World Book Day and a celebration of languages and literacy!

World Book Day allows us a language teachers to open the window on languages and share with the children how language is a vehicle through which we can tell stories and encourage imaginative  communication.

This year we are focusing on three of the World Book Day 2015 themes: 

Elmer : 

Elmer Explorers

Pirates : 

Pirates ahoy!

Dennis the Menace : 

Dennis the Menace concertina characters

In previous years we have explored fairy tales,listened to and performed familiar texts such as the Hungry Caterpillar in different languages and  encouraged our local schools to invite people from the wider community in to school to read stories in other languages.

Last year,some of us explored this wonderful book :"Vive les livres",which exists in German and Spanish too!

Here is the blog post from last year:

Long Live Books !

Some other ideas to explore books and stories.........

You may want to explore other themes and stories so I thought I would pop here in the blog post links to blog posts I have written about "story telling and writing" and looking at books - both fiction and non fiction! 

We have recently been exploring "describing people in writing" and linking our UKS2 language work with Alice in Wonderland - to great effect!

Alice in Wonderland

We are exploring stretchy word carnival balloons- and this idea was inspired by Mick Inkpen's "Blue Balloon" 

stretchy balloon


Great way to link a story in English with language work in another language 

We love taking KS1 on a "Bear Hunt" and here is the example of the rhyme and game  in Spanish that we adapt and use in French and German too! Everyone loves this one!

Going on a Bear Hunt rhyme and game

Here's an idea to use shadow puppets to retell in a very simple way using familiar stories- in this instance-  Goldilocks and the Three Bears .

Goldilocks and the Three Bears shadow puppet show

"Toujours rien"

is a book I love and a great way to talk about Springtime and growing things .Here's my blog post from last year .

Springtime and growing plants

Maybe you have some target language non-fiction books on your shelves - like I do.The Noune" story above is available in lots of languages.Perhaps you could explore these in language learning.

Here are my thoughts about how we can explore non-fiction with UKS2 more advanced language learners 

non fiction in the target language and making language learning links

Or maybe finally you want to create your own "target language book shop window"....  writing full sentences  demonstrating understanding of basic grammar at the same time! Hope this blog post can help you..... 

Nouns, adjectives and verbs to create our own book covers and book shop window

Any Word X Word APP and bilingual dictionary practise

I have recently tried out Alan Peat's Any Word XWord  APPs in French,Spanish and German.It exists in other languages too.
I found that it was  really simple and easy to use and a game that could be played in pairs, tables or individually by all stages of language learner.
What I like, is the immediate freedom and challenge it gives a young primary beginner language learner.The learner has to think for his/herself and for example think of three letter target language words they may know and try to fit them in to their own puzzle.If the learner forgets the accents the game prompts you - as the word isn't accepted until correct.You can play against other children too - to add competition.There is an option to keep a record too.

As always I think we could take it further...... and make it a useful learning tool when exploring  how to use bilingual dictionaries.

Here are my ideas ......

The APP could allow us to investigate bilingual dictionaries.....
  1. Game One: Working in pairs ,Partner A says the word he/she wants to write and Partner B has to find the word in the bilingual dictionary (even if the meaning is already known) .Both partners need to check spelling before Partner A is  allowed  to write it down on the APP crossword board.They then  swap roles and move on to find the next word that will fit on the crossword board.
  2.  Game Two: Working with a partner- Partner A locates a word in the bilingual dictionary and writes it on a mini whiteboard.Partner B must try to apply sound -spelling knowledge to say the word and try also to remember or work out its possible meaning.The meaning needs to be checked in the dictionary before the work can be added to the puzzle.The children then swap roles.
  3. Game Three:Working in pairs , Partner A locates a word in the bilingual dictionary and Partner B must find out something grammatical about this word- is it a verb (is it a reflexive verb?) /noun/ adjectives.Is it masculine/ feminine or neuter? Now Partner B can add the word to the puzzle.
  4. Game Four: Two pairs working together, can both pairs complete a simple level one board and then share the board with the other pair.The second pair must look up the words in the bilingual dictionary and write them out on rough paper with grammatical information included e.g noun, masculine , feminine , neuter etc , adjective, noun.The second pair must now try to write complete sentences that contain some of the words.This could be a sequence of sentences or one sentences using several of the words.

Active conjunctions

Thanks to Vicky Bruff on Facebook for sharing with us this picture of an activity from Teaching Ideas
It is a very simple and effective way of explaining visually the use of link words in sentences.

I am currently working with the wonderful Julie Prince on ways to make grammar in primary foreign languages "active and kinaesthetic" plus how we can link the activities to learning objectives from the DFE KS2 POS. 

The picture inspired a really simple "active grammar" learning idea that could be so effective!

