Keeping the PRIMARY in language learning

We have just changed our Primary Languages Network Twitter feed @JanetLloydnet and our  associate teachers' Facebook Primary Languages Network page cover pictures to the picture you can see in the tweet above. The strap line is "Keeping the PRIMARY in language learning" because this is at the heart of all we do.

Today I start my "snapshot observations" and I am really looking forward to this because in schools around the North West I am going to see new and familiar ideas, primary approaches, classroom primary resources all being combined to achieve effective learning that is creative and relevant to young learners across KS1 and KS2. Our network VLE and membership has proven to be an effective and successful way to allow us to share this between network schools. (A cooperative of good and outstanding classroom practice!)

Here is a taste of just what we do on a regular weekly basis in our network schools ,whether delivered by PLN associate teachers, PPA teachers in network schools ,class teachers and HLTA non-specialist teachers.In my opinion it needs celebrating and we need to thank the teachers and the children too!   


You will be able to follow the snapshot lessons on this blog from later today .

Search for "Snapshots 2016-2017" on the blog or on Twitter search with the hashtag #youcantoo