Sparkling Sound Spelling

Last week Emilie and I shared two of our favourite sound -spelling link activities for Year 3 or 4 prinary language learners.

Our stretchy balloon and colours:  Stretchy balloons and letter strings

Numbers,colours and sound ladders which focuses on looking for shared sounds and letters strings in colours and numbers.

These two activities are well received evry time, so it made me think about what we are doing on a regular basis in the classroom .I asked the associate teachers to share their favourite sound -spelling activities this term. To help you to add a little more "sparkle" to the language learning games you already use in the run up to Christmas. Hope these ideas are useful and a huge thank you to each associat teacher who has shared an activity.

Tracy:"The children love playing hangman to practise spelling. We have used it this week to practise spelling numbers"

Steph S "I've just done the 'colour word choir' from y3 sow. Children firstly found their colour friends by whispering their colour words by grouping together as they walked around the classroom. They then practised their colour word echo and we discussed the sounds of the words. I then 'conducted' the echo choir by pointing at each group on turn

Sally "I have a set of Spanish phonic sounds in a plastic wallet. They are written on stars. We practise the sounds and we play a game where we think of a word that has the sound in. Individuals or teams. It can be played different ways. The teacher can say a word and the children have to find the star on the board that has the correct sound to match. If you have time you can try to use the letter patterns to write words on whiteboards.".

Michelle "We link the words up to the English wherever possible and think of clever or silly ways of remembering how each word sounds. The next step is playing 'Finding Nemo and Dory' where two pupils come to re front and put in a Nemo and and a Dory sleeping mask. A third pupil then stands up and says 3 of the new words. Dory's job is to guess who is speaking, Nemo's job is to recognise the 3 words. The whole class has to be engaged because if Nemo gets it wrong they have to correct him."

Kate S :"Fishing for phonemes using magnetic fishing rods and flashcards behind a sea scene and matching them to the correct pictures on the floor.  For example 'oi' in poisson would match with the picture of a fish amongst several pictures laid out on the floor".

Emilie: " I like playing sound families where children have a sound and they go round the classroom whispering it to one another to find the rest of their 'family', then find and stand next to the corresponding grapheme."

Carol:"We often write the word on the board without vowels. A boy and girl come up, whoever finishes the word gets a point and they get to add a feature onto a face. (Six features in total) They get an extra feature for correct accents."

Robert: "A phonics game  I am enjoying is like musical corners.Iplace different words around the room with different sounds in like the ll (y) in amarillo. Then children have to go to the word with the sound in, that I have written up on the board. I also love written words in invisible ink and with sparklers and partner writes the letters they can identify and "see" to guess the Word.Works really with with colours and numbers for example."

Kate K:"I find the 'spot the trickster' game with envelopes  works really well. You can adapt this to suit any vocab items. Simply write the correct spellings on the front of each envelope and put a picture of the word / number inside. Then add a few more misspelt words to the front of some other envelopes. Choose common mistakes (athul / amareeyo etc) and display all envelopes at once. The idea is to spot the trickster and find the envelope with the picture inside".

 Carmelina:"The children love to use the Petit Pots Phoniques by TTS that I was lucky enough to win at the Languages Conference last year. If we have come across a particular sound in our earlier work or are focusing on a sound we get out the relevant pots. I go through the objects, write up how the word is spelt and challenge the children to pronounce the word correctly. Points are awarded to the class if they get it right!"


Two years ago we were fortunate to receive phonics in languages CPD from Julie Prince too, and here is a link to the CPD report I wrote.It is packed with great ideas! 

Phonics and Literacy with Julie Prince