In this activity I am concentrating on conjunctions (connectives ) to link two sentences together to  make a more complex primary foreign language sentence.
In doing this we could explore with the children one or more of the following DFE POS KS2 learning objectives:
  • speak in sentences,using familiar vocabulary,phrases and basic language structures
  • read carefully and show understanding of words,phrases and simple writing 
  • broaden their vocabulary and develop their ability to understand new words
  • understand basic grammar to build sentences
What's the idea?
Well just as you probably already do,ask the children to draft write simple sentences on mini white boards that are linked to the content you are currently covering .Effective contexts for this activity may be: the market, describing a monster, clothes, the weather ........

e.g. here are some fruit examples.....
les pommes sont rouges
les bananes sont grandes et jaunes
moi j'adore les raisins

moi j'aime les oranges

First activity

  1. Ask the children to write a simple sentence using language content you have been practising with them.
  2. Ask the children to share their sentence with a partner and take turns to proof read each of the sentences.
  3. Ask the children to write the sentence on to a strip of paper or card- large enough for other people to be able to read from a distance.
  4. Stand the children in a circle with the sentences on card facing in to the circle.
  5. Take it in turns for each child to read out their sentence still holding the card facing toward the other children in the circle.
  6. Share with the children your conjunction cards.You can decide which are appropriate conjunctions for this activity- but I suggest that you have at least 5 options.
  7. Place the conjunction cards in the middle of the circle .
  8. Check with the children that they are confident about the meaning of the conjunctions and how to pronounce the words.I would play a "sounds like game" here.Can they make the word sound like the job the conjunction does in the sentence e.g contradicts/ joins together/offers another option etc....
  9. Invite a child to read out his/her sentence and to select a conjunction ,pick it up from the floor and walk over to  a second child and ask him/her to read out his/her  sentence.Now ask the two children to stand in the middle of the circle and say the whole new complex sentence together. 
  10. Repeat the activity with two more children and a new selected conjunction.
  11. How many sentences can the children write independently when they return to their tables that include a conjunction to connect two sentences together?  
Second Activity

  1. Blu-tac the conjunctions to the whiteboard or flip chart so they are visible to all the children .
  2. Play the "Sounds like" game" from above.This time though ask the class to say for you a conjunction that "contradicts" or "joins together" etc- do they all select the same conjunction?
  3. Divide the children in to groups of four.
  4. Can they connect each of their sentences to the other sentences using some of the conjunctions they can see on the board? They can not use the same conjunction twice in a row.
  5. Ask the children to write their "long" sentence containing conjunctions out on a mini whiteboard.
  6. Ask the children to practise speaking their sentence together.Can they remember how to say their complex sentence without looking at the written word?Ask them to add actions to help them with this.
  7. They must create a spoken performance of the class to include actions and a connecting movement  and "sounds like" performance of the conjunctions between clauses so that each of the original sentences flows via a conjunction on to the next sentence.
  8. Ask each group to perform their complex sentence for the class

Reading and Writing in the Primary Foreign Language

Yesterday I delivered an afternoon of CPD based around reading and writing in primary foreign languages.
The CPD was based around DfE KS2 POS Learning Objectives:

First of all we explored how all four skills (listening,speaking,reading and writing) are interconnected and support the development of each of the other skills.
This was a light bulb moment for some of the delegates and led to group discussion about how much,when,what to introduce in different skill areas.

During the CPD we considered  these objectives from the KS2 POS specifically:
  • Explore the patterns and sounds of the language and show understanding by joining in and responding.
  • Read carefully and show understanding of words, phrases and simple writing.
  • Appreciate stories, songs, poems and rhymes in the language.
  • Broaden their vocabulary and develop the ability to understand new words that are introduced into familiar written materials, including using a dictionary
  • Describe people, places, things and actions orally and in writing
  • Understand basic grammar……….how to apply these, for instance  to build sentences.
The highlighted key words and phrases helped us to discuss and explore the links across skills (so for example "show understanding of words"  can be explored,practised and  demonstrated across all four skills). 

Consideration One 
 We considered how the four skills can be interlinked right from an early start using some of the activities here in this blog post Stretchy sound and letter balloon .All linked to this learning objective
  • Explore the patterns and sounds of the language and show understanding by joining in and responding.
And we discussed how the development of this skill is always important to the linguist no matter what level of language they may be able to operate with.We looked at how the types of activities here could be adapted for different stages of learning and new content/contexts.

Consideration Two
Our next consideration was the use of bilingual dictionaries and the teachers discussed ways they might introduce dictionaries for the first time to young learners and the suitability of certain types of dictionaries and pictionaries for different children.
  • Take some time to look at alphabetical order and play some alphabet sorting games
  • Pop a variety of dictionaries from different languages in a basket in the reading area perhaps including home languages of children in the class or school 
  • Let the children explore the"mystery" book on their tables with no information or clues.What do they think it is? How does it seem to be organised etc?
We discussed how bilingual dictionaries can play such a key role in  language learning across all types of activities and how children need to see the resource as a valuable language learning tool which they will use and refer to often .
This led to discussion of the use of simple pictionaries with younger children, the use of junior dictionaries with KS2 children and the introduction of more detailed dictionaries with Year 6 UKS2. 

