Coordinators' November Checklist

You may also find useful ......: First week back checklist , Coordinators October checklist.....

Below is your November checklist to keep primary languages up ,running and thriving in your school with the suppport of our PLN VLE and services.

  • The new Start Up VLE phone call .We are offering all network school coordinators the opportunity to spend 15 minutes on a phone guided tour of the tools and folders of the VLE.Just email us if you would be interested in this.Contact us here   
  • Have you booked your free 1 to 1 consultancy yet? Here's an article sharing the hot topics at 1 to 1 consultancy meetings in the first half term. 1 to 1 consultancy hot topics
  • As network member schools you can attend this half term the free coordinators' CPD afternoon or twilight with Janet Lloyd at Chapelford CP,Warrington (just off the M62). Coordinators have the opportunity at the CPD session to discuss and consider  the DfE PoS Attainment Targets,PFL progress,use of the Primary Languages VLE and our new Primary Languages Development Award. To register for either the afternoon or the twilight CPD session click here. Coordinators' CPD
  • If you work in Knowlsey or Halton you may be interested in the Knowsley free twilight LNM on 17 November.Details here: Knowsley LNM 17 November
  • If you work in Leigh,Wigan,Bolton and surrounding areas you may be interested in the Leigh free twilight LNM on 24 November .Details here: Leigh LNM 24 November
  • Key updates to the PLN VLE .There is anow a slimline and easier to access Tracking and Assessment folder situated in Teaching Resources on the VLE .Plus there are now optional reading texts pre-prepared to support all teachers with the Reading tasks with the Puzzle It Out assessment sheets in both French and Spanish( from Y3 Autumn 1 to Y6 Summer 1).
  • Take a look at the support resources that caught my eye at the London Language Show Live in October? 
  • Has school considered applying for the Primary Languages Development Award? You can start this at any time of the school year.
  • Share with your staff the opportunities to add a touch of language learning or culture to the many festivals and celebrations during this half term (Bonfire night,Amistice,Sankt Martinstag,Dia de los muertos, Halloween, Nativity,St Nicholas Day, Christmas).Our seasonal special folders (one per half term) can help all your staff with simple resources, clips and ideas that can be used by all your staff in their own classes.Take a look here at the folders in the Seasonal Specials Autumn 2 folder.
  • Ask staff to add a phonics focus to their language teaching and learning , using either our Let's Read Y3 and Y4 materials (in KS2 SoW Plus),our Phonics Focus ideas ( in Teaching Resources)  or our Y3- Y6 very simple to manage Phonics Tracker activities (with direct links from Ready Made French and Spanish lesson planning) , 
  • Continue to track progression in language learning with our Tracking Sheets (one per class) completed by the PPA or class teacher and shared with you the coordinator at the end of the half term.Just photocopy them and hand them back to staff ready for the next half term.
  • Continue to upload evidence and data to the User Files on your school's VLE- a secure, unique area for your school
  • Why not plan to celebrate primary language learning in your schools assemblies with a simple Christmas carol or song? Ask all staff and classes to participate in practising and performing some or all of the carol or song and begin to share and organise this now.We have songs and sound files on the VLE to support all staff. 
  • Each KS2 year group will have their own Christmas focus if your school is following the PLN SoW/Ready Made resources too .
  • Keep an eye on the network blog posts on the VLE this next half term for updates to support school in the run up to Christmas , as we create new resources or share sites and materials. 


  • Have you seen the "Dance in the Community" lessons ,linking PE and Dance with simple language learning in French,Spanish and German? Will fit beautifully with the PLN Y4 Autumn 2 and Y5 Autumn 2 focus on the town and the city .The lessons can be used as "one off" PE lessons or as a sequence of lessons leading to a performance for a class or school assembly.The activities can be delivered in any language and we have provided the sound files for the target language components in French,Spanish and German.
  • We are also offering afternoon taster sessions (charge per afternoon ) in French with Yoga and PE in Spanish or French.Once again contact us if school is interested in participating in this project.Great way to take languages across the curriculum.Contact us here


Finally our Local Network Meeting resources from the Autumn LNMs are available to all network members in the Network Resources area of the VLE- Lights,sparkle, celebrations! Activities focus upon nouns, adjectives, verbs and cultural celebrations. Some of us are thinking of using the Stars and Feelings ideas for a KS1 performance at Christmas, others are thinking of using verses from the "Sparkle Poem " in French,Spanish and German as spoken Christmas cards using sound files and APPs..... 
