Bonfire Night at Hillside and St John's, Skelmersdale

Primary Languages SOW

Year 3 and Year 4  we listened to our fireworks song and poem. They joined in by  putting up  hands each time they heard a colour they recognised in the song.

As the schools are following our network SOW the teacher lnked this to the colours and Autumn leaves work they had been doing. Each table chose a leaf from the pile of autumn leaves -all the colours were mentioned in the poem.

Each table had a different colour and worked with their team to create an action for when the colour as a firework 'went off' during the poem. They then practised together before becoming the sound file as they  listened to the song again.

Primary Languages VLE

The classes all thought it was so much fun!!

Music Week and judges at St Benedicts

What a brilliant idea the languages teacher and the subject coordinator decided to participate in the school Music Week! The languages teacher delivered a lesson on French music from the 60's, 80's, 90's and 2000. All KS2 classes practised opinion phrases and then judged a few songs representative of each decade in small groups, marking each clip and saying what their opinion was in French, using the little symbol cards on the photos.  The children filled in opinion grids too!.

The winning songs were announced this week: A tie between Manau and Coeur de Pirate with 119 points (both from the 2000 decade), followed closely by Jean-Jacques Goldman from the 80's with 113 points. 

It was a lot of fun for children and adults alike!

Let's learn some Dutch at Westbrook Old Hall

In the run up to and during the European Languages week, the children learned key phrases in Dutch; learnt 2 children's songs; tried on clogs; watched and discussed a PowerPoint all about The Netherlands and made paper tulips and windmills; decorated plates in Delft style; drew tall, thin, Dutch houses and designed clogs.

Here are some photos from the fabulous displays all across the school!

Well done to Christine and the whole staff!.

Citizens of the Universe at Holy Family, Halewood

Brilliant idea just in from Steph Pierre and Holy Family.

The KS2 children looked at the planets.

They discussed diversity in terms of the world and the geography (which they drew on one side of the plate.

They then watched the World faces video and discussed diversity in terms of people and drew a face of the world on the other side of the plate - some wrote "We are citizens of the world" in the target language.UKS2 added " Mi planeta es la Tierra, mi continente es Europa, mi pais es Inglaterra, y mi ciudad es Liverpool "on the layers of the world!

ETwinning Project starts between Woolston CP and French school

Michelle Quansah has found and established a new link with a French school through Twinspace on  ETwinning.

Absolutely brilliant!

The children from Woolston CP have already sent their messages in a bottle, which proudly sit in the ETwinning space of the French school as "bouteilles de mer" .

The French school love them!

Now the children are about to Skype each other ......Watch this space! 

A magnificent languages treasure hunt in KS2 at Penketh CP

KS2 children at Penketh CP celebrated European Day of Languages by going on a Treasure Hunt.The whole school had a maginificent treasure hunt! 

The children were set tasks around school and their classrooms to hunt out words in different languages.

Year 3 and Year 4 went on a treasure hunt to find out how to count from 0-10 in 10 diffferent languages

Year 5 and Year 6 discovered how to say greetings and farewells in 10 different languages.

The children then made their own fact files

A whole school and cross phase Italian language day involving the wider community - Queen's Park CE

Carol Taylor the languages coordinator organised with staff a fantastic whole school "Italian" day. She led an assembly to start the day and the children looked at Italy's geography and culture including the Y6 children acting out 'Italia ha talento' complete with Julius Caesar, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and Paolo Rossi explaining why each of them should win.


Teachers kindly came in from Cowley high School to lead an Art activity on recreating the ceiling of the Sistine chapel as well as a couple of Italian language lessons. We had a professional dance teacher taking KS1 to do the tarantella and the high school also sent 2 Italian speaking students and a student who knows sign language to lead activities with classes.

An Italian speaking parent came in to do a Q and A session on life in Italy and she finished with Little Red Riding Hood in Italian. I went round most classes with Claude the French puppet and Anna the Italian puppet.

Carol wanted the children to compare the two languages (which they did very well). With Ks2 Carol took it further and talked about the way these languages developed from Latin. KS2 covered greetings, numbers and colours. All class teachers organised Italian themed activities throughout the day such as building the Leaning Tower of Pisa and painting the Mona Lisa.

Going on a KS1 "Sounds and Numbers" Bear Hunt for European Day of Languages at Penketh CP

Following the KS1 theme of "Going on a Bear Hunt" that is one of the KS1 units of work, the children at Penketh CP in KS1 celebrated European Day of Languages in three languages.

KS1 primary languages

They explored the sounds of the story environments in French, counted up to 10 in French to get back to safety, locked the door by counting up to 10 in German and then all the way back again in Russian with 1-10.

French mime artists and Spanish Emotions at Oughtrington CP

Using the Marcel Marceau video clip "The mask maker",  Year 5 explored masks and making your face a mask of an emotion.

The children in Year 5 have just started learning Spanish after several years of French so the link between two languages and cultures was really useful for European Day of Languages too.

The children explored emotions and phrases for different emotions in Spanish  and the created emojis to represent the emotions.