I was really impressed by the way the teachers wanted to explore how the language was presented in the junior dictionaries, the colour -coding and the way that examples supported or could potentially  confuse the young learners.
We decided that 15 bilingual dictionaries could be sufficient for a class activity (pairs for example) and that schools could have a signing in and out process on the staff room so that the dictionaries could be booked in and out. Most of the teachers felt 30 copies would suffice across KS2 (Y3/4 and Y5/6 split).

We considered  the activities here in this blog post as introductory activities or 10 minute revisit activities to familiarise the children with how to use a bilingual dictionary.

Bilingual Dictionary Wizards

And the teachers tried out the sequence of activities that they could take back in to school and link using a bilingual dictionary to the exploration of nouns

I spy nouns

Really importantly we identified that bilingual dictionaries are not just to 

  • "broaden ... vocabulary and develop the ability to understand new words that are introduced into familiar written materials, including using a dictionary".
Bilingual dictionaries could become an integral available resource whatever the language learning taking place and we considered how we may use the dictionaries in any of the objectives being considered in the CPD session.

Consideration Three
Our next step was to explore this learning objective:
  • Read carefully and show understanding of words, phrases and simple writing

and to do this we looked at how the learning objective can be a driver for a series of activities that are very "primary" and "age appropriate" linking language learning across the curriculum.
We explored: the activities in this blog post .What is important to understand is that the activities are not just linked to the context and content described in the blog post but that the type of activities and stages of learning can be lifted and used in other contexts and with other content.We were able to identify the progression and deeper learning that potentially is taking place and how all four skills are interlinked and support development in of the other skills.

Consideration Four
We looked  at the learning objective below from the immediately obvious viewpoint of authentic books, rhymes and songs for young children and how they bring " authenticity and colour" in to the language learning classroom.

  • Appreciate stories, songs, poems and rhymes in the language.

  • I shared a range of materials that could be used as a  resource to listen to or read for pleasure, maybe because the resource links to the content being practised or also because it allows the teacher  to explore and reinforce another curriculum focus but in a foreign language. We thought about how we could create our own mini versions of books and create written sentences about characters and link our reading in a foreign language to World Book Day for example. Here are three examples we discussed: 

    We also looked at how poetry could be a resource to support literacy and creating written images ,an example of this is here in the blog post on a French authentic poem which allows us to engage with French poem painting of a Summer's Day.
    Familiar nursery rhymes can be used as a listening and reading resource to link all four skills together.Here in this blog post Dame Tartine we are able to link phonics,listening,joining in,speaking,singing, reading writing, APPs and DT!  I felt that this was really important to consider this as some colleagues were uncertain as to how in short limited language learning time all skills and progression could be catered for .Here  in Dame Tartine is just one example of how this can be planned and catered for over a series of lessons and week.

    Consideration Five
    And finally we were able to bring all our considerations together and look at how if we focus on developing progression in the other four considerations we can work toward Year 6 learners in their fourth formal year of learning becoming competent writers in the target language, who are able to .....
    • Describe people, places, things and actions orally and in writing
    • Understand basic grammar……….how to apply these, for instance  to build sentences.
    Perhaps by looking for real writing opportunities that link across the curriculum then the writing has a dynamic purpose ?
    Here is one recent topical example that some of my colleagues are working on: 

    Beginning with languages blog 5

    Across our network we work with schools who are all at different stages of setting up and delivering primary language learning and each year we welcome new schools who want to set off on their own individual school's language learning journey.

    This year these specific 

    "Beginning with languages "

     blogs will try to offer "bite size chunks" of indirect help and support to schools, who are doing exactly that .... just setting off and implementing  a language learning curriculum 


    Take a look back at"beginning with languages" blogs 









    Your checklists so far have been:

    Sept - Oct ,(first half term) Checklist

    • It's all about establishing a whole school support system for all your staff
    • It's about small steps and simple language learning
    • It's about children and staff beginning to enjoy language learning

    Mid October (end of the first half term), an additional new checklist bullet point!

    • So how are you all getting on? How do you know that primary languages are being implemented in all the classes and are the teachers and children having fun in their learning? 

    November (moving in to the second half term of language learning),we added a couple of new challenges to your checklist!

    • How successfully have you been able to build in "revisiting" opportunities to build the children and staff's confidence with the language you introduced last half term? 
    • Are you introducing,revisiting and re-using familiar games with familiar and unfamiliar language for example (e.g Bingo or Splat or maybe a game of Quiz Quiz Swap?)
    • Have you encouraged all staff to practise key language using sound files and songs?
    • Can all staff and children practise and learn a Christmas song or carol in the target language? (In beginning with languages blog three you can find links to You ~tube clips of a Christmas song lin French, Spanish and German

    December-January (moving forward) your checklist was to: 

    • Did all your staff  try out a simple listening and speaking Christmas activity based on a Christmas  song?
    • Have staff considered and been able to identify the links between activities we may use in KS1 when encouraging children to read and KS2 beginners language learning (sound-spelling links and activities)?
    • Are KS2 staff building opportunities  in to activities in the New Year  to help learners to  "broaden their vocabulary and develop their ability to understand new words ...."- Are staff in KS2  exploring nouns with their KS2 foreign language learners? 

