Bring it to life!

November in Primary Languages Network has been a step in to physical language learning .If you read my blogs you will know that I am passionate about creative learning  and children exploring language learning in a wide range of ways. Above you can see Yoga with French.. more later in the blog post.

Within the resources we provide for the Ready Made French and Spanish and our German KS2 SoW we explore how to link languages and drama, languages and music, languages and creative speaking and writing. Sometimes it is about offering teachers time to explore simple physical learning themselves too , to see how this could work with the children.


We are trying to empower primary teachers to explore primary approaches to language learning. Yesterday I was delighted to receive this:

We are now producing simple learning plans and resources to link languages to  PE, Gymnastics and Dance. The focus is on PE with languages and using language as the vehicle to develop each physical activity. The lesson planning that all teachers can use ,is designed by a qualified PE teacher and the sound files and resources are created by our native speaker associates. 

Our Dance in the Community lessons are being trialled by St Barnabas CE and will lead to an end of term dance.Emma, the current MFL coordinator will share with us the results at the end of the term .I went in to school last week and was really pleased to hear how well the lessons are going .She is using our planning, the native speaker rresources, the music clips we have suggested and she is going to develop her own extensions to some of the activities.Great! 

Physical Fireworks is a Gym lesson for either KS1/LKS2 or KS2 .We produced the planning and the resources in time for Bonfire Night and were thrilled to hear how schools had used these lessons.Teachers felt that they could deliver these lessons whether or not they were confident target language speakers. 

What was most remarkable about the lesson you see above, is that Tom is a PE coach and was suppoirted by the lead on Spanish, Gwyneth,  at the school . She was delighted to see language learning being taken out of the classroom and successfully being delivered by a non-specialist colleague in school.I am sure Gwyneth will be working with Tom on our new resources for the Christmas PE with languages lesson.

Yoga with languages seemed to me a very sensible move. I am delighted with the response and interest.

Children are learning relaxation techniques, strengthening their bodies,exploring shapes and movements and at the same time listening and respondng to target language. The French/English relaxation story worked on so many levels at the end of the session too.

Bringing language learning to life works on so many levels, empowers teachers, puts languages centre stage in the primary learning curriculum and gives children  memories and activities they want to keep and share.