is ready to lead a briefing or staff meeting to deliver important information and updates to staff. This shows great Subject Coordination – an important aspect of the PLDA.

How do you feel about leading your subject? Would you benefit from further support?

3) Planning and support used well

This was really great to see – documents available on the VLE being used to good effect. There are so many useful documents on the Primary Languages VLE, from plans for the scheme of work, to subject leader file documents such as the Core Skills Progress document and using these and adapting where necessary is a real strength.

Are you happy with your subject leader file? The PLN Effective Coordination session is a good one to help you get set up.

4) Languages celebrated

A highlight for me when looking through evidence is always the photographs of displays, examples of work and whole school celebrations. At Beamont, Spanish is clearly integrated and celebrated with displays and information shared with parents through the school newsletter.

Have you got languages displays up in school? Do you share languages news with parents?

5) Links to KS3

Establishing transition links can be an area of challenge, but equally this can be overcome. An email to your feeder secondary school can often be the start of meaningful dialogue. From here, sessions can be arranged with KS3 staff being invited to school, and language tasters for Year 6, as Lucy arranged during her PLDA process.

Have you established links with your feeder secondary school?

I hope this blog has given you some things to think about; is now the right time for you to consider completing a PLDA? Start now and you could be celebrating your achievement before the year is out! Use the button below to visit our PLDA page for information on the different levels of award, prices and areas of focus. If you would like to discuss the award and what is involved, you can also book a consultation on the PLDA page. Let’s move languages forward together!