    And now we are in February ......

    • Reflection time for yourself as coordinator .Half way through the academic year reflection time for yourself as coordinator is needed: By now the school should be delivering some sequences of lessons and supporting each other to do so .This blog report Getting learning right  (from the start) may help you as the subject coordinator to consider and identify next steps in building a language learning environment that is supportive across the whole of KS2
    • Ask your teachers to think of ways they can develop lessons that encourage children to explore simple "role play " in their lessons.This blog post may help you to forward plan Exploring role play  and see how we move from "asking and answering questions" to "engaging in conversations" and how this development takes time. These role play ideas will support staff to find simple ways to plan for role play activities with their classes:

    Paper puppets with a purpose - asking and answering simple questions

    Changing faces and Pop Art - UKS2 creative approach to basic personal information questions and answers

    Totem Pole prompt sticks to help children stage their conversation building

    3D Art and practising personal information spoken sentences

    Who lives here? Pictures as prompts to create simple imaginative dialogues language

    • Continue to plan foreign language learning as an integral part of the school calendar.Coming up this month and at the start of March are Carnival and World Book day
    • Plan for a whole school celebration on World Book Day of simple language the children have learnt( greetings , personal information questions and answers, colours, learning a song in a foreign language, listening and responding ) and add a touch of writing and recording this simple language by making mini books. In this blog post there are ideas based around "Elmer the Elephant ", one of the selected books for World Book Day in 2015.Elmer explorers -listening ,speaking and writing
    • Encourage staff to celebrate the culture of the target language country.Carnival is one of the best ways to engage the whole school and to introduce some language and culture in KS1 too.Look at these simple ways that you can link foreign language learning to other areas of the curriculum and continue to explore the Learning Objectives in the DfE KS2 PoS during carnival celebrations


    Exploring the music of Saint Saens and the carnival of animals

    Here is the opportunity to teach a sequence of lessons based on the


    for animals and link language learning to Art/DT/Music/ICT and Drama

    Stretchy sound and letter balloons

    Here is an opportunity to continue to explore

    sound- spelling links

    and create your own strechy colourful carnival balloons too

    Read carefully and understand words,phrases and simple sentences based on fancy dress

    Here is an opportunity to begin to introduce the skill of reading and explore the DfE KS2 POS objective of "reading carefully and understanding words".If you are attending our local network meetings then you can access all the resources you need to deliver this activity in French and Spanish here 

    Training Resources

    Read carefully and show understanding of words,phrases and simple writing

    Over the last couple of week I have been busy delivering network meetings and we have been looking at the theme of Carnival and World Book Day and linking this to learning objectives from the KS2 POS.

    Teachers at all these meetings have asked if we can look at ways to explore  and practise the written word in line with the new KS2 POS learning objectives......

    Today whilst preparing for a language teacher CPD twilight and a CPD event tomorrow,I put together this simple sequence of activities  based on this POS LO: 

    Read carefully and show understanding of words,phrases and simple writing

    Below is an aide memoire for myself (and hopefully for colleagues today and tomorrow).

    We have these picture cards(pirate/King/princess/clown and cowboy).

    (We will be playing guessing games and Quiz Quiz Swap spoken activities around the fancy dress possibilities of these characters.We could potentially be creating written descriptions and recording these using PicCollage of just simple making our own posters etc).

    We already have sound files from Emilie and Ana in French or Spanish describing the fancy dress statement in the first person singular)and I have just made some simple sentence strips of these phrases (one per child from 5 potential phrases) and also some key noun strips(one strip per pair- all identical) linked to these sound files and pictures.

    Step One - cognates anybody?
    Spot the cognates and semi cognates on our key noun strips  with a partner.which words can we very easily understand and why , when we read them?

    Step Two- alphabetical familiaristaion
    Write them out in alphabetical order in the air.(It will just get the children to focus on the words and the spelling)

    Step Three- match making 
    Match the picture and the word.

    Step Four- a peer check!
    Check all the words are with the correct pictures- peer check with another pair.

    Step Five- Finger fast fire listening game!
    Listen to the fancy dress statements' sound files.Pause after each sentence.Look at the key noun strips.Who is fastest to put their index finger on the correct fancy dress noun (I have always called this game "Finger fast fire!)

    Step Six:Listen,read and wave!
    Give each child a fancy dress sentence strip.Ask them to read it to themselves. Have a thumbs up signal to show that everyone is happy with what they read and can understand the words .Now they must listen to the sound files and wave their strip when they hear the sentences they can read on their fancy dress sentence strip. Swap strips and play the game again.Play the game several times.

    Step Seven: Silent Quiz Quiz Swap
    This is a silent game! all the children need to be holding a fancy dress sentence strip.They must not show their sentence strips to each other! The children must read their own sentence strips.Have a thumbs up signal to show that everyone is happy with what they read and can understand the words.The children must now walk around the room and find a partner.
    The first child mimes the character that is on the sentence strip he/she is holding.
    the second child watches the mime
    The second child whispers very quietly to the first child the fancy dress character he/she thinks the mime  he/she has watched depicts.Can this child create a full sentence spoken whispered response (to match the words on the sentence strip card?) 
    The first child gives a thumbs up or a thumbs down.If it is a thumbs down then the  second child is given another chance.If it is a thumbs up ,the children swap roles and the first child guesses this time.
    They then swap cards and move on to the next partner in the room.

    Step Eight.... add new characters and create table games!
    Ask the children to think of  new characters  and then to find these in the bi-lingual dictionary.
    Can they make their own written sentence strip cards and create their own "Silent Quiz Quiz Swap Game for the table?

    La chandeleur games to practise familiar language in speaking and writing

    Have been looking for ideas for la chandeleur - 2 February (French pancake day) and came across this part of the "momes" site with lots of wonderful coloured and shaped pancakes.
    You can access the recipes and the ideas on this part of the momes site blog momes here

    This got me thinking about some very simple and easy to make activities for celebrations in schools  for la chandeleur!
    I have added the new POS learning objectives that could be practised or reinforced with these activities too !

    Pancake spelling collection challenge
    A pancake team challenge for beginner language learners who know their numbers, colours and with children who are moving on who also know fruits,vegetables and possibly flavours) 

    POS:Explore the patterns of language- link sound and spelling

    • Cut out four sets of five coloured circles( each represents a  crepe).
    • Ask the children to count the pancakes for you and to say the colour of the pancake. 
    • Make four piles of the pancakes - one from each colour in each pile.Each of the piles will ultimately belong to  one of the four teams.The teams have to win the pancakes
    • Divide your class on to four teams/
    • The aim of the game is to win the crepes.Each team nominates a "writing" chef.
    • This chef must come to the front and write what you say.You could say colours, number, fruits, flavours (language linked to the umber and colour of pancakes and fillings).
    • The aim of the game is to win for the team one of each of the five coloured pancakes that you have cut out of paper.The chef must write clearly and correctly the spelling in the target language of the word you say.
    • You could play this as a speed challenge with two team's chefs up at the front at the same time
    • Which team will have their coloured pile of pancakes first?

    Spoken flip the pancake 
    A challenge for language learners who have practised flavours (of ice creams) and can use the phrase "je voudrais"

    POS: Speak in sentences ,using familiar vocabulary
    POS: Broaden their vocabulary

    • Remind the children of the flavours of ice creams.For us this will work well with Year 5 as we learn flavours of ice creams in Year 4.
    •  Discuss with the Year 5  children other possible flavours made up of the fruits and vegetables we are practising in our healthy eating module at the moment.
    • Share these as a written record on the board.
    • Give the children chance to try to memorise the phrases you have written on the board.
    • Ask them in pairs now to play flip the pancake (just like verbal table tennis) where they take it in turns to say a flavour "e.g je voudrais une crepe au chocolat"
    • Make this a time challenge 
    • How many flavoured pancakes can they flip in 2 minutes?
    • Make it a "head to head" game and invite volunteers out to the front to  play the "Spoken flip the pancake" challenge!

    Dingbat pancake flips! (Say what you can see)
    A game for all stages of language learners

    POS: Broaden their vocabulary
    POS:Speak in full sentences
    POS: Describe things in writing

    • Give each child a piece of A4 paper and ask them to  fold the paper into four and to draw four circles on the paper.
    • Each circle should be shaded on one side a different colour buy the children
    • They need to cut out their four circles.
    • The children now need to turn the circles over so the white empty side is facing them.
    • They must think of a flavour association with the colour (e.g red - tomato/ pink- strawberry etc)
    • In pencil on the white blank side they need to draw a symbol ( a Dingbat) to represent the flavour
    • On the coloured side they need to write the flavour in the target language.
    • Can other children guess and say the flavour accurately in the target language by looking at other children's "Dingbat pancake flips"? 
    • Can children ask for each pancake politely using a full  sentence target language request?
    • Once the have guessed they can flip the pancake to the coloured side and see if they were correct.

    Alice in Wonderland and describing people in speaking and writing

    What a gift these new commemorative stamps are to celebrate 150 years since Lewis Carroll told his first story about Alice in Wonderland!

    In the new DfE POS we are asked at KS2 to offer children the opportunity to:

    "speak in full sentences"

    "ask and answer questions"

    "engage in conversations"

    "describe people in speaking and writing ""

    The article on CBBC news about the stamps is clear and child friendly with brilliant pictures of the stamps.

    Click here!

    Here is a perfect way to engage our young learners in speaking,writing and creating descriptions... and as I write I am about 7 miles from Daresbury ,where the village celebrates its connections to Lewis Carroll. Indeed there is a strained glass window to celebrate Alice in wonderland in the church and our local town Warrington has a stone table statue celebrating "The Mad Hatter's tea party"

    Thanks to Ana and Emilie here are some of the main characters' names in French and Spanish


    Alice - Alice

    Madhatter- le chapelier fou

    Cheshire cat- le chat du Cheshire

    The white rabbit - le lapin blanc


    Alice- Alice

    Madhatter- El sombrero loco

    Cheshire Cat -- el gato de Cheshire

    The white rabbit- el conejo blanco

    So first of all let's have a tea party! 

    Of  course we could act out what we see and hold a simple food, cafe or at table conversation.  

    We can use all the language we have practised based on foods, likes, dislikes and if you follow our SOW table language from Year 6 to animate this picture of the table with speech bubbles and to create the perfect menu too.....  

    Now let's create our own stained glass window

    Let's investigate the series of stained glass windows in Daresbury church with characters from Alice in Wonderland.Take a look at

    the stained glass window here


    • Let's change the speech bubbles and add our own questions and answers between the characters - as simple as necessary of course ( ranging from greetings,farewells, feelings, likes, dislikes, the time etc)  
    • Let's make it a piece opf Art with tissue [paper and clear glue and add our speech bubbles and writing
    • Let's bring the pictures to life by importing the pictures in to APPs such as Tiny Tap  and adding a recording of the children's voices as sound patches over the  the speech bubbles in character.Can they say the words in character too?

    Let's explore the characters!

    Show them the film trailers in the target language! (Alice et les pays des Merveilles is French version and Alice en el pais de Maravillas is the Spanish version and the German version is Alice im Wunderland)

    Show them the stamps and the images

    A simple description:

    Ask the children who are moving on learners (Year 4 /Year 5) to use bi-lingual dictionaries to write two simple sentences using the verb to be and two simple sentences using the verb to have about a character.We could record our spoken language on

    Yakit for kids

    . Here is an example......

    Alice est jolie

    Alice est petite

    Alice a les cheveux blondes

    Alice a les yeux bleus

    Adding challenge to the description

    Let's see if the more advanced young learners (Year 5/6) can complete some present tense sentence descriptions about the characters and add at least one independently written sentence of their own.Here is an example :

    le lapin blanc est..............

    le lapin blanc porte..........

    Le lapin blanc n'aime pas .........


    Now let's bring the characters to life with animation using 

    Funny Movie Maker

     where you import your picture of the character and add spoken words (so the children's description).There is an android version of this too.


    nd let's keep a written  record of the descriptions 

    • as posters in a class book of Alice in Wonderland or 
    • as our own commemorative A4 stamps with a picture of the character and the words and sentences around the character that the children have written in the target language.
    • as PicCollage posters with imported additional pictures of the book in the target language from the web!

    Different ways to get started with new content and add interest and challenge

    A colleague has just contacted me to ask for ways that we might engage young learners when introducing new content.....

    Here are some of my initial thoughts, 

    Engaging with our senses

    • Make the activity touchy feely - what's in the bag/ magic sack/ under the blanket / cloth etc?
    • Add an element of sensory challenge - don't look! Just smell or taste - what could it be?
    • Hearing the item before seeing it- does it rattle,squeak,clatter  etcetra?

    Be detectives! 

    • Solve the scenario - what collection/ group/ family / situation might all the new items you are introducing belong to (e.g a weather report/ a zoo/ a jungle/ a restaurant etc).Give them pictures of possible scenarios from which to pick (e.g a zoo and a jungle or a cafe and a restaurant)
    • What's the link- in which order should the new items be ordered? Introduce the items in a specific order - can the class spot the link
    • Ask the class to watch and practise carefully the new items and then on tables set up their own "solve the link" problems for the rest of the class.Let the class create link problems for the rest of the class to solve e.g.  one table can pout three of the items in size order - can the rest of the class spot the link and place the other items in to the size order so that the link is completed.Or another group might put some of the items in alphabetical order - can the rest of the class spot and solve the link
    • Conceal all the items under a sheet- so that it looks like a landscape.Introduce the items as a word and a picture , Can volunteers come to the front and spot the items from  its shape under the blanket?
    • Introduce more than one of an item ... maybe specific colours. Can they help you count up the items?
    • Play hide and seek with the items ....just where is that new item?Who can find it first- maybe the pictures are blu-tacked around the room or are wrapped up and need to be unwrapped.Maybe volunteers are holding the possible items or pictures you want to share.
    • Finding the matching parts.Cut your pictures in half and share one half of the picture - now who is holding or where is the matching half to complete the picture of the food,animal,clothes item etc

    Learn together

    • Don't just share the words, ask the children to work in groups to initially find possible words that we might need if we want to talk about animals, clothes , foods etc.Take feedback and see which of the words they have found match the words you want to share in the lesson.Make a list of the other words for additional language later in the focus.
    • Listen to the words first on sound files and ask the children to spot the written word on a flip chart or on cards in front of them.Can they help you to decide how to say the words by listening carefully to the sound files?
    • Reveal a new word or phrase in the target language and ask the children to share in English any fascinating facts they may know about the item - e.g weather (hurricanes/ storms/droughts etc) or animals ( speed of animals/ largest and smallest /habitats etc).Add some fascinating facts of your own- to break up the repetitiveness of practising new words and to add a new dimension to the learning

    Set up a challenge!

    • Be first to spot the longest word
    • Be first to spot the shortest word
    • Be first to remember all the words that start with a vowel
    • Be first to spot the words with two syllables
    • Be first to spot all the  masculine words / all the feminine words/ all the plural words
    • Be first to remember all the phrases using the same verb

    Make a noise!

    Make learning the sound of the words and the phrases fascinating

    • Give words and phrases a beat or a rhythm .Ask the children to identify the words/ phrases just by their beat or rhythm.Make it a pair activity
    • Make the words silent - just repeated in silence in your head
    • Add radio control - loud or quiet responses
    • Silly voices
    • Put the new words in to a nonsense rhyme and add to the rhyme as you add new language.
    • Create an English story interspersed appropriately with the new phrases  and words and  ask the children to see if they can retell the story to each other.

    Ways we developed learning based on the book Au carnaval des animaux Marianne Dubuc

    So how did we get the animals to the carnival party......?

    As this is all about a party , last year I based some simple Year 3 language learning on party games based upon animals.

    Listen,imagine and explore the kingdom of the animals.
    Well last year before  looking at some of story- as it's a long story " au carnaval des animaux "or "el carnaval de los animales" , we listened to some special music by Saint Saens "au carnaval des animaux" to see if we could imagine the animals that might be in the music.We then  went on an animal thought walk .

    • Which animals did we already know in the target language?
    • Which animals did we like?
    • Which animals might be in the story?
    • Which animals might we need to look up in a bi-lingual dictionary because we think they may be in the story?
    ...and then we made our own freeze frame pictures of the animals we had discussed.I called out an animal in the target language and the children took the pose of the animal .They had to stand very still for a count of ten ...or they were out and had to sit down and be a freeze frame statue judge with me.

    We took a vote on our top ten invite animals to the animal party and made a tally chart with the written target language noun at the top of each column.
    We wrote out the words for the top seven animals we wanted as a class to invite to the party  
    We lined our top seven animal words up in alphabetical order - ready for party invitation printing....

    ....and then as a class we investigated soe of the story.What happened to the animals as they put on their fancy dress?

    We took the first five animals and their fancy dress and listened a second time to these pages of the story and drew the animals in the air- as they appeared before the fancy dress and then with the fancy dress.
    We looked through the story for the magical fairy tale characters and played Simon says with the names of the animals and the fairy tale characters and actions we agreed upon to represent each character.(I didn't do this but wish i had ... and this was to create posters of the fairy tale characters with their eyes/nose/hair/teeth etc made up by different parts of different animals )

    C Our  challenge was to get the animals we had chosen to the party!
    I gave out animal name cards and asked the children to remind me of the names they knew of animals and what had happened in the story book.

    We listened again to some of the music from Saint Saens.Take a look at my original blog post on this theme 

    I asked the children to pass the names of the animals around a seated circle until I paused the music and then they had to mime the animal on their card for the person sat next to them.Could the person guess the animal? We then carried on with the game.

    We then played a memory chain game .We looked at our top seven animals for the party and practised with a partner the names and the actions for the volunteers were then lined up at the front and each children had to try to say a different name of an animal .They could phone a friend for help too. Once the children were confident then it became a one against one play off of the game at the front- two children saying animal nouns in turn...who would dry up first?

    The sound -spelling of the animals
    We played several sound -spelling games:

    Animal sounds - walking round the room with a letter string card from the nouns of the animals , quietly saying the sound of the letter string to find other  children with the same sound.Once all the children are gathered in to their correct groups- each group shouts out their sound and the class decides which animal picture displayed at the front of the classroom this sound belongs to.

    Build the animal
    I divided the nouns for the animals into letter strings- preferably two per animal noun.All the children had a card with a letter string written on it from an animal noun on it.They walked around the room and found someone who had the other letter string so that put together it became a complete animal noun.Once they had found the whole word, they had to draw on a mini whiteboard a quick picture of the animal and sit down with their hand up.Who would be first  or last to do this?   

    I used my game "Open and reveal" to anticipate the name of the animals and to link the learning to other familiar language

    Making masks and practising the key phrase to explain the disguise
    ....and then we made our animal masks,ready for our Saint Saens carnival parade.
    We practised the key phrase from the book   in the target languages "I am disguising myself as...." and used our "animal" voices (voices that sounded like the animals).
    If I make them again I think that we should have two animals on each mask....who the children want to be before the fancy dress and on the reverse the animal they want to disguise themselves as.

    Exploring role play

    This blog post is to support those looking for ways to work with role play that encourage teacher and children to practise:

    asking and answering questions
    speaking in sentences
    engaging in conversation 
    describing people,places and things orally (and in writing)

    It is really important that you plan for the stages of developing this skill:
    • From simple responding to a simple question (maybe in a game where the teacher sits children in a circle and the class practise in song or rhythm a question until the teacher stops and selects a children to respond- perhaps by rolling a ball to the specifc child or picking a name tag lolly stick randomly from a tub etc
    • Through to matching appropriate questions and answers that are written on randomly ordered cards and reading them in a correct order with a partner
    • To developing conversations independently using asides and  additional language.
    Take a look at this report for some very real reasons why it is so important to support children to build the ability to engage in conversation with target language speakers.

    Here are some creative ways to develop your role play beyond simple personal information questions and answers, shopping dialogues etc 

    The aliens have definitely landed! Year 4 Spring term observations.

    We have an alien family in our JLN SOW.We introduce Year 4 to the family in Spring and then the children meet the aliens  to practise language across all four skills and grammar  at points later in Year 4,5 and 6. We love our aliens and they never fail to disappoint! Here is part of the family at carnival later in the school year! I say part of the family as our young learners keep on making us new members of the family.I have met the family several times in the last couple of weeks and what is remarkable is that each teacher adds their own style to the introduction and practise of the language around the aliens! 

    Have a look at the difference in approaches between Ana's Spanish Year 4 lesson on the family.Janet W's Year 5 beginners French lesson on our alien family ,Emilie's Bonjour Madame blog post on her alien family lesson and the use of a Voice recording APP and now here below Joanne's Year 4 lesson in Spanish on the "familia alien" - full of drama and performance!


    As you may know if you have been reading my blog posts on observations, I am currently undertaking a routine series of observations of the language assistants and teachers who work alongside me in our primary schools.They deliver primary language learning on a weekly basis.It is such a rewarding and pleasurable opportunity to see what is really taking place in schools.

    This series of blogs is an additional support mechanism for these colleagues,as they can't be in each others classroom and as a team  we meet once per half term for a twilight CPD,So you can hopefully see that these blogs (with a cup of tea and a biscuit back at home) offer them an insight in to each others classrooms and schools. 

    Joanne's "Familia alien" lesson

    • A warm up greetings song packed with actions and  whole class singing , as they gathered on the carpet for the Spanish 
    • Personal information questions and answers - using "the guest" (that was me) as a person to get to know.Praise for children - particularly those who don't always  speak Spanish confidently to new people in the classroom.
    • Incidental language all in Spanish and reminders to " sentaos" to a couple of children not quite sat down or "escuchad" and "miradme" and then an instruction to discuss with their talking partners the language they had met for the first time last week "la familia alien" .....
    • Looking for links (e.g papa/ mama or hermano and hermana) and praise for correct use of definite articles with reward " a star-cash" for someone who really thought hard before sharing a correct article! 
    • Now the whole class was moving around and being the characters with the actions the children had chosen for the characters last week .As many actions as there are syllables in the nouns reminded Joanne. A wagging finger for mama, hands behind the head and a yawn for papa, football kick for hermano and disco dancing for hermana  and  tiny moving fists and feet for bebe! Stereo -typical (as Joanne pointed out) but chosen ,owned  and liked by the children and acted out with gusto!
    • Now we started to use the question " Quien es?" and full sentence responses were expected " hola soy el bebe alien" etcetra...always in character , always with actions,accurate pronunciatrion expected and reinforced  and always performed well.
    • The children were so engaged that they just listened ,joined in and responded to incidental instructions without even noticing that these were in the target language.
    • Today  "abuelo" and "abuela" joined the family! This was a big moment  in this particular school,because when Year 6 were in Year 4 they designed the grandma and grandad to complete the alien family for us.It was their idea! They are precious to the school!
    • Joanne introduced "abuelo" and asked the children to look at the slide from the familia alien ppt and work out how to say "abuelo" before she shared correct pronunciation ... and what we heard was excellent!
    • Then she asked the children to be language detectives think about what they thought grandma might be in Spanish .... and with their talking partners we could hear them say "Well it's hermano  and hermana so perhaps the word ends in "a" (etc).Back came the response "abuela" and now Joanne could introduce Grandma.
    • Of course the class needed actions for the characters and decided on an action that conveyed what one of the children described "Ooh me back" for abuelo and for grandma the class decided on a knitting action.
    • "Can we play a dramatic Pedro dice?" asked one child. What a good idea was Joanne's response.Off they went to their standing spaces and how did the children own the game! Performance filled,volunteers as Pedro dice who had to say whole sentences for the rest of the class.One volunteer won a "starcash" reward for excellent pronunciation,intonation,speed of recall, use of complete phrases and correct use of "o" and "a" for our new characters - abuelo and abuela. How proud was that person!
    • Time for performance in groups.On their home tables,the children had to create a performance introduction to the familia alien for the rest of the class.Each child had to be a character from the family , keep and enhance the actions and add their own alien voice.Joanne clarified that what she was looking for, was clear confident introductions to the  familia alien.
    • As support she offered children the familia alien photo sacks (small card pictures of each character to help with recall of the nouns) but only if the children felt that they needed to use them .
    • As additional challenge  the children were encouraged to add their own sentences - names, ages, feelings etc....maybe even questions for other family members.
    • And off they went to spend 10 minutes creating their  entertaining Spanish familia alien performances for the rest of the class! 
    • Thank you Joanne and Year 4.The aliens have definitely landed!